Friday, 4 September 2020

Intention, the Master Tool

Suggested daily protein intake for a man/woman: 56/44 grams Total protein intake from the sample menu: 216. A study in the Journal of Nutrition further illustrates this phenomenon. The message? It was the Jim Rohn quote above! According to Tim, this quote changed his life forever. For days, he couldn't get the idea out of his mind. At twelve years old, Tim recognized A that the people he was hanging out with were not the ones he wanted influencing his future. So he went to his mom and dad and asked to change schools. A bold move . Four years later, in his junior year of high school, he decided to continue his education abroad in Japan. Later, he attended Princeton University, where he became an all-American wrestler and a national kick-boxing champion. At age twenty-three, he started his own company. It was pure purge. I wailed until I dry-retched. Then I wiped the snotty dribble from my face and clambered onwards. After a bit, the pressure would build and I'd bend over again, my hands on my knees, or I'd crouch down low against a tree, and dry-retch some more. I wasn't feeling sorry for myself. It was just raw pain expressing itself and I knew it just had to do its thing. I reached the ridgeline.

I could see all the way down the Omalos valley, following the goat trail I'd ascended. There was a final summit that required some technical rock climbing. I scrambled up for another 25 minutes. Women participating in this study first consumed 46 grams of protein daily for sixty days. Then their diet was adjusted to 123 grams of protein daily for another sixty days. During both phases of the diet, their intakes of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium were kept constant (at 500, 900, and 350 mg a day, respectively). Researchers discovered that when the subjects increased their protein intake to 123 grams a day, the amount of calcium they excreted in their urine went from 113 to 212 mg daily. Their protein intake was adjusted to meet the RDI. Calcium excretion levels were measured before and after the dietary change. The researchers found that after the reduction in protein, calcium excretion dropped by 32 percent and bone loss by 17 percent. Animal Protein It's easy to exceed your protein needs and potentially boost your risk of osteoporosis if you consume the average American meat- and dairy-centered diet. Many Americans eat meat or dairy products in some form at least three times a day. Tim had learned what every successful person knows: We become like the people we hang out with. It's that simple. Kent: After attending nine different schools--four different high schools--I could see first hand how my friends impacted my performance. When I took a closer look, I found that I also shared their same level of achievement. In fact, this similarity was easily measurable in our grades. How are your friends influencing your performance? Do they challenge you enough to succeed?

Also, look at it from the other side: Are you challenging your friends to be the best they can be? As you know, we're always being influenced, always adjusting, adapting, and changing. The question is this: Are we growing in a positive way or a negative way? At the top was a metal plate commemorating some woman who had fallen to her death up here. Her name was Sarah. This pure purge was an interesting thing to go through on my own on a mountain in Crete. It was my own grief, unadulterated by fear that I might subliminally be putting on some sort of show for others who'd expressed their own sympathy and concern. David Whyte has said that grief is like falling in love. You fall and you fall. You fall towards something, towards the thing you're grieving, the thing that is no longer there. Eventually after you've fallen and fallen and fallen, after you've lived through - or wailed through - the grieving, you land. And instead of landing at the loved one or loved thing that used to hold you there, you land at yourself. When I heard him say this, I knew that was what I was doing when I flung myself at the mountain that day. Some studies have shown that vegetarians have a greater bone density than omnivores even when their calcium intake is equivalent. While excess protein in general causes calcium losses due to the acid production, animal protein, with its higher content of sulfur-containing amino acids that are metabolized to sulfuric acid,59 appears to worsen the leaching process by creating an increasingly acidic environment. As stated in Calcified Tissue International: Omnivore diets can induce a more negative calcium balance than less-acidogenic vegetarian diets matched for total protein. Over time, this calcium loss leads to a decline in both the mineral content and mass of the bone. As animal consumption goes up, so does the rate of fracture. Yet as vegetable-derived protein goes up, fracture rate drops. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco conducted a study of hip fracture rates in elderly women worldwide.

In the thirty-three countries they surveyed, they found that the highest rates of hip fracture occurred in those countries where animal protein consumption was the highest. In the countries where hip fracture incidence was the lowest, vegetable protein exceeded animal protein intake. Over decades, stated the authors, the magnitude of daily positive acid balance (blood acidity) may be sufficient to induce osteoporosis. We won't be the same person a year from now that we are today--and next year's you will largely be the result of the type of people you choose to spend your time with from now until then. In fact, the friends you choose are a reflection of you. Spooky, huh? An old Jewish proverb states: John, 46 (San Diego, CA): The friends path I was on was either going to lead me to jail or the morgue. Either way, it wasn't good. I grew up in a rough environment, and my parents were always arguing about money, so I thought that money would give me happiness. I thought that if I had money, then I was a person of value. This drove me to do anything possible to get money. As a result, I met the wrong group of teens and started shoplifting, getting in trouble at school, and rebelling against authority. I was falling into the grief until I fell through it to myself. I also knew that this is what I'm often doing when I hike - processing. Trauma psychologists talk of the need to work through the shittiness of pain so that it doesn't get locked in your body and psyche. I've touched on this a little already, but I defer to American somatic therapist Peter Levine to bring it home. Levine flags that in our former lives as simple humans, fear and stress were almost always a response to a tangible threat (such as meeting an enemy or being chased by a tiger), but we would process the surges of cortisol and adrenaline by fighting or fleeing. And if we won the fight or escaped, the physical release and subsequent relief (we survived! The emotion was passed through, with the aid of the physical reaction, and released.

Pfft, out of here! Or we'd simply be eaten. Even the freeze mechanism sees us process it physically as per the earlier deer example in 'a brief bridging article'. Moderation of animal food consumption and an increased ratio of vegetable/animal food consumption may confer a protective effect. By age sixty-five, women who have followed a meat-centered diet have lost, on average, 35 percent of their bone mass, while women who have followed a plant-centered diet have only lost about half of that amount: 18 percent. Registered dietician Bob LeRoy says: Epidemiologists have found more evidence linking osteoporosis risk with animal protein consumption than with any other food factor, plausibly explaining the irony that most abundantly calcium consuming nations endure the most broken hips. In a National Institutes of Health study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that women who derived the most dietary protein from animal sources had three times the rate of bone loss, and 3. Research consistently shows that those populations deriving the greatest amount of their protein from animals have the highest incidence of hip fractures. In parts of the world where protein is consumed in moderation -- particularly areas where it is derived from plant sources -- osteoporosis is not nearly the problem it is in the United States. Rates of hip fracture in Chinese women are a fraction of those for American women of comparable age. The average animal-based protein intake in Africa is also a fraction of what it is in America. By modifying our protein intake, both its source and its quantity, we can significantly reduce a major risk factor for osteoporosis and other diseases. Studies show that these simple dietary modifications minimize our loss of calcium and improve overall bone health. I still wanted more money, so I started delivering newspapers, pressing clothes, and working at a pharmacy, until I ended up with a job at a men's health club. In addition to earning $1. Every night after work from 9: 15 to 10: 00 PM, I'd go to the sauna and listen to successful businessmen tell their tales of success and failure. I was fascinated by their challenges and accomplishments. Their stories of what went wrong with their businesses, families, and their health gave me inspiration because my own family was experiencing challenges and difficulties. I learned that it was normal to have challenges--and that other people also went through similar crises and still made it to the top. This group of men taught me never to give up on my dreams.

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