Friday, 30 October 2020

Do you feel good physically?

It is very easy to use. All you have to do is to make the negative film unrecognizable and destroy it so that the destructive form cannot be played back. This does not erase the negative situation, but it does not trigger any more negative feelings. You succeed in looking at the situation neutrally or with a smile. To help you achieve this, neurolinguistic programming offers you a highly effective method that is very promising and works very well. It not only reprogrammed negative thoughts into a positive way of thinking but also dissolves misguided, blocking beliefs and replaces them with new, positive ones. Your beliefs also influence your self-image, your perception of others, and the communication with yourself and others. NLP, therefore, helps you to live a more fulfilled and happy life and simultaneously releases enormous energies that make you successful. First of all, you need to accept the fact that you will fail to keep this commitment to yourself at one point or another. When this happens you'll need to have compassion for yourself and simply get right back on track. As you make it a habit to start again, you'll find that the time between stopping and starting gets shorter. Think of self-discipline as an act of self-love. When you engage in any behavior that honors yourself, you automatically raise your self-esteem--the ability to hold yourself in high regard. The way to build this muscle is to keep at it. The next way to increase your chances of success is to use your partner or support team to help keep you on track. Make a verbal commitment and arrange to use check-in calls for the first 30 days, so you can use this accountability to stay focused. Finally, create a regular schedule. The body quickly adapts to (and prefers) a routine. Overt behaviors that are thought (on the basis of a theoretical conception) to be indicators of anxiety (eg, chewing on the fingernails, rapidly tapping one's foot, twitching eyelids) Physiological measures that assess bodily symptoms or signs that are thought (again, on the basis of a theoretical conception) to be indicators of anxiety (eg, rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, exaggerated startle response)

These various operationalizations tap into different aspects of the concept of anxiety. It's important that multiple operationalizations of a given conceptual variable are highly correlated with each other so that we can be confident that the various operationalizations are all tapping into the same underlying conceptual variable. Construct validity is the degree to which the dependent variable measures what it intends to measure or the independent variable manipulates what it intends to manipulate. Often researchers assess the construct validity of an independent variable by including a manipulation check, which is a measure that directly assesses whether the manipulation created the change that was intended. For dependent variables, if different operationalizations of a given conceptual variable are not strongly related to each other, we may actually be tapping into two different conceptual variables. Poor construct validity is one of the primary potential problems in the research process. If it is not clear that an operationalization of a dependent variable measures what it was intended to measure, then we can't draw any clear conclusion from an experiment using that operationalization. An experiment that lacks construct validity for either the independent or the dependent variable does not have internal validity. Finally, it is time to stop wasting energy on things that do not get you anywhere. Your focus is on the things that will help you to happiness and success. Inner harmony is established and you can go through life with ease. As you already know, NLP can be used in many areas. You encounter NLP every day publicly media, in business, in private life, in your job, in politics, and in many other areas where others want to influence you. For this purpose, methods are used that are goal- and success-oriented. After all, it is all about modeling behavior that can simultaneously influence your way of thinking. A small example: Imagine a genius speaker like Barack Obama or a genius like Steve Jobs and a person who does the same job, but has only average command of the task and performs it accordingly. In neuro-linguistic programming, the question is now raised as to what special characteristics distinguish the approach of the genius from that of the average person. Conversely, the question is asked why one person is only averagely successful in the same action and why the other person is successful. When you schedule your daily activity at the same time each day, you'll find yourself naturally gravitating toward that commitment. Think of this routine as a groove that you're creating for yourself.

The deeper the groove, the easier it is to stay on track. Mark the time on your calendar and hold it as sacred. Don't let other events or people intrude on this commitment. Now that you have a daily activity in place, you're ready for the next step: building a deep sense of inner security. STILLNESS: THE KEY TO INNER SECURITY Meditation, the art of tuning in, is the perfect metaphor for shutting out your external world. When we close our eyes we flip a switch that connects us to what's going on inside. Almost instantly we become aware of what we're thinking and how we feel. No clear conclusions can be drawn from the results of such an experiment. Construct validity The degree to which the dependent measure assesses what it intends to assess or the manipulation manipulates what it intends to manipulate. Problems with the construct validity of independent variables are particularly common in social psychological research. Operationalizations of the manipulation of any one specific conceptual independent variable might also inadvertently alter several other conceptual variables. For example, if we manipulate stereotype threat by informing our research participants that it is widely believed that their group performs poorly on a particular task, this may well increase their concern that their poor performance might confirm a negative stereotype, just as our conceptual definition of stereotype threat would suggest. But it may also do other things. Maybe it just creates a general increase in fear of failure that has little to do with concerns about stereotypes. It might even create anger at the thought that some people view one's group as inferior. How can we know if the effect of our independent variable is due to concerns about stereotypes, performance anxiety, anger, or any number of other possible consequences of our manipulation? What is the difference between genius and average actions? You will get answers to these questions by going through the 5 phases of neurolinguistic programming.

Phase 1: Imitate a brilliant person Find a brilliant person and get access to yourself. Then imitate the person's behavior without the thought of imitating that person. The behavior is imitated until you master this behavior just as well. This does not work overnight but requires perseverance and discipline. Phase 2: Analyze and write down the behavior If you are just as good at everything and master your actions with the same quality as the genius, use your analytical thinking to analyze and classify behavior and write down the knowledge you have gained. Draw up a plan for yourself in which you write down in detail how this genius ticks. Try it right now. Close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths. Notice this shift in energy in your body and your mind. See what I mean? When you close your eyes, you shut out the world. From this perspective you begin to notice how you feel and what you think in a way that most of us never acknowledge because of our busy lives. For example, you might notice bodily sensations like the shallowness of your breath or the beating of your heart. You notice sounds that you were oblivious to before, like the hum of your computer or the noise of passing traffic. You notice your thoughts and the busyness of your mind as it worries, plans, or overanalyzes. When you learn to connect with your breath on a regular basis by closing your eyes and breathing deeply, you calm your nervous system. This is a crucial question for determining whether a study has internal validity. When more than one conceptual variable differs across conditions in an experiment, the independent variable is confounded.

Confounds cloud the interpretation of research results because a variable other than the conceptual variable we intended to manipulate may be responsible for the effect on the dependent variable, making alternative explanations possible. Alternative explanations make it unclear which conceptual variable really is responsible for the changes in the dependent variable that occur. Confounds and alternative explanations are thus a major problem in social psychological research -- and in all the rest of science. Much of the controversy and disagreement among scientists results from the confounding of variables. A variable other than the conceptual variable intended to be manipulated that may be responsible for the effect on the dependent variable, making alternative explanations possible. Researchers do their best to avoid confounds in their studies. Ideally, a researcher carefully considers potential confounds and alternative explanations when planning a study and includes control groups that expose participants to these possible confounding alternative causal variables without exposing them to the variable that is being investigated as a possible cause. To control for possible confounds in experiments on the effect of stereotype threat on test performance, we might include control conditions in which participants are threatened, distracted, or angered in ways unrelated to stereotypes of the groups to which they belong. The first two steps lead to you becoming just as competent as the brilliant personality, no matter what skills the latter has. Phase 3: Keep the knowledge in mind and manifest it Keep reminding yourself of the insights you have experienced in the first two phases. This process is an important step in neuro-linguistic programming as you convert tactics into knowledge. Use this knowledge to pass it on to other people in a bundled form. With the help of the information, the other person can familiarize himself or herself with a new, changed tactic and understand what is being said. Phase 4: Review In phase 4, take a closer look. See if the behavior of this genius personality has been adopted. If necessary, start again with phases 1 and 2. Then, as your mind settles, you learn to enter into a state of thoughtlessness so you can become an objective witness to the present moment. Meditation can be challenging for those of us who are used to being busy.

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