Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Different Yet the Same

In contrast to interpersonal forgiveness, intrapersonal forgiveness is an individual process that may occur on the part of a victim or perpetrator. In this process, re-establishing or reconciling the relationship is not always possible or warranted. Sometimes, relationships are unsafe, such as when one is abused in a relationship. This is certainly the case in our example with Sheila. We can understand the feelings of hurt and betrayal Sheila experiences toward her mother as well as her father. But can Sheila, or any victim for that matter, choose to let go of feelings of anger or resentment toward a perpetrator? Think about a time when you felt like you were carrying around a lot of emotional baggage. How did you feel? It would benefit you greatly to impress the subconscious with messages of success, prosperity, and positive thinking patterns. What you feed your mind is what you'll get in life. Certain frequencies produce certain effects in the body. One of those frequencies is 528hz. 528hz has been used for centuries by monks and other spiritual guru's to fight off illness and restore the body. Many people believe that it can even heal damaged DNA. Nature celebrates 528hz and all of life resonates with it. 528hz has been used to purify and separate oil from water during ocean oil spills. I would highly recommend meditation to this powerful audio (download it for free at YouAreCreators. My wife and I use this and we haven't experienced the common cold in quite a while! I really loved you. Trust me, I wouldn't have killed myself.

The pain of a life without Aditi would have been unbearable. I know that you will take care of Papa. Forgive me, if you can. But you will burn on earth for the rest of your life too. God will never forgive you. Aditi, if you had given me a chance to change, all this wouldn't have happened. My rage was just a reflection of my emotional wounds. You wanted me out of your life. --Alexander den Heijer As you learned in article 3, the safety and trust that grow from the secure bond between baby and caregiver are much more than a cozy connection and protection from harm during the earliest years of complete dependency. Through touch, holding, rocking, and pleasurable face-to-face contact, a foundation for behavior and learning (whether favorable or unfavorable) is transmitted through the quality of their relationship. If there is a nurturing exchange imparted via the caregiver's regulated heart, an ongoing awakening experience occurs for the newborn, assuring stabilization of the infant's heart. This nonverbal resonance, imprinted at a cellular level from conception, continues after birth to shape both the anatomy of the baby's brain and the trajectory of development of its nervous system physiology. You also learned that establishing safety and trust is the first stage of growth and psychological development. A secure attachment is the template from which a sense of self blossoms. Providing experiences for babies to thrive in certain key ways is foundational to the physiological maturation that underlies psychological health. In particular here, I am referring to the myelination (insulation) of the smart ventral vagal nerve that extends downward from the ventral (front) surface of the brain stem, innervating the internal structures and organs responsible for the ability to relax, vocalize, smile, sleep deeply, and thoroughly digest food. As the toddler grows up, the ventral vagal system lays the foundation for self-soothing, regulating emotions, and eventually enjoying the satisfaction of making friends. We have not come to that point as of yet. Unfortunately, the majority of people on the planet are still not awake or aware of what goes on.

This process is usually mistaken for a mental illness, a nervous breakdown, or a midlife crisis; There have been many instances where the partner or family member of the empath has advised them to consider medication and this suggestion was taken. The empathy went to a doctor, expressed what was happening and was quickly placed on some kind of antidepressant. Now your awakening process has been prolonged and it will take longer than necessary which will slow down the natural flow of your abilities. Empath Support You are already seeking out support by simply taking one small step and purchasing this article; By now, you have come into your power, so it is time to begin to start your journey of educating and supporting by sharing your story with others. If you do not have spiritually awake people in your life, that is fine. It is a romantic thought to believe we can give everything we have and then still find a way to give some more, but it is not realistic. When you are low on fuel, you will feel tired. This means even small donations will seem like too much. Imagine a printer that has run out of ink. You can order it to print out well-defined pictures all you want, but it is only going to produce less colored and more faded content until eventually, you will not be able to get anything from it. That is because something that has not been given good things cannot be expected to put out good things. The same thing goes for yourself. When you are overwhelmed by stress and do not feel like you could ever get everything done that you need to as you come up with more responsibilities to pile onto that already impossible list, there is no way that you are going to be giving your best performance. There is a common misconception that a higher level of stress will lead to increased productivity. Actually, the opposite is true. And here's a sampling of responses from people who do believe in ghosts: A3.

Haven't seen one but know people who have. While I'm open-minded about their existence, it's impossible to prove something doesn't exist, and therefore my opinion probably won't change. But also have zero desire to argue about it. I'm for sure a solid A3 most of the time. I wish science backed up my beliefs, but still refuse to give on my position given my personal experiences. I am a strong C3 due to personal experience, but I'm not 100 percent sure that what we experience as ghosts are actually dead humans. I've been in several homes that I couldn't wait to get out of. The engineer in me also realized it could be due to odorless chemicals in the air--I believe carbon monoxide poisoning can have that effect. I'd say to myself, aww I look mad cute in this dress. Or shit, this dress makes my butt look really big. Then I made a list of positive power words. That's deep, right? It's one of the best ideas I ever googled. After doing some research on how to use them, I knew that the more positive words I collected for my vocabulary, the more likely I could communicate my emotions with clarity. Using positive power words made sure that I wasn't leading every conversation I had with, My mom just died, I get a pass. I learned the true power of my words when I started responding to people rather than reacting to people. Please trust that learning to become non-reactive is a continual challenge for me. In a conversation the difference between reacting and responding to someone is about 5 to 10 seconds of thought. Letting go of emotional baggage is tough, especially when the emotions are directed toward someone else. But maybe letting go of negative feelings toward others will be liberating, and this can increase a sense of emotional health and overall well-being.

Perhaps the best way to think about why you might want to let go of emotional baggage is to consider the amount of energy it takes to maintain such feelings. Consider the following dialogue I had with a client who was harboring a lot of resentment toward her ex-husband. Client: I removed myself from this relationship, but I'm still hurt. I'm so angry. Rick: If you felt like you were in a better place, what would that look like to you? How would you know you were doing better? Client: I would not be so angry. But I'm just not ready to forgive him for what he did to me. You'll wake up refreshed and recharged. On Moderation An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate.- Criss Jami Everything in moderation. Too much of anything will cause a burden in your life. Balance is the name of the game. It's vital that you take time off to recharge your batteries, even time off doing the things you love. When you come back, you'll have more energy and a plethora of new ideas. Even Jesus spent 40 days alone in a desert. On Being Child-like I have done as you had wished. Now I am no more.

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