Friday, 23 October 2020

Expertise Own your inner genius

How does all that data that were exposed to all the time every day become memory? It gets me going. Once I get going, I try to find my natural pace--one that is in tune with the frequency of a pendulum representing my body while walking. This pace I try to maintain so that I don't regress into a shuffle. For me, this natural pace is fairly brisk, like 3-4 mph. The imagining of footsteps is also useful when maneuvering to sit in a chair or negotiate through a crowd of people. One safety challenge that some people with Parkinson's face, especially those who are in the advanced stages or have been on the drug levodopa for a long time, is freezing. Freezing is the temporary, involuntary inability to move. For example, their feet may seem to stick to the floor, or they may be unable to get up from a chair. It's important to note that although not everyone with PD will experience freezing, it can happen to anyone with the disease, not just those who take levodopa. No one knows the exact cause of freezing, but it often happens when a person with Parkinson's is doing something and gets interrupted. In order to be able to hold safe, sacred space for others and to facilitate trauma meditation, you need to do your inner work: healing and forgiveness with yourself and, most importantly, with your parents. You must be connected through the heart. You have learned the inner workings of the mind, how it can be your best friend or your greatest enemy, and why it is imperative to know as much about how the mind works as possible. You learned about the three types of intelligence, keeping your focused attention on something until it shifts, not allowing your emotions to sway your state, and lastly, how by being connected to your heart, you can greatly influence and affect others. You have learned through chanting and expressing to find and feel the power of your voice again giving you a greater capacity to communicate and potentially teach. You now have the understanding that only through experience do you acquire true wisdom in order to speak and live. This is where you will begin to learn how to expand your capacity to hold a meditative mind for yourself and, in turn, for others. You now know that it is possible to heal from past trauma using a variety of meditations and practices that eventually lead you back into the bliss body, your natural state. Once you begin to clean the filters of the past, using meditation, you will begin to have your experience of seeing more clearly and move more easily into states of bliss and connection.

Awakening to love in the heart. Maggie had been unaware, too, that venting her worries to her daughter was pushing her away. Rebecca told her own therapist that she felt overwhelmed by her mother's feelings. She knew quite well that her mother was disappointed in her. Hearing it more didn't help her know it better. Maggie agreed to try for one month not to talk to her daughter about how she wished things would be. Instead, she would focus on what she could do for herself. She committed to getting back on her bike for daily rides and to calling her sister to catch up at least once a week. She tracked these activities as well as her moods and energy levels and over the month she found that the exercise of riding her bike helped her to sleep instead of worry and cry. Talking to her sister, Maggie noticed, helped keep things in perspective, and given her sister's understanding, she didn't feel so desperate to get it from Rebecca. Maggie told her therapist that she hadn't so much gotten her life back as realized that this was her life. Working diligently and saving until he reaped his harvest gave him the confidence and motivation to keep going, do better and more. By now his friends were in envy of the money he made and the bike he had. Jeff called them together and asked them if they would also like to have their own bikes and money. He promised that he would ask the distribution manager of the newspaper if his friends could deliver newspapers in the areas where they lived. He had one condition however: Everyone had to pay him a percentage of their earnings because he opened the opportunity for them. Jeff was now making extra money from his friends' efforts and time while in turn helping them make money and buy their own bikes. This was the start of his first business. By the time his friends bought their bikes, he talked to the manager whom he knew quite well by then. He asked for bigger areas to deliver to as they were doing it faster because they had bikes.

It meant that the amount they owed Jeff became larger. When these circumstances are present, family members are likely to benefit from seeking professional help to manage the hoarding situation. Thoughts such as I should be able to help my family member, If I can't help them there's something wrong with me, and I'm so embarrassed, I can't tell anyone what's going on can lead family members to suffer silently in an uncomfortable and unsafe situation. Feelings of regret, shame, and fear are also obstacles to seeking help. Sometimes, however, the most useful next step a family member can take is to recognize the limits of their capacity and know that however sincere their efforts to support their family member's goals for a better life, the most productive and useful course of action may be to seek outside professional help for the hoarding problem. The practical problems associated with hoarding and interpersonal difficulties that interfere in family functioning often necessitate somewhat different help-seeking responses. For instance, in situations where a minor child is adversely affected by the hoarding, a referral to a child welfare organization may be the most prudent response to protect the child and to access community resources needed to reduce hoarding behavior. In cases where a frail older adult is unable to attend to their physical health and basic nutritional needs owing to a too-full house, adult protective services may be the most appropriate referral. Anecdotally, family members often find it very difficult to make referrals of this kind because it feels disloyal to their loved one. However, it is essential that the risk of imminent harm is addressed immediately. Contact with human service organizations can be a gateway to finding helpful resource networks that may be otherwise inaccessible. If you don't understand that your anxiety is trying to help you work with your depression, you may mistakenly use your new energy to skate over your depression and prop up the situations that your depression was objecting to in the first place. If you don't cultivate your empathic awareness and your ability to befriend and communicate with your emotions, you and they can spin out and create unnecessary complications. Anxioneer and DEI professional Sandi Davis from California finds that simply getting up and walking outside for a little while can help depresxiety take a breath of fresh air, which can relieve some of the discomfort people feel. The Resourcing practice can also help you work with these paradoxical emotions. Resourcing helps you make room inside yourself for differing or even opposite sensations and ideas, and you can use this practice to gently move back and forth between your depression and your anxiety. When you can create an empathic space where both emotions can coexist inside you, it will be easier to work with and channel them. The empathic channeling practice for depresxiety is simple, but unusual. Though you might think that increasing your energy would be the first step, it's important to focus on your depression first because there's no reason to increase your energy or take action until you understand what's wrong. Luckily, working empathically with your depression does not require energy.

All you need to do is to stop, take your depression seriously (instead of pushing forward), and listen to what it has to say. It's your job to make them real just like it's Saturn's job to thwart you at every turn. But Saturn doesn't do this to spoil your fun. It does it because you aren't going to become the person you're supposed to become by traveling a well-trodden path. You won't be inventive if you follow in others' footsteps, resourceful if you're given everything you want, or understanding if you've never been misunderstood. Enlightenment is hard to come by in a world where the lessons don't stick, dawning realizations fade, and progress is erased by a simple swing of the pendulum. The whole thing can feel like an exercise in futility. But Aquarius is a Utopian sign. You are committed to the world of tomorrow. You feel a responsibility to the people you'll never meet and the lives yet to be born. You know that society is only as good as the people who live in it. Chinese skullcap (baicalin, 4:1 concentrate, 400 mg, 1-2 times daily) P 5 P (most bioavailable form of B-6, 50-100 mg, 1-2 times daily) How much of these anti-inflammatory nutrients to consume daily? It depends upon the degree to which inflammation is an issue for you. To get an initial idea of what you need, there are a number of standard blood tests that are very helpful to meet your brain's unique metabolic needs. Although everyone should be ketogenic and neurogenic, the amount of anti-inflammatory nutrients needed depends on blood tests, especially hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein). There are a few antioxidants that are essential for your body to produce its own antioxidant defenses. There are also quite a number of anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients that lower inflammation without the deleterious side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants:

A summary of these are included in the full Healthy Brain Diet summary in Appendix A. We have light surfaces that stimulate collagen on a long-term basis. We can turn over your skin cells. Although it's easy to get excited about the possibilities, it's best not to attempt to do everything at once, or you run the risk of looking like a Woman Who Has Had Too Much Work Done. So before you see your doctor, decide what is really bothering you. Dr Wexler's first question to every new patient is, What's your skin concern? Is it the furrow in your forehead that makes you look as if you're always angry? The sagging skin under your chin that keeps you in compensatory necklines? The brown splotches and ruddiness on your face? Have a few small tweaks at a time, so that all anyone notices is that you seem to look less tired, more relaxed, refreshed, and wonderfully Y&H! When looking for a skin guru, Dr Gerstner advises, Find a doctor who will go slowly. There is an interesting way in which neuroplasticity helps us to understand how our minds react when we are anxious. There is a connection between the brain's flight or fight response in relation to anxiety triggers. This connection is created by neuroplasticity for anxiety. Each time you feel anxious, the mind bolsters the connection which makes you more anxious. Take for example a situation where you are involved in a car accident. In this regard, the brain will develop a connection between cars and the panic you experienced. Luckily, there is a way of overcoming such connections of anxiety through neuroplasticity. This process works by removing the connections that you once had, thereby eliminating your anxiety. Neuroplasticity for Anxiety;

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