Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Compensation and Self-Affirmation

It's time to close the conversation down. You decide to acknowledge the comments and show some respect, but you don't have the energy or the inclination to go back and forth for the next hour on this topic with someone who isn't going to change. Ultimately, it's your decision. Brandon, you know I respect your views, and I appreciate that you have my son's interest at heart. I think we could debate this topic all day long. Professional musicians typically are quite shocked when they learn how much they are influenced by visual cues. A recent series of experiments showed that competition judges consciously value sound as central to their decision. Only the experimental evidence shows them that, in fact, they are instead relying heavily on visual cues. Checkershadow illusion, part 2. Consider another, quite different example. A study examining the parole rulings of Israeli judges found that they ruled far more leniently right after meal breaks. Differing degrees of leniency were the unintended consequence of hunger, fatigue, the depletion of cognitive resources--and design. Just prior to taking a break, the judges reverted to the easy solution: the status quo. After a break, they were more deliberative. The timing and number of breaks the judges took--the design--had unintentional consequences. This intense energy acts like a shield deflecting off energies that are full of negativity. That negative energy will be sent on a path towards another direction or transmuted completely instead of absorbing this into yourself and making it about you. The sun is bright, and it gives life but with a balance. If the sun is out all the time and there is no shade, what will happen? If there is a plant in the dirt while this sun is blazing, some plants will adapt, thrive, or burn up.

Human beings know they are not equipped to sit out, frying in the hot sun. We just were not designed to withstand that force. In order to achieve balance here, the crown chakra and heart chakra must be attuned as well. The dangers of not simultaneously attuning these can result in loss of the soul's purpose. When your soul or heart is not in it, and your mind is not logically working it through, you will find yourself in constant need and suffering at the will of temptation and guilt over the greed you have attained. I get that you had a very positive experience when you were at school and you hold strong opinions about how kids should be educated. However, my opinion is different. In the same way I respect you, I hope you can respect my views, too. My boy is happy. He's learning and doing really well. That's what I care about. Maybe there's no right or wrong in this conversation. Kids can flourish no matter where they learn, so let's agree to disagree, shall we? You end with the best smile you can muster to let Brandon know there are no hard feelings, and you hope he won't push back and try to keep needling you. Right, you announce. Bad designs, whether consciously or unconsciously chosen, lead to bad outcomes. Bias is built into our practices and procedures, not just into our minds. Here is our opportunity. This article's goal is to offer good designs to you; Based on research evidence, we can change the environments in which we live, learn, and work.

My principal focus here is the stubborn, costly problem of gender inequality, but the recommendations I make stem from a wealth of research about decisions and behavior that go well beyond gender. The article takes as a given that people make mistakes; As a consequence, these mistakes reduce everyone's well-being. The solutions I recommend come from the field of behavioral economics--putting up screens, timing breaks well, and dozens of more and less complicated interventions--all building on insights into how our minds work. My invitation to you is to become a behavioral designer--because it works, because it often is rather easy and inexpensive, and because it will start to level the playing field and give everyone greater opportunity to thrive. The heart chakra teaches us to be appreciative and grateful for your life as it is. When living in a state of graciousness, you are able to receive the gifts of what you desire. In this, I mean your intentions will be pure, and what you need and want will be attracted to you. Working on your healing process involves a lot of layers. It isn't just one thing that you do that helps you overcome your obstacles on your healing path; The way we work, play, sleep, and rest, all have major impacts on the frequency we carry. If you are living your life in a healthy balance, then you are likely to sense and feel when something is out of whack right away. If you aren't used to living in balance, and you are accustomed to living as a person who hasn't paid much attention to spiritual awakening and personal growth, then finding a balance can take some time and a lot of adjustment. You basically have to reprogram your entire being to live in a new way. Part of chakra healing is that you are finding new ways to experience your life to be healthy, whole, and happy. I'm going to go grab some drinks. What would you all like? If you want to disagree respectfully, it can help to acknowledge that you fully understand the other person's viewpoint. This will disarm them and stop them from repeating the same arguments. State that you don't have the appetite for disagreement, then firmly change the subject.

Discerning Body Language and Facial Expression Although it's impossible to quantify their impact, tone of voice and body language reveal a great deal about a speaker and their intentions. This article shows you how to improve communication by watching the gestures and expressions of others and using body language. The Art of Acknowledging Negative Nonverbal Communication Sometimes it pays to watch nonverbal responses even more closely than we listen to the words being said. Much like interior designers or landscape architects, behavioral designers create environments to help us better achieve our goals. They do not define goals, but they help us get there. Referred to as choice architecture in Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's path-breaking article Nudge, behavioral design goes beyond law, regulation, or incentives, although it acknowledges that these are and will remain important. But they do not always work. Based on 41 million observations for the population of Denmark, for example, research shows that tax subsidies have only a tiny impact on savings. Such incentives require people to take action and respond--which 85 percent of Danes fail to do. In contrast, behavioral designs that do not rely on people reacting to incentives but instead employ automatic mechanisms--such as automatic employer contributions to retirement accounts--do much better. They substantially increased the amount of money retirees have available. We do not always do what is best for ourselves, for our organizations, or for the world--and sometimes, a little nudge can help. A simple curtain transformed what orchestras look like and doubled the talent pool. Questioning how you keep yourself whole, well, and happy is where you begin to find out how your lifestyle is impacting or negatively affecting your chakras. We all have our vices: sweet treats, coffee by the gallon, alcohol at the end of the day, cigarettes, and so on. When you look at all of these things as you are healing your chakras, you may begin to recognize how powerfully they can affect your energy and why it is important to face the truth about your body and your energy centers. Let's take a look at the nutritional and exercise piece of chakra healing and how treating your body likes a vessel of positive energy means taking good care of it from the inside out. You Are What You Eat and Drink

There are so many different kinds of food and beverages available today. Everywhere you go, there are at least 5 to 10 different versions of the same bottled water, or soda, or bag of pretzels. The world is full of options for many people, and it will be a challenge in a world full of temptation to let go of some of the things that you are probably used to eating for pleasure, enjoyment, or because you think it is a healthy meal for you to eat. Looking back to the first article, recall that everything is energy and vibration. The whole point of healing your chakras is to help your entire being recover from a possible lifetime of thinking, feeling, and seeing negatively, or at least less than you are capable of doing. When we are alert to the flicker of a raised eyebrow or a slight change in voice pitch or rate of speech, we receive extra input that can help us decide what to do or say next. Some people struggle greatly with reading even the most obvious body language and verbal cues. Have you ever seen a person just not take the hint, even when faced with a frown, pursed lips, folded arms, and other negative body language that screams no? Conversely, the change in facial expressions may be subtle and quickly disguised, but these, too, can be telling. In 1967, clinical psychologist Dr Paul Ekman coined the term micro expressions, or facial expressions people reveal in a microsecond before we have time to compose ourselves. The primary expressions are fear, disgust, anger, happiness, contempt, and sadness. When the words you hear don't seem to tie in with their facial expression or body language, let nonverbal communication guide you. Have you ever been the underdog? Maybe you're going for a promotion at work, but you know all the other candidates are older and more experienced. You carefully watch the interviewer while you verbally recap your resume. Benefiting from 100 percent talent is good business for orchestras and just about every other organization. Careful timing of breaks allows judges to make decisions more accurately and fairly. To the business case, then, we must add the moral case: behavioral design is the right thing to do. There is no design-free world. Organizations have to decide how to search for and select future employees.

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