Sunday, 8 November 2020

Facts of Life

I couldn't do a thing. I couldn't do a thing to help myself. I couldn't protect myself, defend myself, save myself. I pause, suspended in mid-thought like that scene from The Matrix. I look around at myself, wondering. That was the best thing I could do at the time to survive. I was supposed to `couldn't'. I feel triumphant, like I've had the thought of the decade. Dangerous versus totally safe People who see the world through a dangerous schema rarely feel safe. They're hypervigilant and take inordinate precautions whenever they venture outside the relative safety of their homes. They see the world as a jungle and worry constantly about when the next lion will spring from the underbrush. Sometimes their fears grow to such proportions that they rarely leave their houses. On the other hand, people who see the world through a totally safe schema unwittingly take unnecessary risks. Oblivious to the need for being reasonably cautious, they venture forth in life and, not surprisingly, frequently suffer serious consequences for their clueless naivete. The middle ground schema in this dimension is called reasonably safe. People with a reasonably safe schema manage to reign in extreme paranoia and hold onto appropriate cautions at the same time. Both the practices a parent uses and the characteristics of a child's neighborhood and school strongly influence the development of these schemas. In 2003, I moved to Florida and kept my mother from entering a nursing home for eight years. My sister and mother forbade me to do fine art.

My mother entered a nursing home in September 2011, and I'm finally doing fine art again. My main customer at present is a hobby rocket company in Ohio. A thousand miles does not deter us from doing business. The owner of this business gave me permission to add this quote: Steve's branding expertise has given personality to all our rocket kits, and his expository writing skills enable us to communicate seamlessly. In May 2006, a psychologist working in vocational rehabilitation for the Board of Education of Florida diagnosed my condition as autism and Asperger's syndrome. This was crucially important, because all my life I carried the labels of mental illness, which must specify a date of onset. Upon receiving my diagnosis, I finally understood what I think I had always known--that I was born this way. I have been employed full time as a certified registered nurse anesthetist for twenty-four years. Their behavior seems normal, but in a healthy relationship, it is unacceptable because they cause problems. Their behavior is part of a habit pattern related to emotional or physical abuse, even if they seem reasonable. Skilled robots know how to use people to make themselves look like victims. They know how to add twists to the story or cover up their footprints to make sure they get what they want. They know how to use words to express your thoughts and emotions. You must suspect manipulative behavior in your relationships; If you want to know, Am I being manipulated? Test yourself by asking for signs of manipulation in the relationship. Here Is What You Are Looking For They provoke little things. She was a university engineering student who'd never practiced meditation and figured she might as well dive in head first. She seemed to enjoy herself, asking questions where appropriate and following the meditation schedule rigorously.

But four days in, her mood noticeably shifted. She began walking through public spaces with her head down, and that night I heard her crying in the adjacent room. At breakfast the next morning, I could see she was still in a great deal of emotional pain. During a question and answer period with one of the monks the next day, Rachel shared more of her story. She'd been on vacation in Thailand four months earlier, during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami--one of the most devastating natural disasters in history. The death and destruction she'd borne witness to had haunted her ever since. She'd come to the monastery in part because of its connection to Thailand and was struggling with images and memories of the tsunami in meditation practice. She found the hardest part, however, to be the quiet and solitude: I thought coming here and being in silence would help me heal, she said as she started to cry, but it's just bringing it back up. The higher self generates tasks for us that are stored in the nervous system in the form of blocks - some of which we've generated ourselves; A block acts like a road sign. For example, we get back pain because we've worked ourselves too hard, and if we look at the sign saying `Back Pain,' we can address it. However, if instead we take a painkiller, the reasons for the back pain can't be worked through. The higher self looks and says: Has the block gone? Okay, then I'll put something else on it. This continues until we resolve the block. The problem with this is that we can't overcome this block in the area of the mind that lies `above. As humans we preserve experiences. The body has an incorruptible memory, the physical memory. I have to admit to you here that early on in my childhood, teens, and early twenties, I had this problem with hell and Satan, no doubt due to my Catholic upbringing. At night, I prayed, If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Which implies, of course, another option. Satan might take it! I did believe that there was a Satan and he was mean! And it's not like I could just say, Nah, I don't believe that anymore. To me, the whole idea of an eternity of punishment was pretty stuck in my bones, and it took a lot of therapy and work to get it out. No surprise--my religious background has a long history with the devil. The article Ars Moriendi, The Art of Dying, that Latin text I mentioned from about 1440, has a lot of devils hanging around dying people. It was written right after the Black Death, and you can imagine why they needed this article at that time. After someone teaches you the bill-pay process, it will be much easier than writing checks, stuffing envelopes, finding stamps, and mailing. Online banking keeps records of your transactions, so it is easier to remember. Gaming is a popular source of entertainment for many stroke survivors, from virtual reality games to more simplified solitaire and everything in between. Many games help stroke survivors with dexterity, memory, vision, and comprehension, all while having fun. You and your physician will determine when you are ready to return to the workplace. The first is called transitional and the second is supportive employment. Transitional services offer part-time employees the short-term assistance of a job coach contracted through your local Rehabilitation Services. Supportive employment measures include a Rehabilitation Services job coach who will work with you for an extended time to ensure you understand required tasks, your work environment, and appropriate work ethics. This will not only save travel time and expense but conserve your energy too. If you decide this route is for you, make sure you stay active outside of the home as well. The picture is, however, normally mixed. Patients with jaundice often become so yellow that it would be comical if not so tragic, whereas the sallowness created by pancreas deficiency is subtle.

These are people who do not have an overactive spleen creating excess bilirubin, but instead an underactive pancreas allowing accumulation of toxins and hence fluid. One of the commonest groups to see this condition in is people with irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a name for a wide range of gastrointestinal symptoms and it is a diagnosis of exclusion. If the doctor finds nothing wrong in his tests then your gastrointestinal symptoms are thrown in the bin that is `IBS'. No wonder it is so poorly managed and generally ignored by Western doctors - it isn't even really a diagnosis. However, Chinese medicine has very clear ideas about what is going on and at its heart it is often the simple result of a deficient pancreas allowing Dampness to develop. In the case of pancreas-deficiency Dampness it emerges not, as in kidney or heart failure, as a result of failure to eliminate fluids, but as a result of osmosis. In other words, the Dampness appears first as toxic metabolites, which then drag water in behind them. But on she pushes, relentlessly. I take a deep breath and force my brain through the fog. I couldn't then but it doesn't mean I can't now. I couldn't then was adaptive. It helped me survive. But I can't now isn't adaptive. It's not helping. It's keeping me stuck. It's a belief that fits that world, but it doesn't fit this world. It was a good belief then, but it's not so good now. Abusive parents raise children who may exhibit dangerous schemas because they're used to feeling perpetual fear. On the other hand, parents who overly protect their kids are likely to have children who go into the world with an exaggerated sense of safety because they never let their kids feel fear.

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