Meditation also helps you control your thoughts and mind, putting you, as the proponents of Buddhism believe, in control of your life. When you feel a company or store is treating you poorly, you may be tempted to take it out on a staff member, but try to stay cool. You were eyeing a pair of pants to wear to your best friend's party and finally decided to take the plunge and buy them. They weren't cheap, but they had a classic cut and were made by a decent brand, so you figured they'd be a good investment and would last a few years. But after wearing the pants just once, dancing the night away, you discover the side seam has come undone and your skin was exposed. You hope no one saw it. You take the pants back to the store. They should have been more durable, and you're frustrated that the quality was so low given the high price you paid. Unfortunately, it's been more than 30 days since you bought the garment, and the store policy does not guarantee refunds after this point. You approach the customer service desk feeling irritated that you have to make a case, but you remember to be polite and courteous. After all, the young guy behind the counter didn't make the pants. In all pairs of circles, the left circle is labeled as self and the right circle is labeled as other. The self-expansion model also posits that the experience of self-expanding adds pleasure and excitement to relationships (Aron & Aron, 2006). On the basis of this idea, Aron and colleagues proposed that early in relationships, during the honeymoon period, people are getting to know each other. This stimulates a great deal of rapid self-expansion and exhilaration. Over time, however, the self-expanding aspect of a relationship tends to slow down as the relationship falls into routine. The challenge then is to keep the process of mutual self-expansion going over the long haul, an idea we will return to later in this article. Models of the Experience of Love Attachment theory, terror management theory, and the self-expansion model help explain why love is a virtually universal and very important aspect of human experience. Other social psychological models of love provide insights into the subjective experience of love and the various forms romantic love can take.
Schachter's Two-Factor Theory: Love as an Emotion This is an extremely empowering gift to have. So many things in life are out of our control--but by learning to control our thoughts, we can respond to situations wisely and calmly and make better choices. This skill becomes even more pronounced when your third eye chakra is awakened. Meditation develops clarity and improves concentration and is possibly one of the best ways to relieve stress. These are just a few of the benefits of meditation. All of the physical and mental benefits--as well as the research that confirms them--are just too numerous to list here. How Does Meditation Work? When you meditate, your brain enters into an alpha wavelength state (which is different from the normal beta wavelength state that the brain resonates with). In this quiet and relaxed state, the mind becomes more open to receiving subtle messages and insights from our third eye. The regular practice of meditation allows you to enter more and more easily into the alpha wavelength state, and, over time, you can receive deeper wisdom, knowledge, and information from the non-physical realm. It wasn't his fault. Excuse me, you say. I bought these pants here, but can you see how this seam is ripped? The guy examines the pants and the receipt. Oh, you bought them more than 30 days ago, he says. Let me check if we can still give you a refund. Although you want to snap that he sure as heck had better be in a position to get your money back, you hold your tongue. After all, it pays to be polite--firm and no-nonsense, but not hysterical. The clerk returns and explains, Sorry, but the refund period has expired, so there's nothing we can do.
You decide to escalate the situation rather than arguing. Falling in love and being in love can be intense feelings. Where do these feelings come from? Berscheid and Walster (1974) applied Schachter's (1964) two-factor theory of emotion to understanding love as a felt emotion. As you'll recall from article 5, Schachter's theory proposed that emotions result from the combination of two factors: physiological arousal and a label for that arousal based on cues present when the arousal is being felt. This theory suggests that when an individual is aroused in the presence of a member of the preferred sex, and in a context that cultural learning suggests is romantic, he or she may label that arousal as love (or lust). One interesting implication of the two-factor theory is that cultures direct when and with whom the label love is most likely to be applied to arousal that occurs in the presence of another person. That is, cultural scripts tell us when to label our feelings of arousal as love. A second interesting implication is that the real source of the arousal doesn't always matter, as long as it is labeled attraction or love. Consider a study by Dutton and Aron (1974). Adult males were interviewed on one of two bridges over the Capilano River in British Columbia by an attractive female interviewer or a male interviewer. It also helps strengthen spiritual gifts. Types of Meditation The types of meditation are varied and diverse. Zen meditation, Vispana meditation, mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, Taoist meditation, and mantra meditation are some of the most popular. There is also a type of meditation for almost anything, from relieving pain and stress to meeting your higher guides. But ideally, meditation should be approached with the goal of achieving inner calm and deeper awareness--and the sheer bliss of just being able to forget the world and relax. Meditations for the Third Eye Meditation allows us to switch off the thinking, logical mind. When the mind is quietened and enters an alpha level wavelength state, it then becomes a filter for subtle insights and messages from the third eye.
All types of meditation are effective for opening the third eye. You hate scenes and your heart is pounding, but you need to take this further. You take a deep breath, and in the same assertive tone, you say, Can you kindly get the manager? The seam was clearly poorly stitched. The item was faulty. I wore these pants only once, and I need to talk to someone who is authorized to help me. Within a couple of minutes, the store manager is in front of you. You state firmly but unemotionally that you are a good customer, the pants were faulty, and you are firm on seeking a fair solution. The manager offers to let you exchange them for an item up to the same value. You are happy that your strategy to stay resolute and not accept no for an answer has served you well, and proud you were able to resolve your issue calmly. When making a complaint in a store, it doesn't pay to fly off the handle. One bridge was a very wide, safe bridge, only 10 feet over a small rivulet. The other bridge was a wobbly, narrow 450-foot suspension bridge over a 230-foot gorge, with shallow rapids below. Dutton and Aron assumed that the narrow bridge over the deep drop would generate some physiological arousal because of the possibility of danger (and perhaps also the spectacular setting), whereas the small footbridge would not. Applying the two-factor theory, they thus proposed that men interviewed over the scary bridge by the female interviewer would attribute some of their arousal to their feelings of attraction to and perhaps romantic interest in her. They therefore predicted that men would be more attracted to the female interviewer if the setting was the scary bridge than if it was the safe bridge. Dutton and Aron used two clever dependent variables to test this idea. First, while on the bridge, the interviewer showed the interviewees an ambiguous picture of a young woman covering her face with one hand and reaching out with the other and asked them to write a brief story about it. Dutton and Aron had the stories coded for sexual content. They expected more sexual content in the stories by the men who were interviewed by the female over the scary bridge.
Second, they had the interviewer give the interviewees her phone number in case they wanted to learn more about the study. Guided meditation and any sort of mindfulness meditation will work very well. However, the following are the most powerful for opening and nurturing the third eye. Meditation 1: Trataka Meditation This is an ancient meditation derived from the Tantra and Hatha yoga practices. In Sanskrit, Trataka means to gaze or to look. This meditation requires you to sit perfectly still on the floor with legs crossed in the lotus position. If this is not comfortable, sit in a straight-backed chair where you can keep your spine straight. Close your eyes and breathe deeply from your belly for two-to-three minutes until your body is completely relaxed. Focus deeply on the area of your third eye chakra. Continue to focus on the area for a few moments. The most effective response is to stay cool and in control. You can make it clear from your words, tone of voice, and body language that you're not going to be brushed off with an unsatisfactory response. Small Talk Can Lead to Big Opportunities Small talk gets a bad rap because some people see it as trivial or inconsequential. But sometimes small talk can pay off big. From a friend who works in sales, I learned a great little framework you can use to come up with topics for small talk. It's called FORM, for Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Motivation. All these topics are lighthearted and inoffensive, but they can lead to deeper conversation and beneficial opportunities. As any salesperson will tell you, opportunities come out of conversations.
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