Tuesday, 10 November 2020

The Bothersome Barometer

So I had to proceed on foot. When I finally reached Land's silver gates that day, I experienced an intense sense of happiness. I thought to myself, `Doc doesn't break his promises. Values change so much in the span of a life. As a kid at home, I would literally fling a chapatti that was even slightly undercooked across the dining table--I was that demanding. The years I spent on the streets changed me. I was grateful for every morsel of anything that I put into my mouth. Surprisingly, the meals were more delectable and filling too. They tasted better for a reason: the special flavour came from my deep sense of gratitude. When the animal is overwhelmed by the tranquilizer dart, the parasympathetic dorsal vagal immobilization response is activated. Afterward as the freeze effect wears off, the discharge of flight/fight/bite together with the orienting responses of eyes, ears, and neck release through movement, twitching, and breath; Humans need to reset their autonomic nervous systems, as well. This is all part of the normal mechanism of self-regulation. The good news is that humans share this same capability with our animal friends. But, unfortunately, we tend to inadvertently block the very sensations that would help us. In the next article you will learn the importance of encouraging sensational intelligence, interoceptive awareness, and helping students befriend their senses and learn a new vocabulary to describe them. You will also become versed in the brain science foundational to understanding how to guide your students to gently release their symptoms by allowing nature to take its course--just like our polar bear friend in the YouTube video! In fact, showing this video to older students in Health, Science, or Homeroom classes can bolster their confidence in surrendering, rather than blocking, this instinctive and innate ability to discharge activation and relieve fear. What Keeps Children and Adults from Releasing Threat Arousal? Keep a bottle of water at your desk at work, on your nightstand for when you wake up in the morning, and keep one in your gym bag, so it is there when you finish working out.

Where ever you are going to be or planning to be, there should be a bottle of water nearby as well. This is going to assist you in getting better at drinking water, even if you are not a fan of it. Now we can discuss reading more articles, using the same tactic works really well for this, because if you are sitting and waiting somewhere, and you have a article with you, you will pick it up and read some of it. Make it a point to keep a article at your desk, this way, when you have a few moments, you can read a few paragraphs in your article, and it will start to become a habit. Eventually, you will look forward to reading, instead of having to come up with ways that you to make yourself want to read anything at all. If you always keep one nearby you, there will not be a need to think about trying to buy one or check one out at the library. When you operate in this manner, you will be able to pull out your article anytime that you have spare time, this is a good habit to get into, it serves as an alternative to many other things that we do with our breaks. Life is like a big puzzle, and we get tips, hints, messages, and answers from all types of sources, and dreams happen to be one of them. Take the time to pay attention to your dreams, document them and you will start to see answers and clues in them. This is why you have to take it with a grain of salt when a person tells you that hard work and putting in effort gets you nowhere. For one, they might not have tried as hard as they think they did because we do have a tendency to tell our stories in a way that paints us in the best light. Those who get ahead by cheating and cutting corners are often found out, and then they lose what they had. You may not be able to change your brain overnight, but you can start the journey today. You can say, I am not going to engage in thoughts and behaviors that are harmful to my health, success, and relationships anymore. Whenever our brains work in a way that harms us instead of helping us, one of a number of things can be at play here, or a few of them are working together at once. You might not have found the means of learning that best suits you yet. Maybe there is a negative belief you hold about yourself. You might need to let go of some things from the past that you feel poorly about when you look back on. Whatever the problem is, the answer is in your brain. The antidote to arguing with a projection is to always know whom you're disagreeing with, make sure they're a real human being in the conversation with you, and then actually listen to their argument rather than putting words in their mouth.

When you find yourself arguing with your own shadow, you might as well sit down, because it's going to last a very long time. KELLIANNE AND I HAVE BEEN in our house for five years now and have definitely reduced the rascally oxalis's claim on our yard, but even more important, I've learned to welcome the oxalis when it appears every spring. It has pretty yellow flowers. Our kids enjoy it because you can also eat it and it doesn't taste too bad. Of course, our instinct is still to immediately yank the plants up on sight, but now this task is done with a begrudging respect for our shared enthusiasm for growing roots in sunny Berkeley. This is an argument in the realm of the hands now, which doesn't have an end so much as an established commitment to an open dialogue that carries us from season to season. When you learn to appreciate how arguments have deep roots in our relationships with others and ourselves, and how they participate in a cyclical dance, springing up every once in a while, it's possible to appreciate them as partners rather than as enemies. The key is to dance between chaos and order with the rhythm of our relationships, maintaining a healthy balance of each. THE GIFT OF DISAGREEMENT She was supposed to be there for my wedding, my grandchildren (although I don't ever want any), my first house, my first article. My mom was supposed to live forever, even though I had just spent the past eight months joking with her about what the Upper Room would look like when she got there. We had so many questions. Like: do you have to wait in line to see Jesus? Because I feel like Jesus is really popular in Heaven, so it might take her a minute to get settled. Is there a meeting that happens between Jesus and all the new angels? Then I wondered: do you see Jesus first and then God? Or does anyone really see God? I had (and still have) so many questions. But this is what we talked about. I bet you've heard the saying You can't see the forest for the trees.

This saying stays true in the so-called forest thinking as well. When we analyze the intensive boundaries of a problem, considering every single aspect--or tree--of it, we can lose our focus on what matters. Instead of trying to narrow down if a particular dishwasher stopped working on Sunday afternoon, it's more useful to see how often the dishwasher breaks down in general, how big the load is when it breaks down compared to the load when it works well, and so on. Forest thinking shows us the on average state of a system. To improve your forest thinking skills, try to discover similarities rather than differences--especially when in an organizational setting. Just because every person has their own strengths, doesn't mean that they don't share some attributives--being useful for the company for instance. One person can be terrible at maintaining good relationships with the customers but can be exceptionally good at critical thinking. Instead of looking at individual factors, take a look at some central questions like What is the interaction between the aspects guiding someone's work morale? Operational Thinking Take the empty seat in front of you or see another pole that is in front of your nose. You don't know to do this, because nobody thought to give you instruction. I say it again: they are not to blame! It is their lack of knowledge that caused your lack of knowledge. Nature is the best teacher. Just watch the mother hen. She is teaching them to make their own decisions. She is teaching them to be independent and fend for themselves. I told this story to Nikoletta and asked her to call me back the following week. Well, next week came and went and she didn't call, but I heard from her younger brother that she was fine and taking no more pills. The more inconvenienced you are while maintaining a value, the more you enjoy it,' my father had told me.

I was experiencing his statement mathematically, as a law of direct proportionality between the variables, inconvenience and happiness. Values were the constant. By the time I had graduated from medical college, a new and sturdy set of values had blossomed in my life. Empathy, compassion, bravery, discipline, meaningful relationships and consistency were some of the values on which I would build a happy life for the next thirty years and more. I genuinely value family now. Since many of my meaningful relationships had no biological connection but were family to me, I created my own definition of family: Family is a unit that is created when people of common needs or interests or pursuits get together and share collectively, with mutual caring and respect. Today, I am proud to be a part of a wonderful family that includes my wife, kids, sister, and over 1200 recovering addicts and their families. This adds incredible value and happiness to my life. Happiness = by-product of a good value system. Why then do humans suffer from trauma symptoms? There are several answers to this vital question. First of all, we are more complex than other creatures. Endowed with a superior rational brain, simply put, we think too much. Thinking is all too often paired with judgment. Animals do not have words to judge their feelings and sensations. There are no guilt trips, shame, or blame games. The end result is that they do not impede the healing process of returning to balance and homeostasis like we do. Another reason is that we are not accustomed to such strong physical sensations. Without skill to guide rather than impede these involuntary reactions, the instincts that animals take for granted can be frightening--both to children and adults. It might be a little strange at first, especially if you are not into writing things down, but you will begin to feel comfortable doing it quicker than you think.

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