Friday, 31 July 2020

When the light comes shining through

Having eaten the paste for a week, the boy no longer complained about abdominal pains. A month later, his appetite returned and he ate well. Simple and inexpensive, this recipe has extraordinary medicinal effects. Its recipe is included here. As you practice this more, you may even find that you lose a sense of time and space. You may even find that--if you'd like--you can create a sense of leaving the physical body for this healing time you've given yourself. If it feels comfortable, you may wish to see your consciousness actually leaving the physical body as a momentary out-of-body experience. Your consciousness will return effortlessly and easily by the time you finish this practice. In fact, you'll be more present than you were before. Counting now: Body float. Consciousness moving upward and expanding so that it's now larger than the body. Body becoming lighter and warmer. Consciousness moving upward and expanding even more so that it fills the room. How long will it take me to adjust? As a rough rule of thumb, adapting to a new time zone can take as much as one day for each hour travelled westward (although often less than this), and one and a half days for each hour travelled eastward. Using light exposure and avoidance shortens this adjustment period considerably. It might surprise you to know that I recommend operating on your home time for the duration of your trip if you aren't travelling across more than six time zones and your trip is short - say only two or three days long. Although this can be awkward to manage if you have meetings, it does mean that you won't need your body to readapt twice (at your destination and when you get home) in a short period of time. All of us, however, tend to feel the effects of changing time zones if we add or take away four hours or more.

Generally, we tend to find it easier to travel westward - to a time zone behind rather than ahead of our own. To set the biological clock back in time, the internal mechanism simply has to slow down more than it's used to. As a biological process this is easier than trying to speed it up. Given that most flights westward arrive during the day, it becomes fairly easy to get extra hours of daylight on arrival and in doing so slow down the biological clock so that it steps relatively quickly into rhythm with the new zone. But then I discovered X. And then my life changed. X is, of course, the idea they want to sell you. Since I'm honest with you, I'm no different. For example, in this article, I want to sell you on the idea of useful and useless thoughts. But there's a difference. I'm giving you my perspective--nothing more. It's up to you to decide what you're going to do with it. John Dewey, a pragmatist, and one of the fathers of functional psychology, famously said: The true is that which works. But that doesn't mean we should believe everything we hear or read. Some top-of-the-range washing machines include a gentle hand-wash program, but if you don't have one of these you'll need to know how to do it yourself. You will need hand-wash laundry liquid, which is gentler on delicate garments and designed to require less rinsing than machine washing detergent. Gather the garments that you want to hand-wash. Put the amount of detergent recommended on the bottle label into a clean washing-up bowl. For color-fast items, fill the bowl with water that is between warm and hot (comfortable enough to hold your hand in); Agitate the water with your hand to ensure the detergent is fully dissolved.

Immerse the items--not too many at a time--and use your hands to work the soapy water through them for a minute or so, paying attention to armpit areas and collars where odor and dirt more readily accumulate. Leave to soak for a few minutes if necessary. Lift the clothes out onto the draining board and tip away the dirty water. Rinse out the suds from the bowl, fill with cool, clean water and rinse the clothes in this by moving them around. When you call for the goddess Durga, you will find her within yourself. I read somewhere, or maybe I imagined it, (I don't remember), if one is courageous, if one uses heart, then one is like a house where lamps are lit - the demon Mahisha is afraid to enter. When there are no lamps and the house is dark, Mahisha can enter easily. The person who learns how to show heart, to listen to their heart, is like the house where there is a guard at the door, fully awake. It is difficult for the demon Mahisha to enter. He cannot gather courage because this is not his quality. This is a quality that comes from the heart. The mind wants to enslave your consciousness. The heart can defeat it. The weak part of the mind does not want you to have a heart. So, what results are you trying to obtain and what information do you need to get there? 2) Has anyone I know achieved this goal? Does anyone I know have the right information or know someone who does? If you know anyone who can help you, start there. It will save you the hassle of looking for the right information and prevent you from wasting time. Before looking for information on my own, I always try to think of people who can help me.

By doing so, I'm more likely to access the right information and, as a result, learn more effectively. 3) To achieve the results I want, who can I pay to help me find the information I need? Successful people don't spend hours looking for free tutorials or articles, they hire experts or buy the best step-by-step course available. They simply don't have the time to put pieces of the puzzle together from multiple sources of information. Am I being effective? As Daniel Pink points out in his article To Sell Is Human, social scientists have proven that this kind of interrogative self-talk is more valuable than declarative self-talk, such as repeating affirmations. Learning to shift to an inquiry mindset doesn't involve special training. It just requires you to have genuine, simple curiosity. When asked why he became a scientist, Isidor Isaac Rabi, winner of a Nobel Prize for physics, replied, My mother made me a scientist without ever knowing it. Every other child would come back from school and be asked, `What did you learn today? I never associated failure therefore with something bad. Just that I was taking a risk, which meant I was learning, she stated in an interview with Fareed Zakaria. While inquiry doesn't require fancy tools or techniques, it does require a profound shift in our thinking. In a market-share economy, the kind of questions that have value are those we can answer quickly with resolve and certainty. For Mum there followed a decade of decline. This journey will be familiar to anyone who has cared for a demented parent or spouse. It is an unrelenting succession of depressing events and visits to outpatient departments. There is a small multidisciplinary industry now of dementia navigators: specialist nurses, psychiatrists, social workers and carers. The trajectory is predictable and prolonged and includes gradually worsening mobility, incontinence, falls, endless crisis phone calls and ambulance staff visits. This is overseen by GPs, who blithely continue to prescribe statins to ward off death from a heart attack, flu inoculations and other preventative treatments.

Blind adherence to general practice's income-generating QOF (Quality Outcome Framework) standards inevitably lead to this absurdity. We struggled at home for years. Dad would sometimes get angry with Mum. This is a love that has no rewards. When something sparks outrage, you don't need a who, a where, a when, a what, or a why. It's a sentence in which the object becomes the subject (try to diagram that one). To prove this is an actual story, said blogger says, Here are 4 responses by people with blue check marks next to their names! One is probably a sputtering d-bag Patton Oswalt. In the era of Twitter, what constitutes a story is now based on what some say--the kind of story that gets retweeted again and again, until it's no longer just four people who are upset, but many, four hundred, which in the twittersphere can feel like four million. And those first four people who make up that total twitterstorm of the truly outraged takes a victory lap. We got a scalp! What do we do now? At some point, to save his job, the poor weatherman (or whoever he was: frankly I forgot already) decides he must offer a groveling apology, but he still gets fired. He's canceled. I would argue that all Asperkids be monitored closely for learning disorders by professionals who will not be blinded by intelligence but be sensitive to inconsistencies. At present, that responsibility lies largely, and unfairly, with families, something I desperately hope will change. Just a few years ago, I was very clearly told by one exceptional children's administrator that her job wasn't to ensure that any student reached their full potential, just that they passed the grade. As a mother and as a teacher, that simply is not alright with me. Even when they are having a hard time in classes, it can be difficult to tell, I know. Asperkids often choose not to ask for help from their teachers.

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