But this does not mean they will jump into the sack with anybody and at any opportunity. So, if your energy centers are blocked, you'll experience various illnesses. When one or two of your chakras are not spinning, the energy is not evenly distributed throughout your body, resulting in some of the organs may not function well. For example, your heart chakra is in your chest area, and it covers the heart and the respiratory system. So, if your heart chakra is not spinning, you'll experience heart and circulation problems. You are also susceptible to respiratory diseases and allergies. The throat chakra governs the throat and mouth area of your body. So, if it's not functioning well, you'll experience mouth ulcers, sore throats, and thyroid problems. Many Western medical practitioners do not believe this, but your chakras can affect your body functions. Balanced chakras can optimize your health and vitality, while unbalanced chakras can wreak havoc in your life. Chakras and Emotions The day of the meeting, Briona and Stan go first. Their presentations are not great, but they get the basic information across. Your own presentation is clearly a cut above. Your graphics and slides are polished. You've had plenty of time to rehearse exactly what you want to say, and your transitions are smooth. The hours you've spent preparing in front of the mirror pay off, and you receive an ovation from the team. Layla is glowing with praise. She announces in front of the team of 20, That was one of the best presentations I've ever seen. I absolutely loved it.
You did a fantastic job and set a great example. They are also more likely to have sex within a committed relationship (Feeney et al. Securely attached An attachment style characterized by a positive view of the self and others, low anxiety and low avoidance, and satisfying, stable relationships. Low Avoidance/High Anxiety: Anxious-Ambivalent Adults. Anxious-ambivalent (or preoccupied) individuals tend to have a negative view of themselves (ie, low or unstable self-esteem) but a positive view of others. They have short, intense relationships but with many emotional highs and lows (Hazan & Shaver, 1987), featuring frequent feelings of passion, jealousy, anger, and smothering (eg, Davis et al. Shaver et al. They tend to fall in love very easily but at the same time are skeptical of how long love can last, and they are dissatisfied with the attentiveness of romantic partners. When people high in attachment anxiety become parents, they become especially concerned with their children stealing time from their romantic partner (Jones et al. They give affection according to their own needs, as opposed to being responsive to the needs of their relationship partners. Chakras do represent not only your physical body but also your emotions and parts of your consciousness. When there is tension in your consciousness, you'll feel it in the chakra that's linked to that part of your consciousness. For example, if your boyfriend leaves you, you'll feel the pain in your heart or chest area. You'll feel like you can't breathe. When you are nervous about something, your bladder becomes weak, and your legs tremble. When the tension persists, it can result in physical symptoms. The Chakras and the Quality of Life The chakras do not only affect your physical body; So, if one part of your life seems off or something in your life is not working, then one of your chakras may be blocked.
When one or two of your chakras are blocked, some parts of your life may be doing well, while other parts of your life may not be doing well at all. It was head and shoulders above the other talks we've seen today, and I want to commend you on your hard work. You smile with pride but also feel a sting of embarrassment because you clearly had much more time than the others to prepare, and yet Layla didn't mention that to the group. As she continues to praise you, Briona and Stan look down and sink into their seats. Clearly the lack of acknowledgment for their efforts and the heaping praise for yours has made them feel embarrassed and dejected. Layla finishes off by saying, I hope you all took note of how great that presentation was. Let this be the new standard for the team. Don't come to me with anything less--let's set the bar higher. You smile thinly but also feel very awkward that no one has acknowledged that you didn't have a level playing field. At the end of the presentation, Briona and Stan don't look at you, and they are first to leave the room. It seems everyone is left feeling bad--except perhaps Layla. They fulfill their partners' need for relatedness but not their need for autonomy (Hadden et al. Anxious-ambivalent An attachment style characterized by a negative view of the self but a positive view of others, high anxiety, low avoidance, and intense but unstable relationships. Not surprisingly, they also use and see sex differently. Like many other aspects of relationships for these individuals, sex can become riddled with anxiety. The more attachment anxiety men have, the older they are when they first have sex, and the less frequently they have intercourse and with fewer partners (Feeney et al. Gentzler & Kerns, 2004). But among anxious-ambivalent women, greater attachment anxiety predicts higher likelihood of having sex, earlier age at first intercourse, and less exclusivity in partners (Cooper, Shapiro, & Powers, 1998). In part this is because such women succumb to pressures to have sex (Gentzler & Kerns, 2004) and use sex to avoid partner disapproval and to reassure themselves of their self-worth (Cooper et al.
High Avoidance/High or Low Anxiety: Avoidantly Attached Adults. For example, your career may be doing well, but you have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. If you are a spiritual, kind, and compassionate person, but you have a hard time paying your bills, you may also have blocked chakras. When your chakras are not functioning the way they should, you feel there is an imbalance. Your subconscious tells you that something is amiss. The chakras represent who you are --your intellect, emotions, creativity, spirituality, sexuality, careers, principles, and belief system. So, if your chakras are not balanced, you'll lose sight of one part of your life. You'll likely develop psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, delusions, and even nervous breakdown. What Causes Chakra Blockages? Chakra blockages are caused by several factors --belief system, career, living situation, financial situation, and relationships. Traumatic experiences such as abuse, accident, and loss of a loved one may also cause chakra blockages. What would you have done differently if you were Layla? Might you have toned down your generous praise and shared your feedback with each team member in private, rather than shaming the weaker presenters in front of the group? Could you also have shared your opinion on each presentation but acknowledged that Stan and Briona did a commendable job considering the short amount of time they had to prepare? Can you think of other ways you might have communicated more thoughtfully than Layla? If you're singling someone out for a compliment, make sure you're aware of the impact on others within earshot. Take care not to unwittingly play people off against each other or inadvertently insult or slight one person while praising another. Keep Your Communication Consistent You're on a first date with Liam, whom you recently met online. All his communications have been open, friendly, and kind.
You exchanged some great messages before you met, and you had a few relaxed phone conversations, during which you both shared goals, aspirations, and details about your lives. Participants who report higher levels of avoidance tend to have shorter relationships that lack intimacy (Hazan & Shaver, 1987). They recall their mothers as being cold and rejecting. They don't believe love endures, are fearful of closeness, and lack trust in romantic partners. Avoidantly attached people perceive their intimate partners as feeling more negative emotions about the relationship than the partners actually experience. These biased perceptions in turn lead them to act in hostile, defensive ways in daily life (Overall et al. They are also more sensitive to their partners' negative communication, which escalates conflict (Kuster et al. They seem not to want to get much from their romantic relationships, are emotionally distant, and tend to ignore their partners' needs for care and intimacy (Collins & Feeney, 2000). They allow their partners to fulfill their need for autonomy but don't fulfill their need for relatedness (Hadden et al. People who are high in attachment avoidance are more likely to delay having sex, and when they do, they do so in contexts that limit intimacy, such as having more casual as well as solitary sex (Cooper, Shapiro, & Powers, 1998). This is partly because avoidant people tend to use sex to affirm their desirability and to cope with negative emotions rather than to seek pleasure or enhance intimacy. Negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger, stress, and fear, may also put your chakras out of balance. For example, being physically and emotionally abused by a former partner may cause heart chakra imbalance. You might have ended up closing yourself out to potential romantic partners. You may also tend to feel empty most of the time. Your root chakra represents the foundation of your being. So, if your parents did not have enough money when you were growing up, and they failed to provide enough for you, you'll most likely experience root chakra blockage. You may constantly fear that you do not have enough. You may also constantly worry about money. Opening and Closing the Chakras
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