Wednesday 3 June 2020

Understaffing and overcommitment

You look for an underlying pattern, a core to your character that you must understand as deeply as possible. Second, with this connection established, you must look at the career path you are already on or are about to begin. The choice of this path--or redirection of it--is critical. To help in this stage you will need to enlarge your concept of work itself. Too often we make a separation in our lives--there is work and there is life outside work, where we find real pleasure and fulfillment. Work is often seen as a means for making money so we can enjoy that second life that we lead. Even if we derive some satisfaction from our careers we still tend to compartmentalize our lives in this way. This is a depressing attitude, because in the end we spend a substantial part of our waking life at work. If we experience this time as something to get through on the way to real pleasure, then our hours at work represent a tragic waste of the short time we have to live. Instead you want to see your work as something more inspiring, as part of your vocation. The movie is a historical reference to the term Gaslighting and not all real-life situations are due to a manipulator trying to steal a victim's inheritance. Real-life gaslighting situations, however, have something in common with what was portrayed in the movie. In Gaslighting situations, the goal is to isolate and brainwash the victim to control the victim's version of reality. The father may want to control every decision made by his son consciously or unconsciously, but he might be gaslighting the son into doubting his own choices. Another example of gaslighting in personal relationships is that of a spouse who continually humiliates their partner and demands attention from them while putting them down if they refuse to consider them. A worker can try to bring a subordinate or a coworker down with harmful and destructive words. Gaslighting happens in television commercial advertisements: a product is advertised, and it leaves you with the feeling that something is wrong with your memory or you are going crazy, and the only way out is for you to buy the product and use it. Public figures, who have a cult-like following, might use their leadership status to mislead the public. So, what does the term gaslighting mean? To be specific, it refers to the behaviors and actions by which a manipulator uses information in such a way as to make a victim question their sanity.

Come on in. We're about to start. Hunter slid the note card into the article and stood. He felt a sense of accomplishment at using his time to better himself, and as he held the door open for Sha'Kera to enter, he thought, That wasn't bad at all. I did it. I read and understood it. Hinkle was right; I can do this. I'll read another block after Group. Twelve more times that day, Hunter arranged short reading episodes. This may include sport or leisure activities such as ballroom dancing or gardening, as well as the necessary activities such as housework or shopping. It can be as simple as climbing the stairs or taking short regular walks. Research has shown that you are never too old to start reaping the rewards of being more active. When I think of a planned, structured physical exercise activity it usually has the aim of improving specific physical, mental and social needs (body, mind and spirit). Whatever physical activity or exercise you do it should help to improve those 5 S's - your stamina, strength, suppleness, skill and shape. The all-important posture The pace of life and pressure of work can result in poor posture and tension headaches. We appear to carry the world on our shoulders and many people will experience stiffness in their upper body and neck. Sometimes bad posture is caused by unsuitable chairs and seating positions, or from sitting for too long in front of TV or computer screens. Check that your chair, desk and worktop are at a good height and in sufficient light.

The word vocation comes from the Latin meaning to call or to be called. Its use in relation to work began in early Christianity--certain people were called to a life in the church; They could recognize this literally by hearing a voice from God, who had chosen them for this profession. Over time, the word became secularized, referring to any work or study that a person felt was suited to his or her interests, particularly a manual craft. It is time, however, that we return to the original meaning of the word, for it comes much closer to the idea of a Life's Task and mastery. The voice in this case that is calling you is not necessarily coming from God, but from deep within. It emanates from your individuality. It tells you which activities suit your character. And at a certain point, it calls you to a particular form of work or career. Your work then is something connected deeply to who you are, not a separate compartment in your life. Gaslighting is an attempt at convincing a person of something being true by forcefully asserting it or making up flimsy evidence, blatantly denying that one has said something one has said. It is manipulating another's physical environment to make the person doubt their perceptions or memories about their physical situation. It is intentionally isolating another person from external sources of valid information. It can be used intentionally to gain authority over a victim's life. Narcissists are known as control freaks, and gaslighting is of no surprise a tool they use in controlling the lives of others. A narcissist is anyone who suffers from Narcissism Personality Disorder (NPD). The cause of this disorder is not known, but psychologists link NPD to the environment, genetics and neurobiology. It is essential to understand the behaviors of individuals who suffer from NPD because most times we don't know what a narcissist looks like and the behaviors of these individuals are what points them out as narcissists. Someone who shows a continuous need for attention might be a narcissist, it might be by physically being all over you or constantly saying words to demand your attention. Narcissists can't self-validate, and so they continuously look for other people to approve of them and no matter what others say to validate them, they never feel it is enough, and will always want more.

By the time he crawled into bed, he had read nine articles in the article. Inspired by the progress he had made with his ex-wife, Jennifer, at the last family weekend session, Hunter had begun writing notes to her before he went to bed, but this time he found himself thinking, I'll just read a little more before I write to her. That will add another block. Ten minutes and three more articles passed before he closed the article. Wow, this is great. I'm getting through this article pretty quickly. Jen would be proud. Oh, yeah: the note I want to write to her. He retrieved a greeting card he'd bought for her and started writing. Sit with your bottom well back on the seat and if you've an arch in your back, support it with a cushion or towel. Have your legs slightly apart, knees bent to an angle of 90o, with your feet flat on the floor. How much exercise do we need? To be effective, exercise must be done on a regular basis. For general health, adult men and women should aim to do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on at least five days each week, plus some other specific form of physical activity to improve muscle strength on at least two days each week. From the age of 65, exercise to improve balance and coordination is also recommended. We should aim for an active lifestyle. All activity is good for us - and inactivity isn't! It's a natural process for both men and women to lose some bone density after about the age of 35 (see here). Research has shown that regular, weight-bearing/impact exercise makes it possible to prevent some bone loss.

You develop then a sense of your vocation. Finally, you must see your career or vocational path more as a journey with twists and turns rather than a straight line. You begin by choosing a field or position that roughly corresponds to your inclinations. This initial position offers you room to maneuver and important skills to learn. You don't want to start with something too lofty, too ambitious--you need to make a living and establish some confidence. Once on this path you discover certain side routes that attract you, while other aspects of this field leave you cold. You adjust and perhaps move to a related field, continuing to learn more about yourself, but always expanding off your skill base. Like Leonardo, you take what you do for others and make it your own. Eventually, you will hit upon a particular field, niche, or opportunity that suits you perfectly. You will recognize it when you find it because it will spark that childlike sense of wonder and excitement; No matter how much you say I love you or I admire you to a narcissist, they never feel it is enough. They continually attempt to evoke recognition and endorsement from others to support their delicate self-image, but regardless of the amount they are given, they always need more. Narcissists will demand that you say and do precisely what they have in mind so that they can achieve their ideal goals. A narcissist sees you internally as a character in their own script, not a genuine individual with your own thoughts and sentiments. When you don't behave as a narcissist expects you to behave, they become very disturbed because they don't know what to expect from you as you are now operating outside of their scripts. The need for control stems out of the narcissist's ideals. Narcissists don't want to believe life is imperfect and they want to control and mold life into what they envision, so they always want to be in control of everything. The narcissist sees themselves at the top of the world with everyone beneath their feet. In their heads, they are entitled to the best, and they have to be the best, the richest, the greatest and so on. They feel everything must be done their way and they must own and control everyone.

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