Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Worrying about a problem makes it seem bigger than it is

I envisioned a God based on my own image. Unspooling that narrative is taking longer than I want, but I'm learning that he created us, as our Enneagram teachers say, at our best. He is not some version of my worst critic, the one I am always battling, but a loving creator proud of his kids. He is the best of all our qualities, not the worst. Do the work to find out what your best looks like. His parents were informed that their son had gone into septic shock and that he was a very sick child. He died the following day. It was not until an autopsy was performed that the cause of death was acknowledged to be MRSA. A previously healthy child had been killed by toxins released by the bacteria which had attacked his organs, causing death within 24 hours of his admission to hospital. Each one of the above accounts has occurred since the year 2000: even though MRSA was seen as problematic in the 1990s, the CA- MRSA strains have become increasingly virulent since the mid- 2000s. The main causes of MRSA fatality fall into a few broad categories. Sometimes human error is involved: when a wound has been sewn up too soon, with bacteria trapped inside the body. As this is a case of medical negligence, in the UK it is the only cause of an MRSA infection that stands a good chance of winning a legal case. Sometimes a death (that may have been averted had doctors recognised an MRSA infection in a timely manner) occurs even after robust attempts to save the life of the patient. Although this is also human error, it is, sadly, a common occurrence and very difficult to prove as medical negligence. In the Canadian system, patients are given priority rankings. When a doctor suspects that a patient has cancer, the patient can be ranked as priority 4, for which the protocol is to have the patient see a surgeon within 35 days of an appointment request. Once surgery has been decided on, the surgery is to be performed within 84 days of that decision--an egregiously long wait time. Thankfully, the average wait time for Canadian patients is considerably shorter, at 39 days, with 92 percent of patients undergoing cancer surgery within 49 days. So, based on very rough estimates, RBG would have waited roughly 30 days for her CT scan, 7 days for the results, and another 40 days or so for her surgery, putting the total wait time at approximately two and a half months, at best.

Admittedly, the time to surgery in a low-grade, early-stage lung cancer does not change prognosis much from one to two months. In the United States, robust screening programs allow us to detect more cancers earlier when they are easier to treat (I should also note here that Canadian cancer-screening regimens are a skeleton of what we have in the United States. ) Had RBG's cancer been a more aggressive form, the tumor might have doubled in size and/or spread outside of the lungs while she waited for surgery, greatly reducing her chance of survival. Canada isn't an anomaly. Every nation that offers government-funded, universal coverage features longer wait times than in the United States. Deep dive into your personality, motives, fears, qualities, tendencies--the landscape of your soul. Diagnostic tools are online, in articles, illuminated by counselors. They are not prescriptive but rather descriptive, as human beings are not rigid. The Enneagram teachers say we have a bit of all nine types in us, so use these as tools, not templates. Finally, since self-reporting can be admittedly unreliable, especially for those of us who don't instinctively self-assess, your very best people can usually confirm or deny your findings. They are often the truest mirror. They have seen you at your best and worst, through successes and failures, gains and losses, in front of the curtain and behind it, under pressure and on top of the world. They know. I emailed the paragraph above (If I've done the work well - ) to Brandon and asked, I am writing through a piece in the article about self-identification and discovering a strong internal compass. This is what I said about myself. Sometimes the speed at which death occurred could not have been prevented. Initial symptoms mimicked those of the influenza virus, but instead of the individual being able to 'sweat it out' as most people are able to do before recovering from a bout of flu, the MRSA bacteria has quickly entered the lungs, causing fatal pneumonia. The virulence factor of some CA-MRSA strains in the USA has become so fast acting and deadly in outcome that it could be likened to being bitten by a poisonous snake, for which there is no anti-venom serum. Becoming infected with MRSA, in any of its forms, is a truly terrifying and dangerous event. As yet, there is no promise of a reprieve, and we wait for our governments to instigate the rigorous research necessary for the provision of adequate medical intervention.

In the meantime, each one of us needs to be aware of this health threat, both in our hospitals and in our communities. We need to have an awareness of the signs and symptoms of MRSA infection and if recognising them in ourselves or in a family member, we need to make our voice heard. When something is seriously wrong with our body we are the ones who should know, who should not allow ourselves be sent home, but with respect and perseverance ask the medical personnel, 'Are you absolutely sure this is not MRSA? ' Some diseases 'run their course' and little intervention is required but this is not the situation with MRSA, where a speedy diagnosis with efficient treatment could make the difference between life and death. In North America the number of MRSA deaths outnumber those from AIDS by a factor of five, yet current funding for MRSA research is just a tiny fraction of the funding available for HIV/ AIDS research. Under the National Health Service (NHS), the universal health care system in the United Kingdom, after the initial suspicion of cancer, 78. 2 percent of patients start treatment within two months (62 days) of being urgently referred by their primary-care doctor. Urgent referrals are only for symptoms of an advanced cancer, not a smaller, earlier-stage one. Long wait times for medically necessary treatment are not just an inconvenience. They can, and do, have serious consequences such as increased pain and mental anguish, and they can also result in poorer medical outcomes--transforming potentially reversible illnesses or injuries into chronic, irreversible conditions, or even permanent disabilities, with possible loss of earnings because of the inability to work. If the United States adopted a single-payer system, do we really think Americans would put up with longer wait times for treatment of serious illness? For treating minor ailments, do we really think our desire for instant gratification would just go away? More importantly, how would we continue to provide exemplary care? Given America's worsening health as a result of self-inflicted conditions and illnesses, can you imagine the economic debacle that would result under single-payer? If you think health care in the United States is expensive and inaccessible now, just wait until it's free. Is this right? Is this how I am perceived and experienced? Does this feel like an accurate assessment? We have been married twenty-five years, birthed and adopted five kids, and weathered one million storms. He has seen it all.

He is my biggest fan and also isn't buying my crap. I can't Instagram filter my way out of the real story with a person I have been married to well over half my life. His response was classic Brandon identifying classic Jen: First, I appreciate you asking me. I know that was risky. Second, I do think this is a fair and accurate assessment. Animals do not catch chicken pox or measles from their human owners, nor do we catch feline influenza or distemper from our cats or dogs. In general, animal diseases are specific to animals and human diseases are specific to humans. Rarely does a disease cross the species barrier. When it does, it is called a zoonotic disease. MRSA has recently been classified as a zoonotic disease as it affects both humans and animals and can be transferred from one to the other. There are dozens of species of staphylococci, but the three most important species to humans are Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. Staph aureus is the only staphylococcus that affects both humans and animals. Our companion animals are affected by Staph aureus, Staph intermedius and Staph psuedo-intermedius, a sub-category of Staph intermedius. In dogs, it is Staph intermedius that is the main cause of cystitis and suppurative disease, such as the pus-filled ulcers known as pyodermic. In cats it causes skin tumours, boils and abscesses, known as pyogenic. When the government makes medical care free, consumers' demand for services will surge. Patients will have no incentive to limit their doctor visits or choose more cost-efficient providers. This ultimately results in longer wait times for everyone. Although many Americans view the co-pay as a kind of punishment, they should realize it functions as a deterrent for running to the doctor for minor complaints. Under government-funded insurance, when patients are no longer paying a portion of the cost, we'll start seeing an uptick in minor ailments bringing people to doctors' offices and emergency departments.

Increased visits will mean longer wait times and bump up the taxpayers' costs even further. When we are faced with a two-month wait to get a doctor's appointment, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. When people succeed, we congratulate the individual. When people make a mistake or fail, on the other hand, we're inclined to make excuses for them, or to blame society. Why are we reluctant to call out individuals for their own bad performance or decisions that have negatively affected them? You clearly state what you do and how you do it. You are all these things: justice oriented, funny, tender, ambitious, assertive, etc If you're really wanting to go deeper to help people out with discovery you should discuss the 'why' behind it. That's your Enneagram stuff. Why don't you like showing that you can be tender? Why are you conflicted? Why are you guarded? Those are the things that help people truly understand their internal compass and natural responses. What did I tell you? You can see the spots I am frustrating. I am not easily vulnerable, don't talk about my insides enough, and tend to be guarded even inside my own marriage. In Korea, where the human MRSA incidence is 50% of all Staph aureus infections, a study of MRSA infected animals suggested that once the disease crossed between human and animal, these isolates, or specific types of bacteria, would become prevalent throughout the veterinary world. 'Resistance in bacteria isolated from food animals has been suspected as a potential source of resistance in human pathogens'. MRSA has been a cause for concern amongst humans for several decades and documented as a problem in agricultural animals since the 1970s. It was only recognised as a problem in the small animal veterinary world in the late 1990s, when an increasing number of infections in dogs, cats and other companion animals � horses in particular � were diagnosed. The majority of pet owners are unaware that their animals could be susceptible to an infection that is sometimes life threatening.

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