Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Elevating mutual respect

These foods are easy to get, fast, and keep us feeling `full' for longer. But, the illusion of `fullness' is a dangerous and tempting lie - these foods are really empty and do not support your health, they only push back our hunger temporarily until the next `hungry moment'. These foods often contribute to foggy thinking immediately after eating them. I mean, have you ever really considered or questioned why you end up feeling sluggish and drowsy half an hour after eating that take out? Our memories are not stored like articles on library shelves in our brains but are actually on-the-fly reconstructions of elements scattered across different areas of our brains. Recent studies indicate that frequent jet lag bouts can cause damage to the temporal lobe, a memory-important region of the brain that causes it to reduce in size and compromise performance on spatial memory tests. Cortisol, a stress hormone is released by the body during stress periods (such as sleep disturbances, general fatigue, and stress caused by long flights), is believed to be responsible for this impairment of memory and other mental abilities. Memory is linked to but separate from learning, which is the process by which we gain world knowledge and change our subsequent behavior. Neurons that fire together to create a specific experience are altered during learning so that they begin to fire together again. For instance, by learning it, we learn a new language, but we then speak it by using our memory to recall the words we have learned. Memory also relies on learning because it helps us to store and retrieve learned data. To some extent, however, learning also depends on memory, in that the information stored in our memory provides the structure to which correlation and inference relate new knowledge. In our growth and survival as a species, this capacity of humans to call on past experiences to envision the future and to prepare future courses of action is a tremendously beneficial feature. Most people probably don't know (or care) that we have seven different memory forms. A negative schema helps give rise to cognitive bias, and the cognitive bias helps fuel the negative schema. Beck further proposed that depressed people often have the following cognitive biases: selective abstraction arbitrary inference, over-generalization, magnification, and minimization. These cognitive biases are quick to make generalized, harmful, and personal assumptions of the self, thus fueling the negative schema. A 2001 meta-analysis comparing CBT and psychodynamic psychotherapy suggested that both approaches were equally effective in the short term. In contrast, meta-analyses of more extensive trials of different clinicians treatments that CBT, problem-solving therapy, and interpersonal therapy for depression outperform psychodynamic psychotherapy and behavioral activation in terms of robustness of effects. CBT for Anxiety Disorder

A fundamental concept in some of the CBT treatments used in anxiety disorders is in vivo exposure. The term refers to the confrontation of feared objects, activities, or situations by a patient. For example, a woman with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who fears the location where she assaulted may be assisted by her therapist in going to that location and directly confronting those fears. Likewise, a person with a social anxiety disorder who fears public speaking may instruct to face those fears by giving a speech directly. If you are not satisfied with where you are in life, make changes. Unlock the potential you already have inside. Michelangelo claimed that he did not create a sculpture. Rather, the form was contained within the block of marble; Perhaps this is a perfect way to look at yourself: always evolving, always learning, always trying to get better. We will work together to unleash the potential you already have inside. Consider Me Your Coach I grew up playing sports. It was the one thing that boosted my self-esteem. School was not my cup of tea, but I felt at home with teammates and coaches. But our clients are nothing like that when we meet them. In fact, in most cases they conceal their drinking problem incredibly well. Why do they conceal it? Because they fear the stigma. Society is intolerant of those it calls alcoholics. In fact, society's attitude to alcohol is riddled with contradictions.

Alcohol is a drug, nobody disputes that, but while all other so-called recreational drugs (including, increasingly, smoking) are marginalized or criminalized, for some reason alcohol is embraced as not only socially acceptable but as a social necessity. Try throwing a party without booze! As soon as we're old enough to drink legally in public (and often before), adults take great joy in buying us our first alcoholic drinks, encouraging us to force down those first repulsive sips, and develop a taste for it. They laugh knowingly when we feel awful afterward, and when it comes to celebrating, how do they go about it? Dark psychology is about researching a person's thinking process. This attempts to know how these actions are guided by the patterns shown before these acts are done and the way an individual can willingly see these acts and conclude by understanding the hurt and pain that they will cause another person. Dark psychology explains human nature's dark side. The Impact and Effects of Dark Psychology The depth of dark psychology shows us that the majority of the shocking crimes we get to listen to about are often attributed to particular traits that are associated with dark psychology. Crime is one among the best side effects of dark psychology, but there are other ways during which dark psychology affects us if it ever does. Both the victim and therefore the perpetrator experience the consequences of dark psychology once they appear. Secret 1: Certain Personalities Are Susceptible To Dark Acts People who portray some given personality are said to be dark. These personalities are - narcissism, psychopath, and Machiavellianism. The words of the next group, beginning with cost-effective and ending with vigorous, shift the communication to the bottom-line products of effective collaboration. These words emphasize cost-effectiveness, cost savings, productivity, and profitability. Notice that price and cost (except as part of the compound cost-effective ) are not among these basic words. Effective bottom-line communication guides the conversation away from mere price and cost to the far more relevant concept of value. Whatever your business, it is value that you are selling, not cost and not price. It is value that elevates a business transaction to a business relationship.

Before we go on to the 50 words the businessperson should avoid, let's consider for a moment the difference between business based on transactions and business based on relationships. Here's a question with at least one obvious answer: What is a good salesperson? The obvious answer is: A good salesperson makes sales. And it's a good answer, as far as it goes. This negative belief can have dramatic consequences. But what if you refused to accept this fate? What if you decided to look at aging as a privilege? As a great opportunity for INCREASED mental and physical activity? A study done in the Journal of Gerontology found the beliefs about aging itself can have an enormous effect on your quality of life. Researchers followed 433 people aged 50 over an 18 year period and found those who had positive self perceptions about aging were significantly healthier and lived, on average, 7. The negative belief from patients and healthcare providers leads to those over the age of 50 being vastly undertreated for pain and stiffness. Many of you reading this may already have some sort of ache, pain, or stiffness. Maybe you have trouble just getting out of bed because you currently feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. Activities that used to be simple-putting on pants, donning a bra, or putting on a shirt-are dreadful because everything hurts. I promise you, the path to complexion perfection is just around the corner. Let's get started! How I Became the Guru of Glow I was born in central California to two creative and loving parents, both blessed with good looks and charisma. My mother was the head cheerleader at California State University, Fresno, and my father was the star football player. They were so much fun and full of life;

Just after college, they married and became teachers: my dad was a football coach and physical-education teacher, while my mom was a continuation teacher for rebellious youth. My mom was always able to connect with those who were lost, and my father was a strong leader. Both had huge hearts and were incredibly kind. When I was a child living in Fresno, life seemed perfect. You might picture the beam where gymnasts do amazing tricks. They flip and spin through the air, and then, with a mix of luck and skill, they stick the landing in their sparkly leotards and throw their hands up. You know the move. So I've built tools into my life that help me get back on the beam faster. We're going to build those tools so we perform that move with more ease. And if we don't stick the landing and instead break both ankles and crumple into a ball, we're going to figure out how the hell to start over again. Another important point I want to make is that you are not the center. You contain a self-defined center, but you as a soul-holding, breathing person are not the center. And we should all be so lucky to both give up this ego-driven placement in the world as well as feel a sense of freedom--to be relieved of this great responsibility is a gift. In these articles, we are not going to try to solve anything, or to find great and restorative balance. If you're already sold on the value of personal growth and you're reading this article to continue learning, congratulations and welcome. If you got this article because there's someone else in your life who needs it, welcome, too, and please read on; And, while you're at it, it never hurts to take a little of your own advice. Have a great life! This Is Your Life There is only one success.

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