Friday 19 June 2020

Work It Like a Muscle

So when we conduct a controlled clinical trial, we are not just looking for potential improvements--we are also looking at the side effects. In other words, what are we giving up for whatever we're gaining? In addition to that, we have established that what's good for one person can be bad for another, not just because of gender and age differences but also because of simple case-by-case differences--we're all biologically unique. I like junk! We have some work to do. Our family is certainly not the only one to suffer from an excess of stuff. American kids have 40 percent of the toys produced worldwide even though we only have 3. In a sociological study by UCLA researchers of thirty-two families in Los Angeles, they found the average family had 139 toys visible, not including those in closets or under beds. Three-quarters of the families couldn't store their cars in their garages because there was so much clutter in them. Much of this glut comes from the pressure to buy more and more. While advertisers have long targeted kids, they've gotten particularly intense in the last decade. Although advertisers focused on moms in the past--think Mom-approved cereal--now children are the driver of American consumer culture. One company estimated that four- to twelve-year-olds drive $330 billion worth of sales to adults per year. Again, you can rely on your body's feedback. If you feel worse and worse over time, and it begins to feel harder and harder to fast, or you feel the urge to binge and that urge is getting worse, that is a really bad sign that your body is distressed by what you are doing, and something is not working well for you. Perhaps you need to take a gentler approach to fasting for a time. Pick and choose. Try out different tools, cycle through approaches, and try things on for size to see if they fit. As you tweak, there is something very important to keep in mind: give each tweak enough time. When you switch something up, make sure you give it a chance so you can see how your body adapts.

One example may be trying an up-and-down-day protocol. Don't expect to do one down day and then know how it works for you based on that short time. I really want to reiterate this concept, because it's so important: After every tweak, give it some time to see how it's working for you. Reality-Based Belief: What makes anxiety the worst? Especially considering that, for the most part, you're creating it and are in charge of resolving it. Isn't it great that it's in your power to rid yourself of anxiety? And isn't it great that it can't kill you, and that it's only debilitating if you allow it to be? You can't say that about so many human struggles, such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis. To feed the false belief that anxiety is the worst also encourages your victimization. You are not a victim of anxiety if you're the one creating it. And if you created it, you can undo it. Follow the steps in this article and make your anxiety getaway! False Belief: I can't take it. Patients can see waiting times for a particular procedure at all hospitals in Norway and select hospitals based on wait times. For-profit hospitals do not provide acute care but rather are often contracted by RHAs to provide specialized elective procedures, such as cataract surgeries, to relieve these waiting times. Another problem is the need for patients to travel for care. Norway is large but sparsely populated. It is only slightly smaller than California but has just 12% of California's population. This creates challenges in providing hospital care to the rural population. Over the ast few years several new programs have been established to improve quality and efficiency.

There has been a push to close or consolidate some rural hospitals, although local public resistance has often stymied efforts to close them. In addition, specialized care has been centralized into centers of excellence. For instance, percutaneous cardiac interventions are available at only 7 hospitals, 2 of which are in Oslo. But there is information that comes out of well-done association studies that can be useful, and I believe there are things that affect our health and longevity that we can't yet measure, so the jury is still out on many of the innovative ideas being tested. But when I hear stories about people taking treatments, drugs, or botanicals that have not been proved to be safe in clinical trials, I am dismayed by the lack of judgment. Even seemingly innocuous supplements can interact with medications in deleterious ways. How Old Is Old? BIOLOGICAL VERSUS CHRONOLOGICAL AGE When we medical residents followed Dr Bar Hama on rounds, he routinely asked us if we thought the patient looked older or younger than his or her age. We quickly realized that biological age and chronological age are not the same. But the impact of this realization didn't hit home for me until I watched my mother appear to age twenty years over the span of just one. When she was fifty-five, she was diagnosed with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis and spent three months in the intensive care unit. I was thirty-four at the time, and many nights as I sat by her bed, I was afraid she would die. And it's not just about toys. Advertisers push children to have opinions on everything from cereal to what kind of cars their parents should drive. This onslaught of material goods comes with a big environmental and social footprint. All of those toys and other products use natural resources to produce, especially plastic toys that require oil production. Electronic toys use batteries or require electricity to run. Most of these toys are made in countries with poor labor standards, where people are overworked and underpaid. Sweatshops for clothing and toys have gotten increasingly nimble at evading inspectors and hiding mistreatment.

Disposing of these material goods is also difficult to do ethically. When electronic toys break, they're nearly impossible to fix. Even when things are still usable, dropping your unwanted goods off at the local secondhand donation center is often not a great option. You may still wonder, though: What do I mean by working? To determine if a tweak is working for you, consider these questions: How do you feel emotionally? This one is important! We always want to be in a good place mentally. Here's an example: if you try an ADF protocol for a month and you dread every single down day, and you feel like you want to binge throughout every single up day, then you know that this isn't working well! Don't forget, though--make sure that you give it a few weeks to see if you adjust. A new routine may be hard for the first two weeks and then suddenly you're in the groove and you love it. Tweak it till it's easy! How do you feel physically? Reality-Based Belief: You're reading this article. That simple fact shows you can take it! Because here you sit. You're still here! You haven't spontaneously combusted. And I assume there are other things you do in life that demonstrate you can take it, too. You might not like anxiety.

You might want something better. If that's the case, then you'll do what's required to change your circumstances. That's why you're reading this article. Although this has increased standardization of care and quality, it has also required many Norwegians to travel great distances for specialized care and increased the need for air ambulances. Specialist Care Almost all specialist care is provided in hospital-based outpatient facilities. Specialist care thus falls under the RHAs' authority. There are about 15,000 specialist physicians. Hospital-based specialists provide free advice to GPs on managing patients with particular medical problems. These physician-to-physician consultations can help GPs provide follow-up care after a specialist consultation. In practice, however, these specialist consultations tend to be haphazard and not standardized. Norway also has mobile specialists who visit patients in their homes. They most frequently provide geriatric and palliative care for home-bound elderly patients. Her pulse was weak, she had almost no blood pressure, and her oxygen levels were barely detectable. She underwent several surgeries, including the removal of parts of her pancreas and a colostomy. While the colostomy was reversed a year later and she was able to return home, she was more like a seventy-year-old woman than a woman in her late fifties. As a Holocaust survivor, though, she was strong and motivated, and she managed to live to seventy-eight. But the last two decades of her life were wrought with medical problems and her quality of life was not good, even though we all did everything we could for her. For me, this experience drove home the critical importance of extending health span along with life span. And it also exemplified that chronological age and biological age are often not in sync.

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