Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Practical Secrets to Empowering Your Emotional Life

Become mindful of this. This sets Renee up for success: she's calmed down before dinner starts, and after dinner, when she starts feeling anxious again, she is back in the sensory room, starting an activity by herself. Do not ask the person with dementia if they want to go with you to the sensory room; Make sure you always introduce the action before you start it, even if the person cannot actually initiate action without your assistance. It's a lot easier to simply prevent or minimize anxiety than to stop it once a person has begun to experience it. It does happen sometimes, though, that you will have to battle the agitation when it's in full swing. Recognize that a sensory room is not always going to solve the problem. Recognize too that even though the room worked last week, it will not necessarily work this week. Dementia care is trial and error as much as it is practice and knowing the individual: you may have to try a few things before you find something that works. If Renee is already agitated, tell her to come with you, and then head to the sensory room. Begin an activity with her or perhaps just sit calmly. This is the awareness of where they begin and start, and maintaining where you begin and start, always. The lack of self-monitoring leaves you vulnerable to presenting different versions of yourself, depending on where your client is at, and getting sucked into their paradigm. This blending-in blinds you to seeing the unseen and you lose your capacity to serve your client. Lack of self-confidence - Another word for this is the ability to show up with assurance that you know you know you know more than you know you know. This tongue twister is a powerful mantra if you integrate its message into your being. This represents complexity in our personality construct and the attitudinal and motivational aspect that feeds the desire to fit in, be accepted and understood by another, yet after we have done this for ourselves. When you know yourself, the confidence comes automatically. A myth for gaining self-confidence is that you need to achieve more, do the job better, and be at the top compared to your peers. The truth is self-confidence is built on how well you know yourself.

Lack of authenticity - You may say, this is what drew you to this article, that this is your fear that you lack clarity of knowing if you are an authentic healer. I treat with fluconazole (Diflucan) for candida first, followed by an extended trial of ciprofloxacin (Cipro) or doxycycline if needed. Endometriosis. Endometriosis is characterized by abdominal and pelvic pain that is usually worse around the menstrual cycle. It is often associated with other symptoms suggestive of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, such as fatigue, achiness, cognitive dysfunction, and insomnia. For more information, read the article Endometriosis: The Complete Reference for Taking Charge of Your Health by Mary Lou Ballweg and the Endometriosis Association. I discuss pelvic pain in more detail in my article Pain Free 1-2-3. Sympathetically Mediated Pain CRPS/RSD Background Fortunately, this horrible pain from complex regional pain syndrome and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS/RSD) is relatively uncommon. Start reading! You can educate yourself and learn about a new topic or get sucked into a good story and lose yourself in the article. Learn what emotional outlet works for you. Instead of suppressing your emotions, practice healthily dealing with them. Reward yourself for your successes. When you accomplish a goal, make good progress, or have another success, take time to recognize your achievement and reward yourself for your excellent work. It will keep you motivated and ready to accomplish more. You will start associating your goals with happiness and rewards. Remember to smile.

Surround yourself with people that make you laugh and smile and remember to do what makes you happy. If she is inconsolable, and it's because she's overwhelmed, sit behind her so she cannot see you. She may be more agitated with you in her line of vision. Do not leave the person with dementia in the room by themselves with the door closed. If someone is agitated--or even if they aren't--they could be a fall or injury risk if left alone. If no one is available to remain in the room with the person, then even if they are screaming or crying, keep the door open. Closing the door to keep everyone else calm or calm them down is not a safe practice. You want to ensure that someone has eyes on that person or that at least people are regularly walking by the room to make sure they are safe. Beyond all else, stay calm. The worst thing that you can do is panic because that is likely to make the person with dementia panic even more. Take a few deep breaths and know that their agitation will pass; Yet you must begin with obtaining an overall sense of your authentic self. Yes, by working through the above key elements, you are building a more authentic self, yet you need to know this for yourself. This goes back to the need to delve into your consistent practice of your personal ritual. This is foundational to getting to know yourself. Without the investment into getting to know yourself, and becoming your own BFF with your Ideal Self, and daily working to integrate your pseudo-self, you will fail to know yourself. When you build your castle on a sand-filled platform, it will fall when it's hit with the first storm. This is the rock foundation that will withstand all storms you need it to. This ability offers an immediate connection as you step into their social circle, still maintaining your IS, syncing with their emotions, attitudes, and heartfelt desires. When seeing with perfect clarity, you automatically get along with your client and the road of success opens in front of you.

This building of rapport is key in attaining the leadership confidence from your client as that is where they need you to be. I remember the first person I saw with this pain. This unfortunate woman had seen her rheumatologist and had her knee aspirated. It got infected and triggered CRPS. At that time, early in my medical career, I had never even heard of the condition. I had no way to treat her. The pain was so severe that she wanted to get an amputation. I told her that would not help the pain, but she did it anyway. And it did not help. Since then, I have spent thirty years asking at every pain conference I went to if anybody had found anything to help CRPS. Although it can spread throughout the body, most often it is in just one hand or foot. Setting goals can be hard! You may not know where to start, what you want to accomplish, or how to set your goals appropriately. Establishing habits may also be tricky, as you must incorporate something new into your life and stick with it. Core values are convictions and beliefs that people adopt as their guiding principles in their daily activities. They are behaviors that people choose to exercise as they pursue what is right and what humankind expects of them. Core Values have the following characteristics: they can be specific, they can be different from culture to culture, they can bring disharmony between different people, a person can learn values early in life from family or friends, and finally values are often emotive. Core values are of different types. Some of the classes include family, moral, social, socio-cultural, material, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, financial, and self-care values. Examples of core values that emanate from the classification above include respect, honesty, freedom, fearlessness, dignity, loyalty, trust, cooperation, concern for others, initiative, justice, peace, humor, generosity, adventure, friendships, and excellence.

Core values are vital because they reflect people's needs, desires, and the things they care about most in life. A recent review of the research (Lorusso & Bosch, 2018) on the use of multisensory rooms found that the quality of life for patients with dementia was positively impacted by most who used them, but we do not yet know how long the effects last or how long or often someone needs to use them to experience a positive result. There's also no current research indicating that the use of these rooms is always better than reading to someone with dementia or simply talking with them, that is, engaging in one-on-one interactions. But what is important is that using these rooms is another nonpharmacological tool available for you to use to help persons with dementia, especially given that it can be challenging to provide enough one-on-one engagement in care facilities. Keep in mind that they are rather simple and inexpensive to create and that they may work for some people with dementia, although not necessarily on every occasion. WHAT ARE ACTIVITY BOXES? While we believed that at least half of Makoto's outbursts and panic later in the day were due to overstimulation, we also had a hunch that the other half were due to his boredom. Some activities were too challenging for Makoto to participate in, so he would sit in his chair near the window. When Makoto's family used to care for him at home, they'd often find him reading the newspaper or organizing mail. Dad likes to be busy, his daughter told the staff. In order to keep him engaged, they began to create boxes of premade activities. True vision is real in-sight of the intuitive knowing, uniqueness of the creation you are, and the power of you showing up as the IS and authentic healer you know yourself to be. The Gift of Self-Accountability . We addressed self-accountability in the last article; I look at self-accountability as the funnel in guiding us toward identifying and creating the ethical principles we work from. Ethics and principles work as stakes in the ground which reinforce our rock foundation for steadiness and steadfastness. Gaining a grasp of your ethical principles will assist your understanding of the impact your presence has with your client as you provide them the knowledge and tools for healing. The purpose is two-fold; Completely ethical behavior is the striving to bring your highest values into your work as you aspire to do your best with your client. It is doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons, aligned with the right spirit.

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