Friday, 12 June 2020

Manipulation in Friendship

That extra piece of cake will definitely be delicious, but it's also going to set you back in your mission to lose ten pounds before the summer. That's not a yes, so you need to say no. Discipline is all about exercising self-control when self-control will keep you on track. It's not about saying no to things that you would automatically say no to anyway. An important question I always ask myself to help me stay disciplined is, Forty-eight hours from now, am I going to regret making this decision? For instance, if you don't like the taste of alcohol, turning down a drink doesn't count as discipline because you never wanted the drink in the first place. If you can't find two hours in your daily schedule for artistic wildness, start by reserving at least one hour a week. Be creative anywhere. When it comes to making art, the sky's the limit: you don't need to be sitting in front of an easel, a potter's wheel, or a grand piano. The British landscape artist Andy Goldsworthy creates temporary installations using materials he finds in the natural world--leaves, branches, rocks, ice, moss. The experimental composer John Cage's famous 4'33 instructs performers not to play their instruments for the duration of the piece, forcing the audience to become aware of the ambient noises in the surrounding environment. In the Chinese practice of dishu, calligraphers use brushes and water to paint evaporating forms on sidewalks. You can make art from anything you can imagine--gum wrappers, tire tracks, or the movement of your own body. Take a class. Signing up for an art class will force you to commit to a regular artistic practice, at least for the duration of the course. Take the opportunity to improve on a skill you've practiced before, or try something brand new. Then take another deep breath, as deep as you can, hold it for one to two seconds, and again slowly exhale. Do this about 10 times, and odds are that you will start to feel very relaxed, if not a little sleepy. I have used this technique myself for 30 years whenever I feel anxious, angry, or stressed, or when I have trouble falling asleep. It sounds so simple, but breathing is essential to life.

When we slow down and become more efficient with our breathing, most things seem better. Visualizing warmth, especially in your hands, is another tool to help you counteract the fight-or-flight response. I've found that teaching patients to warm their hands calms down their bodies and minds just as effectively as prescription drugs. Hand warming elicits an immediate relaxation response. We know this because biofeedback instruments allow us to measure hand temperature and then teach people how to warm their hands. Interestingly, children are better at this than adults because kids readily believe they have power over their bodies, whereas adults do not. On the other hand, there are examples in which relatively small regions or parts of the brain have been injured or damaged--for instance, by stroke--yet lead to severe disability and limitation of physical and mental abilities. Scientific research shows that consciousness is indeed coupled with our physical body, and yet is not part of our physical system. Near-death experiences; The physical body, the control center that is the brain and our consciousness, is engaged in a constant exchange of information and feedback from within and without. The following is an exercise in controlled consciousness. Follow these step-by-step instructions: Begin in the seated position, stand briefly, then sit down again. Now visualize yourself repeating this exercise. Imagine in your mind how you would perform the exercise. Now stand again, rest briefly, then sit down again. As it happens, vegetables and fruits are still good for us this week. My paper, published in the Annual Review of Public Health , was commissioned by the editors to answer the question: Can we say what diet is best for health? Viewed from altitude, the similarities of dietary patterns associated with good health are far more noteworthy than their differences. Judicious versions of Asian, vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, low glycemic, Paleo diets and more exert their shared benefits by virtue of their shared features (notably, real food, not too much, mostly plants).

None prominently features meat or butter despite the current clamoring on that topic; There have, of course, been relevant and important publications in this area since 2014, but they have only reaffirmed the same fundamentals. We are learning ever more about the potential benefit of choosing a particular variant on the theme of optimal eating to correspond with your genes or your resident bacteria, but we are not learning any reasons to renounce the theme. I am including some of what I deem the most important studies in the bibliography for this article. But let's be clear: you have no hope of reading all of the relevant literature unless you devote your career and life to the effort. For instance, when I published the most recent edition of my nutrition textarticle in 2014, the article included roughly 10,000 citations. Yes, turning it down was a good thing because drinking too much can lead to problems, but that's really not an issue for you since you don't like drinking anyway. That second piece of cake, though, that's a whole other story. Sometimes, it takes a huge amount of discipline to keep yourself on track. Some of the changes we've already talked about in this article are going to be very big changes in your life, and they are going to demand a lot of discipline from you. But remember that getting into the championship mind-set is all about being great in practice so you can be great in the game. So, what you want to do is start practicing at discipline right now. As with commitment, start with something where the stakes aren't too high for you. For example, as I'm writing this, I'm practicing a plant-based diet because I think there might be some health benefits to it. Now, I'm already pretty careful about what I put in my body, so this isn't a high-stakes undertaking for me. At the same time, it definitely takes discipline because I love the taste of meat. Give yourself permission to make bad art. Julia Cameron, the author of the bestselling creativity guide The Artist's Way, keeps a sign in her workspace that reads: I AM WILLING TO MAKE BAD ART. That doesn't mean she's planning to make bad art, Cameron explains to visitors who are taken aback by the sign. But, she says, we must not deny ourselves the dignity of growth.

By being willing to make bad art, I am free to make any art--and often, art that is very good. Willing to make `bad' art, what we actually are is willing to make progress. Make art social. Instead of throwing a dinner party or meeting at the bar, invite friends over for a craft night. Get some basic supplies (like drawing and construction paper, colored pencils and pens, watercolors, glue, etc) and encourage people to contribute their own craft materials. Getaway runs an Artist Fellowship program, providing a free overnight stay in one of our tiny cabins to artists looking to harness their talents in a focused environment surrounded by nature. When my daughter Breanne was eight years old, she could increase her hand temperature by up to 20 degrees. She was so good at it, I brought her along with me when I did a biofeedback lecture to physicians at a Northern California hospital. In front of 30 physicians, I had her demonstrate her amazing skill. However, for the first three minutes her hands did nothing but get ice-cold because she felt such performance anxiety. In those few minutes I was horrified, feeling like a terrible father who was exploiting his daughter to be important in front of his colleagues. Then I whispered in her ear that she should close her eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine her hands in the warm sand at the beach (the image that worked best for her). Over the next seven minutes, her hands warmed 18 degrees. The doctors were amazed, she was so happy with herself, and I was relieved that I had not scarred her for life. How can you warm your hands with your mind? You do it with diaphragmatic breathing and the visualization that works for you. This exercise can also be done in reverse. Begin in the standing position, sit down, then stand up again. Comments and hints: Your consciousness has formulated a will to execute this action that has gone from your brain to your body. Did you find the movement easier after visualizing it first?

Did it feel different? Was the movement the second time more fluid? Was it implemented with less effort? We use this same exchange of information when it comes to releasing blockages in our listening system. Traumatic experiences always manifest on a physical level in the form of blockages or a reduction of functionality. For recovery we need awareness of the traumatic event, because awareness is our helmsman, so to speak; Unless you plan on making that climb too, you will have to find someone who has, whom you feel you can trust. This article is my suggestion to you that, perhaps, that can be me. Instead of applying all we know to good effect, our cultural proclivity for focusing on one food, nutrient, or ingredient as scapegoat or salvation has us exploring every alternative means of eating badly. All the while, few of us would actually acquire an education or get a job. This would do for the economy just what our gullible indulgence in magical thinking about health and weight, and internecine bickering, have done for our diets, and epidemiology. There are, of course, barriers to more healthful eating other than our basic understanding. There is the issue of cost, which to some extent is an actual barrier to more nutritious foods, and to a perhaps greater extent is mistakenly perceived as such. There are many factors that stand between the us and the recommended daily intake of vegetables and fruits. As we ponder a seemingly endless parade of best diet contestants, we act as if we are answering questions. These truths suffer from a want of sex appeal or conspiracy theory intrigue - much like comparably time-honored truths about education and hard work. I'm not sure that I'll wind up being on a plant-based diet long term, but this is great discipline practice for me, and I already know that this kind of practice made a big difference when I had to exercise serious discipline at other times in my life, like when I had to move on from that group of people who were dragging me down even though I loved going out with them. Now, since we're at this point in the article, it's very possible that you've already started on a big change in some part of your life. If so, that's great--keep at it! If you're still getting started though, get some practice at discipline by picking something fairly small that you'd rather not deny yourself but that you know you should deny yourself.

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