Sunday, 25 October 2020

Life Is Not Linear

Do you involve families in treatment? If so, how exactly? Do you have a detoxification facility, and if so, who supervises it? What happens if my loved one relapses? How do you handle misconduct or rule violations? How will I be informed of progress and concerns? Do you do drug testing or other monitoring? Neptune's discovery in 1846 coincided with the advent of spiritualism in the United States. Seances, channeling, Ouija boards, and ghost hunting all originated with spiritualism, which transformed the religious landscape of America in the years leading up to the Civil War. Before spiritualism, the afterlife was strictly defined as either heaven or hell--one of two fates that awaited you on Judgment Day. But spiritualists taught that the dead are with us now--and not only are they alive and well living in an astral plane of existence, but they also want to bring comfort to the bereaved and help loved ones live a better life. At its height, spiritualism had eight million followers. It planted the seeds for Theosophy, Christian Science, and New Age practices as well as for the women's rights movement. Neptune gets you to reimagine your life, your world, and your cosmos. Right now there's a lemming rush for the cliffs. Maybe it's driven by apocalyptic fever, or maybe it's driven by self-deception, but the heads of state don't seem to want to believe that global warming is a thing. However, if we keep going the way that we're going, then the polar caps will melt, the seas will overrun the coasts, and this time the great flood will last a lot longer than forty days and forty nights. A project at work or even running errands at home involves organizing, planning, executing, keeping track of progress, following through, and completing the tasks. Retirement and a life of leisure erode this capacity, so staying active after retirement with ongoing practice is important. This can be a formal group or simply talking and exploring a subject with a friend or two, whether you discuss a movie, a article, current events, sports, or anything else.

Delving into a subject, having a back-and-forth discussion with another mind, exercises language, thinking, logic, memory, vocabulary, and attention. Talk about whatever interests you, don't keep it all inside. Learning a musical instrument, singing, listening to music and singing along in your head--this exercises the right hemisphere especially. New environments are highly neurogenic, both in stimulating new neural growth and keeping new neurons alive. Travel is a wonderful way to enrich the brain. Try taking a different route home or venture into a new neighborhood. It doesn't have to be exotic or around the world, though if you can afford it, go for it. Will I be informed of the results? Can I speak to others who have used your services? Do you track outcome, and how do you know if your recommendations work out in the long run? Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Insurance Provider How much does treatment cost? Are there additional expenses that I should anticipate? What will insurance cover? Does the treatment provider give me bills to submit or does the provider submit directly? What other help might be available to pay for it? Suggesting Treatment It may seem like too tall an order to turn things around, but Neptune speaks to the power of the ripple effect. All it takes is a dream of a better world and the willingness to put your vision out there and to see it through. Change the direction of one fish and you can turn around the entire school.

Neptune isn't always about falling down the rabbit hole. That's because the planet travels outside the Earth's orbit around the Sun, which means that it can appear anywhere in your astrological chart. It might be in the same sign as yours or a sign that's completely opposite. Neptune in the same sign as your Sun sign sensitizes. It heightens all your senses--including the sixth one. Neptune in the sign before or after your Sun sign mystifies. This is the area of life you find hopelessly confusing. The research is very mixed here. Most so-called brain games produce zero cognitive improvement. Others produce only very small gains which don't generalize to other parts of the brain. Some research, however, shows a slight growth in certain specific kinds of spatial relations and visual acuity specifically related to the particular game. The central secret to keeping your mind sharp is mental engagement and stimulation, that is, lifelong learning. You need to learn new things throughout your life. Remember, learning isn't just about memorizing facts and figures or attending college. Learning happens in many ways. You can take a class or workshop or online seminar or webinar, you can read a article on a subject of interest, hear a podcast or watch a YouTube video, attend a conference or go to a meet-up gathering. Even something like going home a different way or brushing your teeth with your left hand activates your brain and gets it out of its habitual routines. You probably don't need convincing that treatment for your loved one would be helpful. Your loved one may be less clear. So, how do you get her to go?

Happily, our answer--this article--is relatively short, because so much of what you've already done lays the groundwork for her to consider entering treatment. Remember: people are more likely to engage in treatment when they have a choice among treatment options, a rationale they agree with, and an intensity of treatment that matches their needs; Maybe you can't imagine your loved one ever being willing to talk about treatment, let alone go. Maybe you've talked about it but he has refused every time. Maybe he's gone to treatment and it didn't seem to work. This article will help you optimize the process of suggesting treatment. With your understanding of motivation and the skills you now have at your disposal for taking care of yourself, communicating, and influencing your loved one, you'll have a better chance of success than ever. Neptune in the sign two signs before or after your Sun sign inspires. It gives you a creative vision that others find compelling. Neptune in the sign three signs before or after your Sun sign deceives. Sometimes it's on purpose and sometimes it's for your own good; Neptune in the sign four signs before or after your Sun sign is an influencer. This Neptune gives you a hypnotic effect on people. Please use responsibly. Neptune in the sign five signs before or after your Sun sign is anyone's guess. It's hard to tell if that impossible dream is worth pursuing or if you're just tilting at windmills. Neptune in the sign six signs away from your Sun sign is a total disconnect. Lifelong learning is key to keeping your brain alive, active, bright, and strong. It's about finding your unique genius, which often has nothing to do with formal education. Everyone has a unique brain and unique mental abilities.

The wounding in school so many suffer is an immense tragedy, for intelligence comes in many forms and flavors. No one can be good at everything, but everyone is good at certain things. Finding your brain's natural gifts and talents allows you to develop your brain to fulfill your potential. Then lifelong learning reinforces itself, because it feels good to use your brain's natural ability. The brain weakens when deprived of this and gets stronger when exercising its gifts. You feel more alive when you use and stretch yourself and your brain. Mental detoxification: passive media consumption assessment This article will show you how to capitalize on the work you've already done to collaborate with your loved one. Inviting Strategies That Work Based on this collaborative foundation, there are proven strategies for eliciting your loved one's interest in getting help. Specifically, we'll elaborate on two major components of CRAFT you have learned: first, seeing things from her perspective--what motivates her, what barriers she perceives to treatment, what options make sense to her--and second, using positive communication--timing the conversation(s), planning what you will say, and, as always, rehearsing before you go live. If you doubt that there's any approach to suggesting treatment that could work in your case, it should reassure you to remember that the studies evaluating the effectiveness of CRAFT only included people who were initially unwilling to enter treatment. In those studies, the treatment-refusing substance users decided to seek help after their family members had completed only five (on average) out of twelve CRAFT sessions. So, if your loved one is expressly unwilling, then he is precisely the person these strategies were designed to help. Remember Motivation? To prepare to invite your loved one into treatment, first brush up on the motivational principles in article 2. Motivation is enhanced by: You don't identify with this Neptune in any way, so that what happens is it gets projected onto others--particularly in relationships or with close business associates. You may feel like it's the other person who's too vague, spacey, or incoherent. What if you have Neptune retrograde?

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