Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Love, Magic & Mudpies

One standard approach for examining the mental representations that people use to guide themselves through a task is to stop them in the middle of the task, turn out the lights, and then ask them to describe the current situation, what has happened, and what is about to happen. In cases where simulators are available--flight training, for instance, or certain types of medical procedures--it is actually possible to stop in the middle and quiz people. Or, in the case of real surgeries, the doctors can be questioned before and after the operations about how they envision the surgery going and about their thought processes during the surgery; Ideally, you would like to identify characteristics of mental representations that are associated with greater success in the surgeries. It has been primarily since the beginning of the twenty-first century that a few researchers have been successful in identifying those practicing doctors with reliably superior performance and have begun to investigate their mental processes. It's already clear, however, that a major factor underlying the abilities of the world's best doctors is the quality of their mental representations. This implies that a major part of applying the lessons of deliberate practice to medicine will be finding ways to help doctors develop better mental representations through training--a situation that holds in most other professions as well. You will find various lists of professionals and helplines collated, including at the end of this article. You can also check for word-of-mouth references. Please do not attempt to use this article or any information here to make a self-diagnosis or to diagnose anyone yourself. I have noticed that children almost always confide in someone about their self-harming acts and somehow no one takes them seriously and hence they hesitate to share this with anyone. Sadly, self-harming behaviour is dismissed as attention-seeking behaviour and children are often shamed when their parents find out about it. Self-harming behaviour is a cry for help and needs to be attended to with urgency. Escalate any such behaviour to the concerned experts. What do you think is the difference between feeling sad and depressed? Do you use these terms interchangeably? What do you feel is the difference? Let us return to remembering names, faces and places. Remembering names, faces, and places is often the top item that people wish to remember. That is because man is a social being.

His social interaction, his business, his ability to network, all depends upon remembering names and relations. It is seen that when a person is able to remember names, he finds it easy to remember faces, places, and even events and conversations. Passwords are rising in importance, and one needs to remember unbreakable passwords. Let us return to remembering names, faces, places, passwords. Most people cannot remember these days. Researches have shown we are unable to remember them, in spite of a desire to remember, because of developed habits. The developed habit is to throw the baby with the water. This includes universal access to free or heavily subsidized hospital care, primary care, and specialist physician services. No patient is turned away from public hospitals for want of insurance, although there may be long waiting lists for some elective procedures. Second, patients have free choice of primary care physician. Third, prescription drugs are affordable at the point of service, and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme effectively limits drug prices. Out-of-pocket costs are capped and income-linked. Finally, the financing structure is quite progressive. With no premiums, Medicare, the PBS, and long-term care are almost universally financed through national progressive income taxes, and a very small fraction of patients forgo care because of cost. Nevertheless, Australia confronts at least 5 serious challenges over the next decade. First, there is poor coordination across the continuum of care arising from how care is financed. Funding is divided, with states paying the bulk of hospital care, the Commonwealth government paying for physician services, and private payers covering physicians and select elective procedures. That's why so many Chinese restaurants have aquariums near the entry. A vase of good clean water will do--you don't need to run the old Slip N' Slide down the hallway. Symbolic water can work too.

A snowy scene in a picture, or even a watercolor of just about anything, invites change (except earth pictures). Items connected to water also work well here, like starfish or seashells. Black Not only is this color just downright cool, it is also the feng shui symbol for water. Throw that black briefcase over there and make it work for you. Or grab that Men in Black poster and hang it in the Career section. Undulating Shapes The shape or form for the element of water is free-form or undulating. Since water can take on any shape, any shape will do to describe it. Principles of Deliberate Practice in Everyday Life IN 2010 I GOT AN E-MAIL from a man named Dan McLaughlin from Portland, Oregon. He had read about my deliberate-practice research in various places, including Geoff Colvin's article Talent Is Overrated, and he wanted to use it in his efforts to become a professional golfer. To understand just how audacious this was, you need to know a little about Dan. He had not played on his high school or college golf team. In fact, he'd never really played golf at all. He'd been to a driving range with friends a few times, but he'd never played a full eighteen-hole round of golf in his life. Indeed, at thirty years old, he had never been a competitive athlete of any sort. But he had a plan, and he was serious about it: he would quit his job as a commercial photographer and spend the next six or so years learning to play golf. Having read Malcolm Gladwell's article Outliers and taken the ten-thousand-hour rule at face value, Dan figured he would put in ten thousand hours of deliberate practice and become a good enough player to join the Professional Golfers' Association tour. During my sessions with children and adolescents, I find that for most of my young clients, the feeling of sadness is transient -- it would stay for a short time and it was usually felt in response to an external event. For instance, a fight with a friend, a low score on a test, not getting selected to be on the school team or your parents saying no to a sleepover at your friend's place -- all could be grounds for sadness. Depression on the other hand seemed to feel more intense -- a feeling that would come from the inside and have a life of its own.

You could wake up feeling low and not want to get out of bed. There might not be any immediate reason or trigger for this. Going to school might become a major drag. You find you really need to push yourself to do things. While feeling sadness is an essential part of living our lives, depression seems to be getting in the way of our lives. How do you deal with your sadness? It's not a very popular emotion -- most of us want to get rid of it. As we reject the bulk of the information each day, names also get rejected. We all ask people their name, but our brains have developed the unconscious habit of NOT listening, NOT recording, and NOT remembering. This means that though we ask people their names, with the hope that we will remember it, our brain quickly erases it. In fact, our brain does not even consciously listen to names when people mention their name, though we hear it. Thus, we need to consciously FIGHT against this habit of the brain. The first thing to do is to firmly decide that now onward when I ask a person his/her name, I will memorize it. The next thing is to consciously hear the name and immediately repeat it in your mind. The more you can repeat, the better. Then at the first opportunity, write it down in your small diary. Later, write it down in your main diary under the right heading such as barber, grocer, butcher, chemist, etc This creates significant barriers to care coordination and drives cost growth. No single payer is responsible for the entire continuum of care. There is always an incentive to push patients from one setting to another--from hospitals to outpatient or outpatient to hospitals--rather than improve the continuum of care.

While giving each Australian state latitude to experiment with different ways to pay for hospital care may produce some innovation, on balance this division creates an adversarial budget battle between states and the Commonwealth government. As Professor Freed noted, efforts to keep federal spending low almost invariably affect states adversely: The federal government was constraining how much doctors would be reimbursed, so they were charging more and more over the federal reimbursement, which meant more people would go to the state hospitals. The federal government didn't care because it wasn't their problem. There is a minority opinion that the division of financing and provision of care across states and the federal government allows for innovation. As one physician described the system, I don't see those problems of federal coordination as a major structural problem. I think they're just part of the landscape we work with. The only shape that would be least appropriate would be squares. Square shapes relate to the element of earth, and once again, we don't want earth symbols in this area damming our water. Mirrors They also equal water and they let you see how fabulous you look dressed for your new career. In addition, they bounce the light, which keeps energy flowing in this area of the home. Always be careful how you hang a mirror. Make sure it is placed at a level where you can look yourself in the eye and see your entire head. That way you'll get ahead in business. Mirrors not recommended: those found in fun houses. Glass Glass is considered a water element in feng shui. Glass is also used quite extensively in containers for water--vases, aquariums, fish bowls, stemware--so it is usually quite easy to make glass work for your career. To get on the tour, he'd have to first gain admission to the PGA Tour Qualifying Tournament and then do well enough in that tournament to receive a PGA Tour card. This would allow him to compete in PGA tournaments. A year and a half after starting his project, which he called the Dan Plan, he gave an interview to Golf magazine.

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