Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Destructive Thinking;

When sitting at a desk, your feet should rest on the floor, not dangling in the air. Your hips and knees should create nice 90-degree angles. You want your chair to give a bit of low back/lumbar support. Keep the upper parts of your arms down to your sides with your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Olive oil has been used topically as a beauty treatment since ancient times, but nutritionally speaking, this rich oil is also high in monounsaturated fat and is a good source of antioxidant polyphenols. Used as folk medicine since biblical times, pomegranates pack potent health benefits. Studies in Israel show that the fruit has more antioxidant properties than red wine and green tea. Pomegranates also provide isoflavones, potassium, vitamin C, and niacin. Eat the fruit or drink them juiced--the juice makes great smoothies and is even showing up in exotic cocktails (Pomegranate Cosmo, anyone? Salmon is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can be baked, grilled, panfried, or poached. The key is to eat wild salmon fished from its natural environment, where it lives on krill and shrimp (which give it that pink color). Farmed salmon is fed fish meal laced with antibiotics and must be dyed pink--otherwise, it's a grayish color. Note that most canned salmon is wild and tends to come complete with bones, which are a great source of calcium. Canned salmon is excellent in salads or on sandwiches. How vulnerable! Even if we are vulnerable beings who can enter into the flow of love and communication naturally, old patterns start to emerge. We work through them; But the closer we get, the more we must lean into the unknown, the fear of the ending, and the quality of our commitment. I can shift this fear into acceptance. First, you choose to trust.

You look at the facts--communication is solid, love is good, you feel seen, you feel confident in your future. But how many times have we all felt this and had a rug pulled out from underneath that we never saw coming? A few, enough to have that little voice in our head that says, You cannot trust this, and you cannot trust yourself, and you cannot trust this relationship, because everything ends! The only proof I have up until now is that every romantic relationship ends. Learning from Failure I'm grumbling as I type this, just because I was such a perfectionist as I was growing up that I hated hearing that I should learn from my mistakes. All I heard was that I was bad for making mistakes, and if I was good, I'd learn not to make any more of them! That's not what I mean. But for me, it took a while to unwind my self-critical, perfectionist tendency to the point where I was willing to really learn from my mistakes and failures. So what do I think that it is appropriate to learn from failure? First off, it's not how to never fail in the future. People who never fail are people who never take risks. Failure means you had the courage to try something beyond what was safe. If you want to have a great life, you'll be risking, and failing, more than people who are just surviving. The several months of my teaching apprenticeship were gruelling. Not because of the teaching itself, but because at the same time, to stay afloat, I also worked as a manager in a retail store. My schedule ran as follows: I spent every day from 8:30 a. Then I got into my second-hand Hyundai Pony--it was bright red and had these louvres on the back--and drove north to Newmarket, where I managed the Tristan & America location at the Upper Canada Mall from 1 p. Then I drove home. I'd sometimes have lessons to plan for class in the morning.

The next day, I did it all again. I was working around the clock. It felt like I was always on the highway. My Pony logged thousands of kilometres. We forget that time and sanity are valuable too. Ignoring them for the sake of the lowest price could have bigger consequences than saving a buck on Tater Tots. Decide once where you shop. You could also decide once that you'll shop one time each week, that you won't try new brands during this busy season of life, or that you'll always do curbside pickup and risk a bruised banana or two. We create unnecessary stress by remaking decisions about how we shop every time we need food, so find a way to decide once and lower the stress. THE LAZY GENIUS WAY TO DECIDE WHAT'S FOR LUNCH Make a pot of soup on Sunday for a week of lunches. Make several salads-in-a-jar at once. Buy lettuce and a favorite cheese to make your sandwiches actually taste good. Choose a meal that doesn't get traction at dinner because of picky kids, and eat it for lunch instead. Now move your attention to your neck. Can you allow any tenseness or tightness to leave your body through your breath? Notice your jaw. Is it tense or tight? Can you allow that tension to relax as you move your attention to your head, and then back to your breath? Rest quietly, noticing what it is like to be in your whole body.

Continue to breathe, noticing your breath and resting in your body quietly for as long as you wish. Once you have done this short body scan a few times, you will know it well enough to do it without guidance, perhaps lengthening it and making it your own. Some people find that certain areas of their body are particularly tense and may want to spend more time checking in with that area in greater detail. Key Takeaways I struggled terribly with incontinence, dryness, painful sex, and bacterial vaginitis, and all of those completely went away when I started HT. URINARY INCONTINENCE I spoke candidly about my incontinence issues in article 1. If this is an issue for you, I highly recommend finding a pelvic-floor physiotherapist who will guide you in an exercise program to help strengthen your whole pelvic-floor region. What I didn't tell you was that a month or so after working with my pelvic-floor physio, I peed my pants again. Or should I say I peezed, a combination of sneezing and peeing at the same time, the ultimate multitasking. I was still doing my pelvic-floor exercises regularly, so something else was clearly amiss. I went to my gynecologist, who told me that some women find that incontinence can come and go as hormones fluctuate. Whenever I went through a period of incontinence, I entered it into my menopause tracker. It became clear to me that in addition to maintaining my pelvic-floor health with exercises, I also needed to be aware that the incontinence would come and go as my hormones continued to be erratic. Melatonin levels typically start to rise about 9 p. Really bright light switches off the production of melatonin, particularly light in the blue frequency. That's why cell phone manufacturers now sell products that reduce the amount of blue light they emit at night. But, as I've said before, this is a bit of a con. The problem with cell phones and tablets is not so much the light they produce, but the fact that they stimulate the brain just when you need to slow down. Ideally, you should switch off the bright lights in your house and go for more subdued lighting.

Tim Peake, the British astronaut who spent six months on the International Space Station, told me they have recently altered the lighting on the space station so it gradually changes, over the course of a day, from light that is more in the blue frequency first thing to light that is more in the red frequency as the day progresses, mimicking the light changes that happen back on Earth. The Hadza, hunter-gatherers who live in Tanzania, shun artificial lighting and have no word for insomnia. They gather around the campfire at night, to share stories and experiences, before heading to bed a few hours after the sun has set. Have a Warm Bath The golden moon shines her light down upon the clearing. You can't believe your eyes as you stand there. Your rabbit friend has led you to paradise. The clearing in front of you has the most beautiful scene you have ever witnessed. It is precisely what you would consider being perfect. Take a few moments to explore the clearing, knowing that you are entirely safe and comfortable here. Use your imagination to fill the clearing with detail. Are there beautiful glowing flowers? Mushrooms that look like candy might catch your eye. Perhaps the trees are swaying as they sing a lovely song. After removing ourselves from this location or removing the substance from our lives, we may have the feeling subside. Chronic exposure is much more serious. This form of exposure can materialize over the years, or even decades. Along the way, the exposure will inhibit or disturb our cell functions. Over time, and in more severe cases, chronic exposure can lead to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Everyday Items that Could Pose Risk

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