Sunday, 8 November 2020

I've Done It Again

Sadness: Lack of smile and apparent reluctance to do so are signs of sorrow. Sad people are also more likely to be downcast. Their facial body language looks energetic, especially when compared to happy people. Concentration: When a person concentrates, their eyebrows are lowered and more focused. The colloquial expression is weaving eyebrows. Their eyes also seem to be more concentrated, and in general, they will be more determined no focus on what task they are engaged in. Generally, positive emotions are related to looking more focused and centered overall. If a person is focused, it means that they focus their visual appreciation on a specific point or area. What would be useful to hear from me? SOCIAL CONTEXT All of us belong to groups. Some of these groups are ones we choose, such as a group of friends or people who share an interest. Other groups are those that are assigned to us, such as the generation we were born into--baby boomers or millennials, for instance. Whether we identify with these groups or not, they inform our identities and influence our lives. The interconnected web of identities we carry can be thought of as our social context--a particular set of factors that influence our lives in any given situation. Social context includes one's social identity (age, gender, race, ethnicity, class background, sexual identity, dis/ability, or religion), locale (a city, a town, a suburb), peers, community, and country of residence. To understand our social context, we need to consider how social groups function, why they matter, and how they relate to trauma. Our experiences of the world--including our interactions with each other--are informed by social groups and factor into how we can be effective in our work as trauma-sensitive practitioners. However, this doesn't mean that it'll fall into your lap by itself. When you let go, opportunities and people will step into your life.

This doesn't mean drifting through life without a plan; It's like driving a car: If you rush past all the exits on the highway, what might await you there will never come to you. If you can't stop because you're too focused on a goal-oriented desire, you'll not seize opportunities and chances. You need to pick an opportunity that's ripe. When you're free from blocks and a fixed desire, this can happen easily. Then, however, it's a matter of manifesting and energetically anchoring this opportunity in your G3 space. It's only through your acceptance that you ultimately decide what you receive - this is distinct from what you want. So many possibilities open up before you! It took less time than getting the oil changed in my car. Again, a caveat so that I don't get sued later: This little bit is not meant to be a comprehensive legal or medical guide. There are lots and lots of articles and programs out there for this. This is just my own personal journey about getting the most important documents done. The whole point of this article, in fact, is to offer up something from the Regular Gal Who Needs to Get Her Stuff Together and Help Others Die Well Too. So I'm not going to pretend to be more than I am. I'm just a regular schmuck who is getting her shit together. To tidy it all up and have a full sense of completion, I also filled out The Conversation Starter Kit, at conversationproject. I put it all in a folder clearly marked IF I DIE and told three people where this folder is. I told the image of Richard Simmons in my mind: See, I did it! Levine refers to this as the fear/immobility cycle--a conditioned sequence in which our experience of one stimulus begets, and then reinforces, the other. This fear deepens our freeze and our lungs constrict further, which then begets more fear.

It's a vicious cycle. What the fear/immobility cycle reveals is that paying attention to traumatic stimuli can actually retrigger traumatic states. By feeling fear, we can trigger--and deepen--a freeze. Dylan offered an example of this: When he was sitting in meditation, he became aware of a pit of fear in his stomach. If he brought mindful attention to these sensations, he'd sometimes enter into a mildly frozen state. He'd feel a subtle sense of paralysis when it was hard for him to move or take a breath. These sensations were not only uncomfortable for Dylan, but frightening. He wasn't in control of his body. Instead, when doctors treat abnormal menstrual bleeding the first line is invariably to use hormones to take control over the menstrual cycle. If this doesn't work with the `Pill' then they will use progressively stronger hormones until eventually they induce an artificial menopause. Sledgehammers and nuts come to mind. Another approach doctors use is a drug called transexamic acid which works by stopping clots being broken down. This works well but can cause blood clots elsewhere. Neither treatment really gets to the underlying pathology, though - instead, they are working around it. In my work as a doctor I have met many women with painful and heavy periods, and I always recommend Acupuncture. Even simple massage at the point San Yin Jiao SP-6 is very effective. Part of the way in which it works is probably through the hormone histamine. If there is one hormone that is associated with the liver, it is histamine. Forgiveness just means that we don't abuse back. But it doesn't change the damage that's been caused to us.

I pause for breath, but not for long. We're still traumatised. Forgiving them, writing off the bill, doesn't miraculously fix the damage. It just means that we agree to pay it, because they won't. So instead we focus on fixing the damage, rather than getting even. Because if we spend our whole time insisting that they pay the bill, we don't heal. That's all. Because there is nothing they can actually do, now, to make it better. In fact, common factors among most of these therapies include A positive therapy relationship A focus on problem solving An emphasis on skills for enhancing the ability to regulate emotions Structured goals Guidance in understanding self and others Acceptance of clients' emotions Enhancement of the clients' ability to observe their own behaviors and emotions In articles 15 through 20, we present an array of techniques that reflect these common factors. Your therapist may primarily use one of these techniques or present you with a treatment that attempts to integrate the best features of each, much like we do in this article. They need to get over the fact that they have Asperger's. It's not a disease--it's just a way of life.

We need to get these people up and functioning. The single most life-changing event for me was writing my article, Asperger's Syndrome: When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade. This was the very first time I actually stopped to think about my life and what I have accomplished. Until this point, I've always just worked diligently toward my next goal, never looking right or left and never looking back. As I began to write, all the events of my life started flooding into my mind like the bursting of the Hoover Dam. At times, I could hardly type fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. It was a daunting task, because along with all the memories came the emotions, as well. There were endless times I started typing only to have to stop because I couldn't see any longer for all the tears. This process is related to mental function enhancement and is sometimes referred to as mental concentration. In this way, facial body language can additionally suggest a person's way of thinking. An obvious example can be found in daily conversations: a person looks at the person they are talking to, which is the main focus of their visual attention, while also thinking about what they are saying, which proves the enhancement of their mental function. People who do this seem to be focused on understanding others, both visually and psychologically. Inattentiveness: Inattentive facial expressions usually raise eyebrows, making the eyes look inattentive. An unfocused person will not be so enthusiastic about any task they are performing. Frustration, boredom, and anxiety are usually related to inattention. Confidence: Confident facial body language involves a more concentrated, focused, and energetic appearance. A confident person is also more likely to look up and be willing to make eye contact with others. Fear: The facial body language of a worried person usually looks stressed and lacking energy. In the current social context in North America, certain social groups have more power, access, and privilege than others. In the United States, women are paid 78% of what men make for doing the same job--a percentage that hasn't changed in over a decade.

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