Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Driven Goal-Setting

THE DISCIPLINE OF ASSENT There is an important way in which the discipline of desire and action connect: they both require good judgment on our part. Accordingly, the third discipline, of assent, is meant to improve our faculty of judgment, what Epictetus refers to as prohairesis. In a sense, in fact, the major goal of Epictetus's version of Stoic training is to improve our capacity to arrive at good judgments. The reason for this goes back to the early Stoa. Both Cleanthes (the second head of the Stoic school) and Chrysippus (the third) had put forth the notion that wisdom is the ability to properly assess our impressions. Impression is a technical Stoic term meaning our first take on either our sensorial perceptions or our internal thoughts and feelings. What were Kanner's observations about the possible cause of autism? Dr Kanner noted that the onset of the disorder, that later became known as autism, began following the administration of the small pox vaccine. It seems feasible that vaccines could possibly be a catalyst that triggers the onset of autism. Now, having clearly defined what autism is, and some of the concerning facts about it, the question remains, what does this have to do with postgenderism and/or transhumanism? The answer is nothing short of shocking. Before we can get to this answer though, first we must do some dot-connecting. How do these disparate agendas relate to the autism epidemic? The fact is that they are all interconnected in a very profound way. Let's begin our search for answers by drawing some direct lines from the autism epidemic to the postgender agenda. Autism and Gender Dysphoria Aries attacks a situation head on; Cancer makes a wide circle around its objective before closing in; Libra invites people to combine forces, thereby augmenting its strength;

Cardinal signs go the distance and will always achieve their ends. It's why they are the most goal-oriented of the zodiac signs. A fixed sign always follows a cardinal sign, and because it sits in the center, it is considered to be the heart of the season. In other words, spring has sprung when the Sun is in Taurus, summer is hottest in Leo, gardens fade and go to seed in Scorpio, and the world is coldest in Aquarius. Fixed signs always say no before they say yes. No before yes means it's up to you to sell them on your idea. It's a show-me mentality. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Remember, it's more about what you absorb than what you eat. It is essential for healthy skin, hair and nails and can help in cell reproduction and constant renewal of the skin. It has been thought to help prevent breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer through regulation of the nervous system. Our body can store and recycle B12, an evolutionary adaption that makes sense, as B12 is so necessary that our bodies have evolved the capacity to store it for survival in times of scarcity. However, there's a downside to being able to store and recycle it: the symptoms of long-term inadequate intake can take years to show themselves. Long-term deficiency puts you at a risk of nerve degeneration, mental disturbance and depression amongst a host of other problems. Once these symptoms manifest, it's nearly impossible to fully recover. The take-home message is to make sure that you get enough vitamin B12 from your meat or consider adding it to your supplement regimen. Personally, I only eat red meat once or twice a week, so I hedge my bets and supplement with it. One of my mentors in Chinese medicine likes to say that a healing crisis is danger plus opportunity. I believe we are at a collective healing crisis. Though, by all estimations, our average level of health is decreasing (at least it is in the U.

Quality food is easier to find than ever; So consider How to Be Well an instruction manual for this era of change--a compendium of what you need to know to grab the opportunity in both hands, take better health down off the shelf of tomorrows, and start taking steps toward it today. And why not start right now? When you better your health through even the smallest positive changes, it starts a ripple effect that soon touches others, inspiring and supporting them to make changes, too. That's why a single personal act can have such a meaningful impact: Multiply it by ten, by a hundred, by a thousand other people, and it soon takes on the power to change the world. Profit-driven interests, like Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Tech, are shaping the way we eat, think, and treat our bodies and minds. Take back your health. Second Session As you can see, there are a few factors that you can change each time that you train. The important part at this stage is to never sit back and go through the motions; If your sessions do not push you slightly, you will not develop the endurance that you are looking for. But at this point, there is no need to get to the stage of physical discomfort mentioned at the beginning of this article. It will only mess with your mind. EMPTY YOURSELF It is common knowledge that you must not eat a big meal before you train in this game, but it is not common knowledge that running with a full tank can cause you problems. I understand that this may make me sound crude, but I think it is well worth mentioning. You can thank me for it later! We may be tall or short; Not one, in its entirety, is better or worse than any other. But every one of us should feel the best we can in our own body, the one we were born with.

Remember, we all have our own given set of physical, mental, and emotional circumstances. It is what we do with them that matters: how we connect to what we are given. How we allow or forbid others to influence our personal decisions about what we want for ourselves. What is really cool is that we can do a lot with our bodies, if we want to do so. No one else has the right to tell you to dye your hair, wear colored contacts, or lose or gain muscle or weight. It is vital that you learn to listen to your inner voice and decide who you are. Honor your individuality; It is important that you write these thoughts down so you can reflect on them and embellish them as you progress through your training program. Get yourself a brand new notearticle and start your own running journal. You will be using this later in the program as well, but for now, start out by documenting boldly and clearly, This is my `Why'. List of all the reasons you will feel good about achieving your goal, and what this will mean to you, both physically and emotionally. He who has a why can bear almost any how. Friedrich Nietzsche A Guide to Goal Setting Many readers will be familiar, I'm sure, with the S. Goal Setting model, or theory, which is commonly associated with Peter Drucker's management by objectives concept. Rather than give a long-winded explanation of the entire theory here, let's just consider some of the key elements which are applicable to your running goals, and which are likely to help you achieve them more easily. You wouldn't be reading this if there weren't a serious downside to the way your loved one uses substances, and the suggestion that you try to understand her point of view may seem galling to you. But understanding--not condoning--why people do what they do gives us a much better chance of helping. It may seem like a leap, but most people, including people with substance problems, are capable of making rational decisions.

Studies have found repeatedly that most people stop abusing substances on their own, without formal treatment or intervention. If you believe, however, that a person is incapable of honesty, reasoning, and constructive collaboration with you, there will be no chance of engaging on these terms. And probably she will live down to your expectations. Research has shown that the more you criticize someone, presumably (and understandably) in the hopes of getting through to her, the more defensive she'll become--which is often taken for denial. This article offers strategies based on respect and optimism that are proven to lower defenses and get you on the same side, working together against the problem. You may feel you have lost touch completely with your loved one's good qualities. That's a sad place to be, but understandable. Later on it might have been a grade one or two teacher. It could be a nanny that looked after you while your parents were working. Can you remember when you were young coming home after school telling your mom what your teacher said and mom went:That can't be true! It doesn't work that way! Are you sure she said that? You then assured her with conviction that it is true and no matter what mom said or how she tried to convince you, you did not believe her. The teacher was the most knowledgeable and important influence in your life and always right. The same is true of other parental figures. There is a second reason why parental figures play such an important role in a child's life: Final Authority True collectors are able to clearly describe their reasons for obtaining new objects as part of socially shared activities that target special objects. This rarely leads to the distress or impairment experienced with hoarding. Features of Collecting and Hoarding

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