At the start of my career, I would ask my clients to perform exercises such as lunges and I would always be confused if they couldn't do them. The desire to always ask why led me to stability. They simply weren't stable enough to do them yet. The muscles surrounding the hip were so weak, every time they performed the exercise they would struggle to return back to the starting position. When your client always looks like they're in control of their body, they're doing the right exercise for them. If your client is falling over or unable to control themselves or the load, it's not right for them (yet). Execution: This is a word that has been popularised in the fitness industry in recent years. It relates to how an exercise is performed, if the correct muscles are being used throughout, and if there is the correct amount of tension placed upon the muscle(s) throughout each exercise. There is a lot more to exercise than what is printed on the tutorial cards stuck to the sides of machines; I'm sure you will have looked at your clients performing certain exercises and thought they didn't look right, but you've just pushed on regardless. ELSIE: That's okay . It's just, like . I don't know what to do. PAULINE: Are you willing to come back next week so we can work on the overwhelmed feelings together? ELSIE: Yeah, I guess so. PAULINE: Is the Action Plan contributing to the overwhelmed feeling too? ELSIE: (pause) Maybe. PAULINE: How would you like to leave it? We could make the Action Plan optional, or some of it optional, if you want. ELSIE: (sigh of relief) Yeah, that would be better.
According to experts, you can enhance your memory by becoming a student of a new language at any time in your life, and develop certain mental functions. Take up tai chi It's no secret that in many respects tai chi will help your fitness including your mental health. Plus, when life seems out of control, it can help stabilize you too. Taking regular Tai Chi practice can help to reduce stress, improve the quality of sleep and improve memory. A research in 2013 showed that the long-term practice of tai chi could cause structural changes in the brain, leading to an increase in brain volume. Beginners do their part by taking a class to master the various moves. But when you learn the fundamentals, you can practice tai chi anywhere, anywhere. Focus on another person If you communicate with someone every time you take care of four things about them. Large amount of blood Spurting blood Bleeding that won't stop after applying ten minutes of firm, direct pressure Abdominal or chest wounds Suspected internal bleeding WHAT TO DO FOR BLEEDING If there is time, wash your hands with soap and water and put on latex gloves. Using a clean or sterile cloth, apply direct pressure. If blood soaks through, don't remove the dressing. Place more dressings on top and continue direct pressure.
A coach who has a keen coaching eye and an understanding of exercise execution will constantly be watching each exercise as it's performed. They'll know what the exercise should look like when it's executed correctly, which muscle(s) should be performing the exercise, and where tension is placed upon the muscle(s), and they'll be thinking of ways to help their clients to progress when they reach the end of each set. Your clients will often tell you when they can and can't feel a muscle working. In fact, I'm sure you can say the same for your own training. This isn't your cue to push on; Each exercise has a number of teaching cues, which are a set of instructions that will help your clients to learn each movement. They also help your clients maintain maximal tension within the working muscle(s) throughout each set. Exercise execution is extremely valuable when it comes to the progression of exercises. The goal of introducing any exercise is to get your client to perform it perfectly before you progress. In doing so, your client will be using the correct muscles, they will be in full control of the exercise and they will be ready to progress through each stage of their training journey . PAULINE: What seems hardest to do? ELSIE: Trying to keep track of my thoughts. PAULINE: Okay, let's write optional next to that one. Or should I just cross it off? ELSIE: No, you can write optional. PAULINE: (Does so. ELSIE: Maybe calling my friends. I don't know if I'm up for that. PAULINE: Okay, should I write optional or cross it off? ELSIE: Maybe cross it off.
You may note their shirt or pants color. Were they wearing spectacles? Have they got a hat on and if so, what kind of cap? What is their hair color? If you plan to recall four things, make a mental note and then return to it later in the day. Write down what about those four specifics you recall. HOW TO STOP NEGATIVE THINKING Speak To The Negative Thought Practice being aware of those feelings as they come up. Should you feel tired, thirsty, frustrated, depressed or anything else? If the cut is on the arms or legs, elevate the injury to slow the flow of blood to the area. How to treat minor bleeding: Once the blood flow has stopped, wash the wound with soap and clean water. Use tweezers to remove debris, if necessary. Apply antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with a clean bandage or dressing. Change bandage as needed. How to treat severe bleeding: Wrap a bandage over the dressing to help hold it in place. Lay the victim on their back and elevate his feet--approximately 12 inches from the ground--and cover the victim with a blanket or jacket. Get emergency medical help immediately.
If you've never been coached by an expert in exercise execution, you'll struggle to get the most out of your clients, and you certainly won't know what you should be looking out for. I believe that everyone has progress in them - it's our jobs as coaches to show them what's truly possible. Strength: When it comes to the next pillar, strength , I see way too many coaches failing to progress their clients. Strength is essential for weight/fat loss, physique development and sports performance, and it's also crucial for day-to-day performance, health and longevity. Until you start to focus on strength as a measure of progress, you'll never appreciate how much your clients value it as a motivational measure. To use strength as a variable and to support your clients' levels of progress, you can look for an increase in load used on a particular exercise over time or an increase in the number of reps performed with a specific load, or you could look to vary the rep ranges that you use across a workout or through specific stages of the coaching process. All of your clients have the ability to improve their strength. A coach who has a keen coaching eye will be using strength as a measure for progression. It might not be at every session, but it will always play a part in the coaching thought process. Effort: The final pillar. PAULINE: Okay. When ELSIE gives me negative feedback, I recognize that I need to strengthen the therapeutic alliance. What might have happened if I didn't ask for feedback or been less adept at dealing with her negative feedback? It's possible that ELSIE wouldn't complete the Action Plan. I use this difficulty as an opportunity to refine my conceptualization. My flexibility about the Action Plan helps ELSIE reexamine her misgivings about the appropriateness of CBT. By responding to feedback and making reasonable adjustments, I demonstrate an understanding of and empathy for ELSIE, which facilitates collaboration and trust. In the future, I make sure she doesn't feel overwhelmed by Action Plans. And at the beginning of the next session, I reinforce the importance of our working as a team to tailor the treatment and the Action Plan so it's right for her. Examine Advantages and Disadvantages
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