Monday, 2 November 2020

Why should you focus on personal development?

They did what they did best--responded to a hurting person. They seemed so concerned for the mother that they seemingly had forgotten that someone needed to get the baby out of the closet. It's not uncommon for thinking people to intimidate feelers, because they can give reasons for their decisions. Feelers know what they believe to be right but usually say, I just know it's right, but I can't give you the reason. Some T's are so into reasons that they won't consider something new unless the other person can give three reasons for it. One of the most typical relationships that develop is between a male T and a female F. This connection has the most potential for creating divisiveness and long-term problems. T's need to think about and analyze their emotions. Researchers suggest that these overcontrolled offenders allow their frustrations and hostilities to build up until they boil over into an extreme act of aggression. Research taking the social neuroscience perspective looks at the brain regions involved in impulsive aggression (Davidson et al. Raine, 2008). Recall that the prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that governs our ability to monitor and control our behavior. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder have an 11% to 14% deficit in prefrontal gray matter relative to matched controls and individuals with other psychiatric disorders (Raine et al. Other research showed that convicted murderers displayed less glucose metabolism in their prefrontal regions than their less violent counterparts (Raine et al. Differences in prefrontal functioning also predict aggressive responses to provocation. Participants with weak frontal-lobe functioning tend to be more aggressive (administering painful electric shocks) toward a confederate who has previously provoked them than when they were not provoked. In contrast, the effect of provocation is substantially weaker among individuals with strong frontal-lobe functioning (Lau et al. SECTION REVIEW Individual Differences in Aggression For the person who is on form and pushing hard with discipline, having a fresh slate each morning is a challenge. It's a chance to push hard and prove yourself again, making your mark in life and progressing towards your goals.

This is the best way to take advantage of the momentum you have going for you; Your efforts have maximum impact, so don't ever slack off during this time. Use your mental discipline to make the most of it, and get as close to your goals as possible. Hot streaks seem pretty easy to deal with then, but what about slumps? Ups and downs are commonplace everywhere. Sports, businesses, even nations as a whole - everything is always improving or declining, nothing stays constant for long. Whether you call it a slump, a rut, a hole, or anything else, they all mean the same thing - a patch where your performance has declined and isn't up to the usual standard. This standard is what you have set for yourself through your goals, through your self-image, and through your actions/performance. They bring to a marriage emotional control and reserve that can limit intimacy. They want to understand intimacy, not experience it, while an F wants to share openly and experience intimacy. The bonding material of a marriage is emotional intimacy. If a couple doesn't learn to connect emotionally, they're at risk for either an affair or a marriage breakup. The bonding material of a marriage is emotional intimacy. F's hunger for warmth, sharing and closeness, and without this dimension they can end up feeling lonely. They like the inner strength and security of a T but not the perceived emptiness. Unfair as it sounds, a T will need to work more on adapting than will an F. Learning a vocabulary of intimacy and how to describe emotions is essential. A T's uniqueness is definitely needed but can create a sterile relationship. Individual differences affect a person's tendency toward aggression. Gender Differences

Men and women differ more in their mode, than in their overall level, of aggression. These differences are influenced by both social roles and biology (eg, testosterone). Trait Aggressiveness Some people are high in trait aggressiveness. Maltreatment and stress during childhood may also exacerbate genetic predispositions toward aggression. Intelligence Frustration and misunderstanding may contribute to aggression in low-intellect individuals. Aggression can also impair future intellectual functioning. Getting out of a rut can be tough because of the negative momentum you're working against. A rut will sap your motivation and do it's best to wear down your discipline. The positive rewards and feedback are harder to come by, and it's in these depressing situations that you are expected to do even more and work even harder to try and get out of it. The first thing I want to do is stop that negative frame of mind. Bad times happen, every roller coaster has to have downs to go with the ups, and your journey has to be harder at times and easier at others. There is an ancient proverb that sums these ideas up well. This too shall pass. This applies to good as well as bad and is one of my favorite quotes for helping to keep your ego in check and your mind balanced. To get through a slump, you have to understand that it isn't about you or being undeserving of success - it's about the hard parts of the journey and learning how to navigate them. Remember the lottery winners - your goal is useless if you get there without learning the important lessons that would allow you to repeat the success if needed. T's and F's are attracted by each other's differences but at the same time are a bit repelled by them. A T desires intimacy but could fear it even more.

A thinker takes care of things; A thinker takes care of organization; A thinker brings emotional control to a relationship; Feelers need to work on being less subjective and feeling less responsible for everyone's emotional state. They need to take things less personally and learn to become assertive and face disagreements. They need to stop saying I'm sorry and It's my fault so much. WHAT DO YOU THINK? What can you do to access your non-preference side? Personality Traits Narcissists and those with low and/or unstable self-esteem are more likely to retaliate with aggression. People with undercontrolled impulsivity also react aggressively. People with overcontrolled impulsivity aggress when hostility boils over. The Roles of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Aggression Learning Outcomes Identify possible consequences of criminalization of recreational drugs. List reasons why alcohol increases aggressive behavior. In most if not all known cultures, many people have engaged in activities that alter their state of consciousness, whether through meditation, trances, or the use of mind-altering substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, opiates, MDMA (ecstasy), methamphetamine, and hallucinogens (McKenna, 1993; Rosen & Weil, 2004; Keep calm and breathe. Accept that times are tough.

Get hold of your thoughts and emotions with the techniques you've learned and start reshaping them into more constructive beliefs. In really bad times, you might have to navigate feelings of helplessness or the effects of poor mental health. Depression can be hugely limiting and can even bring people so low that they stop trying, falling into a downward spiral. If any of this begins to happen, you should seek the help of a medical professional as soon as possible. Make use of the network around you as well; The belief of being strong and silent is a modern-day illusion. Once more, it goes back to the millennia of evolution that humans have been through. Over those hundreds of centuries, we have always been social, tribal animals. How might this enrich your life? If one of you is a T and the other an F, how could you improve your communication? Working on Compatibility Can a T and an F be compatible in marriage? Yes, but it will take constant work. Each partner must avoid judging the other for the way he or she is wired and realize that neither partner will ever become just like the other; Sure, a T wants the F to be more analytical and efficient and get to the point quicker. And the F wants the T to show more transparency, emotional expression and social awareness. Both of you can learn to accommodate these desires to a point. This is what is meant by learning to become compatible. Weil, 1972). Although these drugs can be appealing for a variety of reasons, both the resulting altered states and the desire for these drugs can contribute to aggression in a variety of ways.

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