Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Master the Art of Making Meaning

Cover the left eye as you slowly move the paddle back and forth while looking at some of the details in the stickers and trying to keep them in focus for as long as possible. Crosswords and sudoku keep the brain in shape. No, that's not enough. Crosswords and software programmes, advertised as a defence against brain ageing, simply increase the ability to solve crossword puzzles and quizzes. They are a memory test, but do not increase intelligence. They're certainly useful as long as they're not viewed as a cure-all. Constantly learning new things outside one's comfort zone is probably more effective. Putting it simply, you need to put in some elbow grease. Mirror neurons have shaped human civilisation. In the 1990s it was discovered at the University of Parma that motor neurons in monkeys are activated not only to trigger a certain movement but also when they see anybody else making that same movement. Hence the name mirror neurons. What if anything is bringing me the best results? What could I do to double down on that success? Leveraging the power of gratitude I believe gratitude is one of the most powerful forces on earth. As you develop more gratitude, you'll find that all sorts of things will start changing in your life. Cultivating gratitude doesn't just allow you to develop a deeper sense of appreciation, it also changes how you see the world and the action you take as a result of that transformation. When you're able to experience gratitude for everything you have in life, you feel more inspired and have more energy to put toward the achievement of your goals and dreams. You feel a renewed sense of possibility, and new opportunities start appearing. As such, developing gratitude is a wonderful way to supercharge your model of reality.

When you're happy with the things you already have, the universe often gives you more--or so it seems. If the eye turns in then move the cardboard from the nose and out. Cover the right eye as you slowly move the paddle back and forth while looking at some of the details in the stickers and trying to keep them in focus for as long as possible. Cover the right eye as you move the paddle from the center and out, while looking at the stickers and trying to keep them in focus for as long as possible. If the eye turns then move the cardboard from outside towards the nose. Cover the left eye as you move the paddle from the center and out, while looking at the stickers and trying to keep them in focus for as long as possible. This exercise can be done with almost any prop - whenever is convenient. The movement encourages the mind to adjust the co-ordination of the eye muscles. Repeat this exercise for short periods of time, but do it frequently. Amblyopia is defined as defective visual acuity which persists after correction of the refraction error and removal of any pathological obstacle to vision. This is a condition of unknown origin where vision in one eye is switched off by the brain. Ramachandran's theory on the subject gave rise to some exaggerated ideas. The theory - now widely contested - attributed to them the function of `empathy neurons', responsible for human civilisation and, in the case of malfunction, for autism. Nowadays, we sometimes read quips like `It's mirror neurons that make us cry at the cinema' or `It's beneficial to go and visit friends in hospital so as to activate mirror neurons'. Without in any way diminishing the importance of the discovery, recent studies highlight the fact that mirror neurons are part of an intricate network of neural activity, including empathy, which naturally avails itself of the imitation function. But they are not its `on' switch. There are people who can read minds or use extrasensory perception. This myth, which took hold in the 1930s, consists in believing that the brain is capable of perceptions that don't come from the senses but are produced by the actual mind: from infallible intuition to clairvoyance, to telepathy and even telekinesis (the ability to move objects with your thoughts). Science, the human activity that deals with understanding nature through verifiable and repeatable observations, rules out the possibility that there could be any truth in it. However, there are those who believe the contrary, even in the higher echelons.

The story of that group of `psychic spies' organised by the CIA during the Cold War in order to test military solutions based on thought is very instructive. In short, the more you focus on what you have, the more likely you are to get what you want. So what are you grateful for in your life? Before we see how to cultivate gratitude, let's consider a few limiting beliefs that may prevent you from experiencing more of it. Have you ever thought you will never be able to make your money back, find a partner as good as your previous one or be happy again? This type of thinking is based on the belief there is a limited supply of things, people or experiences available to you. But is this true? Sure, there may be important events you might not want to miss, such as weddings and birthdays. However, there is no shortage of amazing events or opportunities available to you in the future. You can always create wonderful memories, can't you? For instance, missing out on an opportunity to make money isn't an issue. Recently amblyopia has been thought of as a sensory adaptation to strabismus, a condition where one eye looks out in the wrong direction. Some clinicians believe that there is a sensitive period of development for various visual functions. Experiments made with monkeys suggest that early visual deprivation (age 3 to 6 months) abolishes pattern and binocular vision. A later onset of visual deprivation (up to 25 months) results in reduced contrast sensitivity. Vaegan and Taylor (1980) note that visual deprivation in the first three years of life left only rudimentary vision. Patients with a later onset of vision deprivation suffered less visual loss, and patients deprived after ten years of age suffered no loss. Incidentally, many of the patients in the study showed substantial improvements in vision after optical correction and Vision Training (orthoptic treatment). In untreated conditions a marked decrease in visual acuity may develop within just a few weeks. Adults with one eye that is severely myopic may develop amblyopia if Vision Training is not undertaken, even if they wear corrective lenses.

The medical treatment of choice is patching the good eye, which over the years has been supplemented with active stimulation of the eye using electrical and chemical stimulants. And the film made about it, The Men Who Stare at Goats, is very entertaining. We use only 10% of our brain. Hollywood encouraged this old urban myth with the film Lucy, in which Scarlett Johansson accidentally ingests a huge dose of nootropics and her intelligence increases every hour until she gets endowed with telepathy, telekinesis and mental teleportation. The truth is that the brain is already engaged 100% in making the entire human being function: breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion, movement, balance, thought, future planning and so on. Watching television while eating crisps - which could seem like the height of `doing nothing' - actually consists of neural work to all intents and purposes. Even during sleep, the brain is fully active. This 10% business is the joke of the century. The quantum mind. Some, like physicist Roger Penfield, have put forward the theory that quantum mechanics plays a determining role in many cognitive processes, starting with consciousness. In other words, the possibility that brain functions are halfway between the standard model of physics that rigidly regulates the world around us, and quantum mechanics, which probabilistically regulates the subatomic world. There will be more opportunities in the future. And the better you train yourself to spot those opportunities, the more you'll find. There are also many people out there who could be suitable partners for you. Breaking up with someone you love by no means indicates you'll never meet another suitable partner in the future. The bottom line is, stop being afraid of missing out. Seize opportunities whenever you can but, remember there is and will always be an abundance of opportunities out there. Nowadays, many people take everything they have for granted. However, the truth is, you aren't entitled to anything. The universe doesn't owe you a single thing.

Everything you have is temporary and borrowed. Strategies used include total occlusion, excluding all light and form, such as using adhesive occludes worn on the skin. Opaque black contact lenses, frosted glass and other filters are also used to this end. Amblyopia is treated in childhood and rarely starts after the age of 8. If strabismus is involved, surgical replacement of the eye muscles is often performed in an attempt to straighten the eye so that both eyes track together. This results in a more pleasing appearance. The success rate with patches is not especially high. It was found that 23 percent of the patients studied showed no improvement despite adequate and vigorous treatment. The argument that is often proffered to explain the failure of the method is that the patient is not following the instructions. However, this study was done in a hospital setting so there was no possibility of patients not following the regime. People who have gone though this treatment in childhood will often tell you that they hated wearing the patch and that it didn't make much difference anyway. It's a theory that's very hard to demonstrate: `If you think you understand quantum mechanics,' US physicist Richard Feynman famously quipped, `then you don't understand quantum mechanics. In the meantime it's fuelling a host of pseudo-scientific theories about the inherent individual ability to improve one's life by tapping into the `quantum mind' and even cure illnesses with a `quantum cure'. On the other hand, the ICD (International Classification of Diseases), the classification of all diseases, not just mental, edited by the World Health Organization and used in the rest of the world, didn't remove it until 1992. ALL PRODUCTS THAT COME WITH A user's manual have a limited, albeit undefined, lifespan. Some people call it built-in obsolescence, implying deliberate responsibility on the part of the manufacturer. In the case of the brain, it is programmed by nature. Skin cells live approximately a month. Red blood cells are renewed every three months. The cells of the liver every eighteen months.

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