Monday, 19 October 2020

Review your goal journal

If you're proud to be a good cook so throw more dinner parties. If you're a good runner, log in and qualify for the runs. In brief, define your core competencies and find opportunities and jobs that prioritize them. Learn to accept compliments One of the trickiest facets of raising self-esteem is that we seem to be more prone to praise when we feel bad about ourselves-- even though that is when we need them the most. And set yourself the objective of tolerating comments when you collect them even if they make you (and they'll) awkward. The best way to avoid the reflexive responses of batting away comments is to plan simple set replies and teach yourself to use them immediately whenever you get good feedback (eg, Thank you or How kind of you to say). The tendency to reject or rebuff compliments will fade in time-- which will also be a good sign that your self-esteem will grow stronger. Eliminate self-criticism and introduce self-compassion Unfortunately, by being self-critical, we are likely to damage it even more when our self-esteem is weak. If it continues, call 911. CALL FOR HELP If you're in the middle of a medical crisis that warrants professional emergency care, never hesitate to call 911--even when the victim says not to. Some people feel embarrassed by the attention and will tell you they are fine when they're not. Be Ready For Medical Emergencies This section is not meant to replace classroom first aid training. I've included it because it addresses common emergency situations. These are the first aid skills that every parent should have at the bare minimum. Do yourself and your family a favor: enroll in a basic first aid class today. CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION OR CPR

I knew I hadn't been coaching like that. I read over the programmes that we had been given and they were so different to what I'd been writing. As soon as I got back to my gym, my coaching changed. I became more attentive with my clients, and I was more detailed with my programming. Because we'd been pushed hard through our workouts at the certification, I started to expect more from my clients, as well. The same thing happened when I came back from my Level 2 certification. I'd got myself into a slightly comfortable situation at my gym, and I really noticed it when we were taken through our certification training sessions. Yet again, I acknowledged that I could pay a lot more attention to my clients, and I knew my programmes could be better and that I could push myself harder in the gym. This is why I am so keen to recommend practical coaching workshops or hiring your own coach. Your practical coaching and your own training will not be impacted if you only try to educate and evaluate yourself online. I've just finished breakfast. PAULINE: Can you imagine saying to yourself, I really should call Randy? ELSIE: Yes. PAULINE: How are you feeling? ELSIE: A little nervous, I guess. PAULINE: What's going through your mind? ELSIE: I don't want to call her [automatic thought]. Maybe I'll just try to figure out how to organize my stuff myself. PAULINE: Well, you could do that. Do you think you'd be successful?

Because our aim is to improve our self-esteem, self-criticism (which is almost always completely useless, even if it sounds compelling) needs to be replaced by self-compassion. Actually, as the self-critical inner monolog kicks in, ask yourself what you would say to a dear friend if they were in your position (we seem to be far more forgiving towards friends than we are towards ourselves) and apply those remarks to yourself. Doing so will discourage critical thoughts from undermining your self-esteem, and instead help build it up. Affirm your real worth The following technique has been shown to help revive your self-esteem after it has suffered a blow: Make a list of attributes that are important in the particular context. For starters, if you have been declined by your partner, list attributes that make you a good relationship candidate (eg being trustworthy or emotionally available); Then choose one of the items on your list and write a short article (one or two paragraphs) on why other people are important and likely to enjoy the content in the future. Do the workout for a week every day, or whenever you need a lift of self-esteem. The bottom line is enhancing self-esteem requires a bit of effort as it entails cultivating and sustaining healthy mental behaviors but doing so, and doing so properly, would deliver a great emotional and psychological return on your investment. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR DECISION MAKING With four out of five cardiac arrests happening at home, it's likely if you ever need to administer CPR, it will be to save the life of someone in your family. That alone should make you want to take a class and get certified in CPR. But until you can get to a class, learn how to do Hands Only CPR. Studies have shown that chest compressions alone are as effective as full CPR--chest compressions and rescue breaths--when treating an adult in cardiac arrest. Why do you need a CPR certification then? Full CPR is still needed for cardiac emergencies involving children and infants, drowning victims, or people who collapse as a result of breathing problems. HOW TO PERFORM HANDS ONLY CPR Firmly tap the victim on the shoulder and shout, Are you okay? Watch the chest to see if it rises and falls. If there's no response or breathing, assign the task of calling 911 to someone.

After two practical courses, it was clear to me that I could take my own training to another level if I hired my own coach to be accountable to. I worked with Luke Leaman for a period of time and then went on to hire IFBB Pro John Meadows. While I worked with both coaches, I pushed myself harder than I ever had before because I had a level of accountability. My diet was written for me, and my programmes were delivered in three-month blocks. My strength went through the roof as a result of following their programmes, and I added more muscle than ever before; I was learning about programming and how the coaches were adjusting my diet as we went along. They were assessing my physique and giving me regular feedback, which helped me to understand more about what they were looking for when they saw my pictures . Every time I questioned whether we could make any more progress, they provided me with the next step that took me even further forward. This always gave me another level of self-belief, but it also carried over to the clients that I was coaching. My clients were seeing my progress visibly, but I also found it valuable to explain what I was doing with my training. ELSIE: (Thinks. I've already tried, and I didn't know what to do. But she might say she's too busy or something [automatic thought in the form of a prediction]. PAULINE: She might. Do you want to remind yourself about what we just talked about? Calling her is an experiment. That we won't know what happens unless you call? That if she's not helpful, we'll figure out Plan B together? ELSIE: Probably. PAULINE: Okay.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Without reaching the final decision, it's necessary to weigh the pros and cons and make sure you make the best possible choice. It includes a cost-benefit analysis in which you analyze the result on any (positive and negative) path. This will help you see the cost of success, or the stuff you overlook when you choose one choice over another. Narrow Your Options For simplify the study of costs-benefits, restrict yourself for fewer options. When we are faced with more options, the greater the complexity of making a final decision. Further options will lead to more disappointment as we find all the missing opportunities and wonder if we could have selected one of the many other possible paths. Narrowing the options as such will result in better peace of mind. Evaluate the Significance Just shouting Someone call 911! Lay the victim flat on his back. Place one hand on the center of his chest. Place your other hand on top of the first hand, interlocking your fingers. Keep your arms straight, position your shoulders directly over your hands. Push hard and fast, at least 100 times per minute. Continue pushing hard and fast and don't stop unless one of these things happen: The person starts breathing on his own. Trained help arrives and takes over. You're exhausted and you can't continue. Your safety is at risk.

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