Greener Pride, an initiative of OUT for Sustainability, works with organizers to move toward carbon-neutral, zero-waste Pride celebrations across the globe. Interfaith Power & Light, an influential multifaith organization, draws together individuals of different faiths who have a common purpose in mobilizing against climate change. As Dan Kahan puts it, What we need isn't more evidence, but people seeing other people who they identify with acting on the basis of the evidence. IN OUR PANIC over the state of the planet, it can feel as if everyone needs to change everything. Whenever I hear a well-meaning adult ask a group of kids, What do you think we should do about climate change? I can't help but think how misguided that question is. If we were in a surgical theater, would we ask a kid, What do you think we should do about this brain tumor? Inclusion and abdicating responsibility are very different things. Acceleration is what allows you to get to the puck or ball faster. In most cases, top speed will be taken care of when acceleration is done properly. I grew up in a bad neighborhood, surrounded myself with bad influences. As a group, we would hop fences to take apples, pears, plums from backyard gardens. The owners when they saw us would shoot us with salt guns. They stung real hard, and you will see the wounds for days. We would tease local dogs. We would stomp our feet two to three times and run. The dogs would come full tilt, and those who were not fast enough to jump over a fence or jump up the light poles would get bitten. We ran for our lives. For example, women and East Asians--groups that both tend to focus on maintaining relationships--are less likely to loaf than are more agentic and individualistic groups, such as American males (Karau & Williams, 1993). People also loaf less when they find the task interesting, personally meaningful, or rewarding (Brickner et al.
Zaccaro, 1984). The twin Petronas Towers in Malaysia were constructed by workers from two different countries who competed against one another to finish their tower first. Competition between groups also decreases loafing, most likely by increasing group value. When construction on the Petronas Towers in Malaysia began in 1993, they were planned to be the tallest structure in the world. Because the plan called for two identical towers to be built simultaneously, each tower was contracted to a different company, Tower One to a Korean corporation and Tower Two to a Japanese firm. Whether by design or happy accident, the pace of building soon became a matter of national pride for the construction workers, who marked their progress by comparing the heights of two flags that steadily rose higher as the build advanced. If only all construction projects could be so speedy! Social Facilitation and Social Loafing Compared Rather than asking each of us to be or do all things, the Age of Personalization enhances our capacity to target and tailor our contributions within broader networks of people with other specialized skills and routes of influence. A sort of communal intelligence emerges when we use our devices and/or connections with other people to engage with these issues--personalization enables us to have a collective effect that would be impossible as individuals. Hope exists in delivering strategic responses together. WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES ACTIVELY RESPONDING Wolves make rivers Salmon grow forests Seabirds fertilize coral reefs Every last one of us is made from new stars and old stars We are always becoming. IN 2019, RESEARCHERS at Tel Aviv University recorded ultrasonic squeals made by tomato and tobacco plants stressed by lack of water or by having their stems cut. In recent years scientists have revealed the astonishing capabilities of plants to see through photoreceptors in their leaves and stems; Now, for the first time, plants have been recorded making airborne sounds. We not only feared bein bitten but also feared explaining it to our parents. Our parents' disciplinary style was a lot worse than a dog bite.
I am talking about hospitalization. There were no such things as submaximal days like Oh mister dog, don't run so fast today. It was running like your life depended on it, day in, day out. Local track clubs ended up scouting and recruiting us, a few got full scholarships, and became some of the fastest in the country. During that time as a competitive sprinter, I asked the late Charlie Francis, a Canadian Olympic sprinter, and sprint coach, How do I run faster? He answered, Run faster. I did not understand what he meant until years later. This was my first exposure to nervous system training. At this point, you might be thinking that social loafing and social facilitation contradict one another. According to social facilitation theory, performing in a social context heightens people's concern with being evaluated, improving their performance on an easy task and impairing performance on a difficult task. But research on social loafing shows that performing in a social context can reduce people's concern with being evaluated, impairing performance on an easy task and sometimes improving performance when the task is challenging. What gives? It's important to remember that the nature of the social context in these two effects is very different. In the context of social facilitation, others stand by watching you perform, and you feel yourself in the spotlight. In the context of social loafing, others are working alongside you toward a common goal, and your own individual efforts feel anonymous. Another difference is that, in most studies of social loafing, task performance is mostly a matter of motivation. It only takes effort to clap or cheer or pull a rope. On easy tasks such as these, being accountable or watched will increase effort and boost performance. I keep an ever-growing file of scientific discoveries, like these, that demonstrate the astonishing capacities of other species: archerfish can tell one human face from another; North American brown bears make a paste of osha roots and saliva to rub through their fur to repel insects;
Birds carry no provisions, yet they survive winter storms. Eastern gray whales have no hands with which to hold their babies as they cross busy shipping lanes, yet increasing numbers of them successfully navigate one of the world's longest migrations, from Mexico to the Arctic, each year. Sea otters restore kelp forests, and eelgrass beds as well. Animals and plants are not the helpless victims we so often portray them to be. This doesn't remove any of our responsibility to care for and repair the Earth, but it should change the way we consider the needs and extraordinary contributions of other species. Yet we're often so focused on humans, we fail to notice other species, including the plants that give us oxygen regardless of whether we're behaving well or badly. Botanists have coined the term plant blindness to describe our widespread failure to see the plants around us, despite our utter reliance on them. It's a bias we learn as we grow up in a human-centered, and to some degree animal-centered, world. In scientific terms, we were activating higher threshold motor units. Athletes start speed work after they have completed their balancing the body phase, and at least one phase of strength building. In a standard twelve week off-season program, that usually means week 6 and on. While different athletes have different needs and timelines that a professional coach can adjust and modify, I am going to use a standard twelve week program as a reference. The purpose of phase one is to get you stronger, powerful, and moving quickly. That is just the initial phase to get you to learn how to utilize max effort work to activate higher threshold motor units to get stronger. We do speed work in phase two because the athlete was already being exposed to new stresses at max effort in phase one. We do not want to pile on too much stress all at once. We want the athlete to adapt to those intensities and the volume before adding on another stressor such as high-intensity speed work. Applying too much stress too fast will cause an athlete to regress. But for other, more complicated tasks, effort alone doesn't guarantee success. You cannot ace your college boards merely if you are motivated enough;
The threat of being negatively evaluated on these tasks can impair performance even when motivation is high (Forbes & Schmader, 2010). Deindividuation: Getting Caught Up in the Crowd Sometimes when individuals are in groups or crowds, they lose their sense of individuality. This psychological state is known as deindividuation. Deindividuation is the opposite of heightened self-awareness. As we discussed in article 5, when people are highly aware of themselves as individuals, their actions tend to be guided by their personal attitudes, moral standards, and goals. But when people feel deindividuated, as in a crowd, they are more likely to do what others around them are doing, even when those actions run counter to their internalized attitudes and standards (Postmes & Spears, 1998). Deindividuation If you want to test this for yourself, pull up a photo on the internet of an elephant standing in a natural habitat of grasses or trees. Show it to a friend and ask them, What's this a picture of? Dollars to donuts most of them will say, An elephant. They will not mention the trees or grasses, let alone name them, because ever since they were little kids, people have been showing them photos like this and pointing out the elephant, and rarely, if ever, the plants. The current scientifically accepted estimate is that there are 8. But the truth is, no one knows for sure. Life is far too wonderfully diverse, complex, vast, and, in many cases, miniscule in size to tally. Scientists say estimating the number of species on the planet is one of the greatest challenges in biology. Current estimates range somewhere between 5. You are nature While applying too little stress will cause an athlete to plateau. You never want to be training in an extreme fatigue state which is not conducive to proper adaptation.
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