The men of past generations, who routinely died early. As mature men, we've been taught to think for ourselves. Unhealthy manhood rules have ruled too long, and it is time to abandon them. I can think about people's objections and decide for myself what is correct. I am able to brainstorm ideas with supportive people and feel accepted. When you write your new rules, they may seem to belong to another person, someone more positive than you've seen yourself as being. Working on your core beliefs can change you dramatically. For this reason, you may not be sure of the validity of your new rules. This is okay. You can confirm that your new rules are valid with an evidence log, in which you record interactions, events, conversations--anything that will support your new rules and core beliefs. This will strengthen your new core beliefs. Whenever situations arise that support your new rule, record what happened and what it means. Here are some examples from Bud's evidence log: Though those on the left may find it hard to swallow, it appears that the modern entrepreneur is Marx's ideal for what a person should seek in life. As he writes, A being does not regard himself as independent unless he is his own master, and he is only his own master when he owes his existence to himself. Marx named it the species being, John Stuart Mill called it individuality. Abraham Maslow labeled it self-actualization. All pointed to the human unique function to innovate. The result is unhappiness or alienation, as a worker becomes a dependent being. This, he predicted, would fuel the workers' revolt against the capitalists.
Being held back from seeking the meaning of life, we've suggested, is the root cause of most personal and societal problems. Before the opening of entrepreneurship in the late 70s, Chinese communist party theorists wrote that alienation gave the most scientific explanation for most problems of Chinese society at that time. More recently in Capital in the 21st Century, economist Thomas Picketty, touched on the capitalist problem, saying that many wealthy people have never worked a day in their lives because they've inherited their wealth from someone in the family. For acute support with shock, sadness, agitation, loss of control, and feelings of exhaustion, try Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy, four drops at a time under the tongue or diluted in water. Get some that first week. Even just a head, shoulders, and foot massage if you had a cesarean birth. A recent study showed that regular massage once or twice per week can lower cortisol (the stress hormone that causes depression and anxiety, as well as high blood pressure and a lower immune system) by up to 53 percent. In the study, about five hundred men, women, and children with depression or anxiety problems all reported feeling their symptoms decrease. Not only does massage decrease cortisol, but it also seems to increase serotonin and dopamine, the two neurotransmitters that help reduce depression. Transition Smoothers for Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, or Psychosis Use everything on the baby blues list, and add these: Talk to your care provider. At times, this could even mean your child's pediatrician. Gandhi said, The only devils in the world are those running around in our hearts. That is where the battle should be fought. Shadow work is about opening your heart and making peace with your internal devils. It is about embracing your fears and weaknesses and finding compassion for your humanity. Give yourself the gift of your heart. As soon as you open your heart to yourself you will open your heart to all others. You are lovable.
You are deserving. You are enough. Trust your inner wisdom and trust that at your core there is goodness. Socioeconomic Status Socioeconomic status (SES) refers to an individual's social and economic position in society relative to other men. It reflects men's education, occupation, and housing status more than our income. For example, a skilled electrician or plumber who chose not to complete high school could earn much more than a high school math teacher. But in American society the teacher's SES would be defined as stable middle class, as opposed to the electrician's undervalued work17 and working-class status. SES is another umbrella construct, bringing together a host of distinctive CVD risks. As adults, men with lower SES are more often time bound, find fewer opportunities for engaging in regular exercise, and end up with less exercise capacity; But this is a downstream solution, well after the upstream effects of SES intrude on men's heart health and, by creating a vicious spiral, have a pronounced negative effect on men's stress level and overall physical health. CVD differs markedly by race/ethnicity, and much of the difference is attributed to histories of discrimination and SES. As a group, African American and Native American men have some of the highest premature CVD mortality rates in the United States, whether caused by stroke, high BP, or heart failure, particularly if they live in impoverished communities. What happened: I played a trivia game at a party, and although I didn't win, I answered as many questions as Sam and Cindy. What it means: I can hold my own in games that require thinking. What happened: I asked Sal for more advertising for my show. I prepared what I was going to say, and I said it. I sounded knowledgeable, and Sal budgeted more money for the show. What it means: If I script difficult tasks in advance, I can do as well as the next person. If you don't remember to write in your log, try setting an alarm to go off every three hours as a reminder.
When the alarm goes off, review the previous three-hour period for situations to record in your evidence log. Carry your log with you, or keep notearticles at work, in your car, or wherever else you might have the opportunity to use them. Before going to sleep, review your day for additional items to record in your evidence log. That someone was likely an entrepreneur, who, with blood, sweat, and tears made an innovation for the greater good of all, only to have the profits flow to fools and frauds in their family. This entrepreneurial ancestor would roll in their grave on seeing what filth of the earth the unproductive and narcissistic use their effort is now spent on. The movie, The Aviator may play up the splurging life of Howard Hughes Jr. Instead of seeking value, their descendants seek fame. Silver spoon-fed sloths living off bank interest, who, slime-like, ooze from one burst of excitement to the next, dripping away bucketfuls of money. This may be what's leading so many billionaires to sign the giving pledge mentioned earlier. Fearing their future family will suck away money like a succubus does her victims. When children of entrepreneurs don't struggle, they can't value innovation. A shining example of this is from a Forbes article, The Gilded Age Family That Gave It All Away by Chloe Sorvino, which quoted 19th century steel billionaire Andrew Carnegie: The man who dies rich, dies disgraced. He followed his own advice, as did his family, for he left them just enough to get by, and his daughter even sold the townhouse passed to her, as the cost to maintain it was too high. Unfortunately, the system is such that you will not see your OB/GYN or midwife again until the routine six-week visit, unless there is an emergency sooner. Your pediatrician is the best first line of contact because you'll see her often after you have your baby--up to three times in the first month. Let her know any depressive or anxious thoughts you may be having--pediatricians are typically well trained and stay current with research in how to deal with PPD and should be able to give you a good referral to a therapist or psychiatrist. Of course, let your OB/GYN, midwife, or doula know what's going on, and look to them for support. Have your thyroid checked. Postpartum thyroiditis has many of the same symptoms of some postpartum mood disorders like sadness, moodiness, fatigue, and anxiety. It's estimated that approximately one out of every seventeen women in the United States experience thyroid issues after birth.
Pregnancy is a time of complex hormonal changes, so it's a time when women are particularly vulnerable to developing thyroid dysfunction. Once any thyroid issue is treated, usually mood disorders tend to improve quickly. Explore medication. Go beyond your self-imposed limits and make a commitment to living a life you love. Ask the universe for love and support. Ask God to fill you with compassion and strength. Face where you are at this moment and then move to higher ground. Grant yourself permission to have it all, you deserve it! In this exercise I'd like you to create a mission statement for yourself in the form of a power statement. This power statement should be an affirmation of who you want to be in the future. You could focus on your health, relationships, career, spiritual growth, or all of the above. Close your eyes and step into your internal elevator. Take a few slow, deep breaths and allow yourself to relax completely. Remarkably, when not living in impoverished communities, the race difference in CVD nearly disappears. This strongly suggests that it is being from a poorer SES that escalates the risk of CVD among African American and Native American men.This is principally due to a predisposition to insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes, which are also related to SES. For example, Native Americans historically had the lowest rates of heart disease, until their segregation and impoverished lifestyles led to high-fat diets. Myocardial aging, or the age-related changes in our cardiovascular functioning, is expected. Aging affects the heart muscle by thickening it--it beefs up a bit as it endlessly works--yet this thickening seems determined more by hypertension or other CVD than intrinsic aging. The vessel pathways also normally develop fibrous tissue and fat deposits, which narrow the vessel walls of arteries and make the heart muscle work harder to pump the oxygenated blood into the body. As the arteries and arterioles become less elastic as we age, they cannot relax as quickly during the rhythmic pumping of the heart.
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