Saturday, 31 October 2020

Would you take me out this week?

Manipulation with the first impression is not immoral. Therefore, you can use it without hesitation. You should know, however, that you do not have 0. It is not so much the spoken word that counts, but rather body language, posture, gait, eyes, the position of the feet and the handshake. Do these things all fit together and do they form a symmetrical picture? They have influenced the other person's way of thinking and thus won the game 1-0. Ever heard of the halo effect? The halo effect is a measurable cognitive distortion In this process, conclusions about unknown characteristics are drawn from already known characteristics of a person. It sets high or unrealistic expectations of how we should think, feel, and behave. It creates an imaginary ideal self to ensure we do what is right, acceptable, and perfect according to societal norms. Its role is to control our instinctual biological impulses for pleasure and instant gratification. When we fall short of our ideal self, we may punish ourselves through guilt or self-critical talk: I am stupid, I am not enough or I should have known better. This self-talk can block us from achieving our goals and cause unnecessary suffering. Fortunately, the ego is the rational and realistic part of our conscious mind, residing in the pre-frontal cortex. It arbitrates between the id and superego, and tests internal assumptions based on the reality of the external world. We formulate a self-image or sense of self in the first three years of life, based on observations of our parents' behaviors and external environment. The internal conflict between the id, ego, and superego in our psyche causes the monkey-mind chatter. We create a distorted or false sense of self to keep ourselves safe and in control of our situations to avoid perceived danger. The theory starts with the observation that men and women are, to some extent, genetically predisposed to succeed at different tasks. Biological differences in body type and childbearing ability have meant that, across history and culture, men have traditionally taken on physically demanding efforts to acquire food and shelter and fend off predators, while women have had more control over child rearing and managing communal relationships.

Eagly makes an interesting point about how we interpret those differences: By observing males and females engage in these specific roles, people often infer that women do more socially oriented and caregiving kinds of behaviors because that is what they are intrinsically good at and that men find themselves in positions of leadership and power because that is what they are intrinsically good at. From this perspective, men's and women's social roles shape their self-concepts, pushing them toward more gender-consistent self-perceptions. To illustrate, one of your authors (Mark) has had his car fixed several times in the past few years, and every mechanic he's interacted with has been male. You can imagine how it would be easy for him to jump to the conclusion that men are by their nature better suited than women to fix cars. But step back and see that he'd be basing that inference on no solid evidence about human nature--only a correlation he's observed in his local community. THINK ABOUT Think about the Men at Work sign you've often seen. How does this message subtly reinforce gender roles (why not People Working instead? The conclusions are influenced by the totality of the processes that exist in connection with perception and recognition. In studies, it has been observed that the same mechanisms are used as when getting to know a new person. The first character traits have such radiance and are so dominant that all further information about the person is perceived and classified on the same level. The halo effect is extremely manipulative if you talk about a person you do not know in advance. In this way you influence the perception of other people. If you notice that other people have been manipulated in this direction, use this to your advantage and consider which characteristic makes the most sense in this context to present yourself uniquely. If you can read people, you will quickly recognize if you are dealing with a manipulator. You can recognize how this person ticks if you know the manipulation techniques described. It is important to observe and recognize signs. With empathy or empathy you can put yourself in the other person's shoes and find out his strengths and weaknesses. The ego is essential to our human existence and functioning as a healthy adult. It often gets a bad reputation as being a trickster, taskmaster or the core reason for our suffering.

This is partially true when we refer to the underdeveloped, overinflated, or wounded aspects of our psyche (id or superego). But, it's not the whole picture. It's our identification and attachment to these separate parts that create suffering. We may overinflate our self-image by thinking we are the smartest person in our field, creating a sense of superiority and arrogance. Or, we may undervalue our self-image by thinking we are stupid and have nothing to offer, creating a sense of inferiority or insecurity. From a developmental psychology perspective, to grow to the next level and individuate as healthy human beings and adults we need to understand, heal, and integrate these fragmented parts of our psyche. When these parts are integrated, we can more clearly hear the voice of pure awareness. Awareness is the pure consciousness or innate intelligence that resides in the center of our being or neuro-physiological system. Where do you see similar messages in your culture? Have they influenced what you imagine yourself being or doing? Social role theory The theory that gender differences in behavior, personality, and self-definition arise because of a long history of role distribution between the sexes and error-prone assumptions that those roles are essential to men and women's nature. Stable and Malleable Aspects of the Self-Concept Does the self-concept remain pretty much the same as people move from one social situation to another? Or does it change? Research supports both possibilities. Some aspects of the self-concept are relatively stable, like the attributes the person views as most important for defining his or her sense of self. A person might view his intelligence or his athletic ability, for example, as most central to who he is as a person, whereas other attributes may be descriptive but not so self-defining. People are divided into rational and emotional types and are simultaneously a product of their socialization. If a rational thinking person tries to manipulate you, you will not get any further with your emotions.

Pursue a rational approach to use the manipulation attempt for your purposes. In this way you give the person the feeling that the newly chosen path originates from his ideas and conceptions. Design this turnaround carefully to gain respect and sympathy that will be shown to you. If the person you are talking to is more of an emotional person who makes decisions based on gut feeling, you have an easy time using manipulation. You just have to find out which feelings need to be awakened. For example, showing helplessness has a great effect on people with helper syndrome. Just like yourself, other people are shaped by their social environment. To use manipulation for your purposes, you need to learn many things about the other person. Its nature is unchanging and undifferentiated, meaning it is not an isolated self. This awareness is often known as the soul, presence, essence, or true self. The secret to mastering the monkey mind is to cultivate this awareness within ourselves and integrate the fragmented parts of our psyche. This is the doorway to our infinite potential and genuine happiness. Let's circle back to the neurological phenomenon, which psychiatrist Edward Hallowell calls attention deficit trait (ADT). ADT is our brain's reaction to a hyperkinetic, external environment of speed, data, ideas, and increased workload and the stress of keeping up with all the demands we face. Our high-speed lifestyle requires that our brains track many data points at once--emails, texts, calls, meetings, news, and more--which creates anxiety, hyperactivity, exhaustion, and lack of focus. Here lies the underlying problem--our brains can manage only one task at a time. Technically, our brains switch back and forth from one task to another. When we manage multiple tasks simultaneously it becomes our default mode for working, creating negative physical and mental effects. THINK ABOUT Take a moment to think about your own self-defining attributes.

What aspects are central to who you are? According to Hazel Markus (1977), people are likely to have a lot of knowledge about self-defining attributes. This knowledge is mentally organized as a self-schema: an integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations about an attribute that is central to one's self-concept. A self-schema for compassion, for example, may include memories of specific events (Last week I helped a duck get out of the road) and more general beliefs about how one typically behaves in various situations (I always give change to homeless people). Supporting research shows that people process information about a self-defining attribute very quickly, remember a lot of specific behaviors that reflect that attribute, and are reluctant to believe information that conflicts with their belief about how much of that attribute they possess. Self-schema An integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations about a personally important attribute that defines the self. Although central aspects of the self-concept remain stable, shifting social contexts can call up different aspects of the self-concept, changing how we think and act. These include, for example, guilt complexes, fear of failure and fear of loss. The more you know about them, the better you can get the other person to move in your desired direction. By holding a mirror in front of the person you are talking to, you simply turn the tables. This method originates from neurolinguistic programming. People like it when you get the impression that there are similarities between them and the other person. This makes the person more open to the demands you intend to make. For example, adopt the same posture and use the same facial expressions and gestures, or display a specific emotional attitude, such as cheerfulness or enthusiasm. In this way you use the same methods of manipulation and have a good chance of using the situation for your goals. Manipulation and the attempts to influence are not for private use but can also be used professionally. It is important that as soon as you feel manipulation from another person, you take specific countermeasures and use the manipulation techniques for your purposes. Research shows that, over time, managing multiple tasks drains our brain's effectiveness and shrinks the gray matter in our neocortex. This causes more mistakes, stress, anxiety, and impatience, as well as stifles our creativity.

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