Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Facing Fear, Building Courage

Although pain is an undesirable experience, it helps people to learn the things that they would not want to re-live. Say you have lunch planned, an outing, and then some downtime. Keeping the person with dementia busy is imperative: it prevents them from sleeping too much, getting bored, or becoming irritable. I have also used them when I have had a large group of residents with dementia with different levels of functioning. In that scenario, I will take my higher-functioning residents and start them on a task and then provide my other residents with the boxes. Whether for use in downtime or for helping with keeping certain members of diverse groups engaged, I make activity boxes part of the daily plan. IN A COMMUNITY SETTING Sensory Rooms Sensory rooms, or multisensory environments, have been used with people with dementia since the early 1990s. Dementia impacts the ability of those affected to regulate their own sensory stimulation, and so they can become easily over- or understimulated (Lorusso & Bosch, 2018). There have been many anecdotal reports about their effectiveness, but research has been somewhat scarce, and some care providers in fact fear that research could have a negative impact on the humanistic and patient-centered philosophy that underlies their use (Hope, 1998, p. I offer this reminder, life is messy, so that you recognize that most everything is made up. This journey to be the authentic healer you know you are called to be, it is just that, a journey. The only time clock is the one you create, as we are all the same path of progress. It is my belief that we are on an eternal walk that has no end. We are progressing as our heart calls to us. Although you may know that you are a healer, and a darn good one at that, that does not mean you can feel it with confidence or practice it with the clarity you desire . The yet is crucial here. As I also believe that things do happen as they will, that is as we will them to - and this will may happen in this lifetime or as we progress through the veil. Imagine choosing to come to earth, knowing it was a messy place.

How could we have not known this? Take 300 to 600 milligrams twice a day to markedly help nerve discomfort. It can be combined with IV lipoic acid. NAC (N-acetyl cysteine). Take 500 to 1,000 milligrams daily to increase glutathione. Holistic physicians may also give 1 to 2 grams of magnesium over one to two hours plus 1,000 milligrams of lipoic acid IV as often as two to three times a week for a few months until pain settles down, and then it can be given less often. Lipoic acid is especially helpful and has been widely studied for neuropathic pain, but not yet for CRPS--it is reasonable to give, however. The main side effect of lipoic acid at intravenous doses over 600 milligrams is a drop in blood sugar, so the doctor should have a glucose IV on hand to administer as needed. My Favorite CRPS Specialist in the Whole World Dr Pradeep Chopra is a pain management specialist in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and a Brown University School of Medicine professor. He has a ketamine IV clinic as part of his office. As a result, they develop values about what they consider significant. From pain, you may have developed values of tolerance and resilience, humility, empathy, and independence. Think back to the most joyous moments of your Life-What were you doing? Why did that make you happy? Did other people share your happiness? Who were they? What other things contributed to your feelings of joy? As you recall those moments, find examples from your school, career, family, and personal life. You will discover that every experience is essential and valuable for the values that come with each lesson.

Make a list of your core personal values. Kevin Hope, a gerontologist and nurse, examines ways in which they are most effective in a 1998 study. The study notes that most patients with dementia were calmed and soothed by the experience and became more likely to want to interact with, and be more cooperative with, others. But multisensory environments didn't work for everyone. Hope also emphasizes that staff in care facilities should be trained in how to use these spaces and not treat them as simply time-out rooms when people with dementia become anxious. He even suggests that multisensory rooms be used on a regular, planned, and therapeutic basis rather than on an as-needed basis. The systematic review of the literature by Lesa Lorusso and Sheila Bosch (2018) also finds that quality of life for patients with dementia is positively impacted by most who use the multisensory rooms, but we do not yet know how long lasting the effects are or if they work better than other types of treatment. I built a space like this in an assisted living building in Pittsburgh. They had a very small room to work with and wanted it to be a sensory space. I purchased the following items for them: a articleshelf and baskets to hold simple puzzles and games, a bubble machine for the wall, a garden scene painting that played pond sounds behind it, faux grass to touch and feel, a large wall sticker of a tree and three-dimensional birdhouses to affix to the wall, and a table and chairs. The community had a lot of residents who were advanced in their dementia, so the room offered a quiet space where residents could sit with one or two other individuals to relax. It is a place of learning - our life-schooling. It is a place to experiment, practice, make mistakes, fail, and succeed. The room to mess up is how we grow. This is as a human race and as individuals. We came to the world alone. Each of us is born one at a time, and we each die alone. No one crosses the veil with us on either end. This individual crossing of the transformational threshold emphasized our unique journeys ahead. This uniqueness implies that no one can truthfully be compared to another.

What we socially judge as successful (or not) is made up. He is frequently the keynote speaker for the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA), and you can view his conference videos on YouTube or at www. He is one of the most compassionate and knowledgeable CRPS doctors there is. One of his patients says: He does not take insurance. He and his team literally spent five hours one-on-one with me. He sets up a basic treatment protocol that you can share with your primary physician. After the appointment, if you email him, he answers your questions and may even give you treatment options or new referrals. Contact Dr Chopra at 401-729-4985 or www. For Acute Flares of RSD/CRPS From Tips for Managing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome by Jim Ducharme, MD (https://rsds. First, write down a list of your core values. Afterward, go through the list, visualizing circumstances where each value may apply. For example, when comparing the values of adventure and security, imagine that you have to decide to go to a different country to explore new opportunities, or continue to live where you are because it is a more familiar place. Continue working through your list until you identify values that resonate with you. There is a secure connection between confidence, emotional control, and the conquering of psychological habits. Over the years, through all of the surveys, interviews, and studies conducted, this is the most common and repeated truth from those participating in them and those performing them: no matter what a person is trying to attempt, confidence is key! There are lots of different life factors that can affect a person's self-esteem and confidence, with adolescence taking the most significant toll on a person's view of themselves. During puberty, humans It is in these years that men and women receive the majority of their emotional education as it has the highest inclusion of factors like the following for most people: First romantic relationships (often tumultuous with lots of highs and lows), First deep friendships that are tested by adjusting hormones, changing personalities and other life factors that may arise without warning, First significant successes and accomplishments like national awards and recognition, college scholarships and summer internships, Learning to drive and understanding the responsibility that comes with getting behind the wheel of a car and developing decision-making skills that are shaped by how adolescents handle things like peer pressure, balancing their school, work, and social lives, and making their first life-affecting decisions like if they want to further their education after their required schooling is completed. With all of these exciting changes taking place, how could someone's self-esteem and confidence levels be hindered or even damaged?

Unfortunately, for all of the specific events men and women experience during their teenage years, there are also a lot of adverse events and factors they face (in their highest quantity and intensity than most people see throughout the rest of their lives) such as: Learning to differentiate affectionate teasing from friends and loved ones with harmful teasing and bullying that comes from those to cause harm, Physical changes to their skin, muscles and other parts of the body that may require attention from over-the-counter medical products or even prescriptions from medical professionals and Emotional modification said that is often unexpected, and out of control as skills are developed through experience and education, Lots of fear and uncertainty as everything seems to be changing around them without a sense of direction or stopping point insight. Activity Boxes In a community setting, I train my staff on how to best utilize the activity boxes. Often, at first, there is some dismay regarding the use of the boxes. I don't have time or I don't think the residents will like these are some of the first things you might hear from staff members. The best part about these boxes for staff, though, is that they give them more time: residents are less bored and more engaged, so there tends to be less falling and less-frequent bathroom requests. Five minutes is all it takes to set up an activity box and get residents engaged. Putting this type of activity on the calendar is a snap. Because of many residents' memory impairments, you can also use these boxes more than once a day. They are great pre- or postmeal activities because they take so little time to set up. Residents can even sit at their mealtime seats and fold towels, sort socks, or arrange flowers. This is determined by a never-ending list of probable cause and effects, from the year we are born, country we arrive in, family dynamics, religious and ethnic affiliations, and need I say more. As we stop to reflect, we are better able to embrace the concept that we can remember who we are to be. We can remember that there is no time and space. We can embrace the game of life with a little humor, joyous curiosity, and be in the now and let go of the made-up worries that feed the pseudo-self, which houses our self-doubts, insecurities, and fears. Instead, why not just look forward, take a breath, root into the present, commit to the journey of rebounding in a messy life, and having faith in your ability to rise to your call. A fun mantra here is: what if I simply accept that it's all messy, embrace my perfection within my imperfections, and embrace what I already know! Today is a gift in all its ordinary, messy imperfect glory. Now go live it! Accountability Journal

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