Monday, 26 October 2020

Social Media Day Off

However, the reaction is still the same, and we don't get to choose our subconscious reactions. But we do choose our conscious actions. In the test anxiety example, try giving yourself many practice tests to lose your anxiety. Feeling more and more the real enjoyment of this relaxation and comfort. Deeper and deeper relaxed, absolutely nothing at all to do but just enjoy yourself. More and more comfortable, with nothing to bother, nothing to disturb. Perhaps feeling the heaviness in your arms and legs become even more clearly comfortable. Knowing that nothing really matters except your enjoyment of your experience of comfortable relaxation, with nothing to bother, nothing to disturb. Almost to the bottom, with nothing to bother, nothing to disturb as you continue to go deeper and deeper relaxed. Heavy, comfortable, restful, relaxed. Nothing really to do, no one to please, no one to satisfy. Just to notice how very comfortable and heavy you can feel, as you continue to breathe, slowly and comfortably, restfully. Almost to the bottom of the staircase. Perhaps your fear is roller coasters. Go more often, with someone you feel safe with to desensitize you. Try to desensitize yourself to the fear. If your fear is clowns, go to McDonald's more. No need to hang around real clowns. Those freaks will eat you in your sleep. If your reaction to anger is to yell and throw things, step away from the situation that makes you angry and work on breathing exercises.

Unless you're driving. Then just work on breathing exercises. If a particular person or politician makes you angry, try to find the small amount of truth they may have said to gain sympathy or empathy, or at the very least, not hatred. Nothing to bother, nothing to disturb you as you continue to feel more and more comfortable, more and more relaxed, more and more rested, more and more comfortable, just noticing. Deeply, deeply relaxed, deeper with every breath you take. As I talk to you for a moment about something you already know a lot about: remembering and forgetting. You know a lot about it, because we all do a lot of it, every moment of every day you remember and then you forget so you can remember something else. You can't remember everything, all at once, so you let some memories move quietly back in your mind. I wonder, for instance, if you remember what you had for lunch yesterday. I would guess that, with not too much effort, you can remember what you had for lunch yesterday. And yet, I wonder if you remember what you had for lunch a month ago today. I would guess the effort is really too great to dig up that memory, though of course it is there. Somewhere, deep in the back of your mind. Scratch that. Turn off the television. Work on that with a real person in your life rather than a politician. If your go-to reaction to sadness is self-isolation, take the opposite approach. Get out in the community and volunteer. Go out with your friends. Go to an ice cream store by yourself, just to get out of the house.

And have some ice cream. If you're feeling shameful, the first question to ask yourself is, Why am I feeling like this? Is it because you did something you're ashamed of? No need to remember, so you don't. And I wonder if you'll be pleased to notice that things we talk about today, with your eyes closed, are things which you'll remember tomorrow, or the next day, or next week. I wonder if you'll decide to let the memory of these things rest quietly in the back of your mind, or if you'll remember gradually, a bit at a time. Or perhaps all at once, to be again resting in the back of your mind. Perhaps you'll be surprised to notice that the reception room is the place for memory to surface. Perhaps not. Perhaps you'll notice that it is more comfortable to remember on another day altogether. It really doesn't matter, doesn't matter at all. Whatever you do, however you choose to remember is just fine. Absolutely natural. Admit it to yourself and your haters, then move on. The longer you deny it, the longer it draws out the feeling and adds further negative emotions to it, like anger. If you've done nothing wrong, but are being dragged through the mud for pointing out something someone else did, welcome to the patriarchy. Even males can be oppressed by it. Just hold your head high and live your life. People will soon see who you really are. And those who don't see it often filter out.

Guilt works in many ways, as does shame. If you need to offer a sincere apology, do so. Your refusal to do so, whether it's accepted or not, whether they've offered one or not, whether they actually deserved whatever action you need to apologize for or not - that's all irrelevant. Doesn't matter at all. Whether you remember tomorrow or the next day, whether you remember all at once or gradually, completely or only partially. Whether you let the memory rest quietly and comfortably in the back of your mind, really doesn't matter at all. I wonder if you'll be pleased to notice that today, and any day, whenever you feel your head resting back against the headrest, when you feel your head resting back like this, you'll feel reminded of how very comfortable you are feeling right now. Even more comfortable than you feel even now. Comfortable, relaxed, nothing to bother, nothing to disturb. I wonder if you'll be reminded of this comfort too, and relaxation, by just noticing the brightness of the light above. Perhaps this comfort and relaxation will come flooding back, quickly and automatically. I don't know exactly how it will seem, I only know, as perhaps you also know, that your experience will seem surprisingly more pleasant, surprisingly more comfortable, surprisingly more restful than you might expect. With nothing to bother, nothing to disturb. Your refusal to do so only drives the wedge in further. The opposite reaction works best when the emotion does not fit the scenario. If you should be angry at something, it's still best to breathe deeply and assess the situation calmly. However, the other person is allowed to know you're angry. If your anger motivates you toward positive change, so much the better. Interpersonal Effectiveness Using Objectiveness Effectiveness (D.

D - Describe Describe the event using facts only. Do not use emotions. Whatever you are able to notice, everything can be a part of your experience of comfortableness, restfulness, and relaxation. Everything you notice can be a part of being absolutely comfortable. And I want to remind you that whenever [insert name] touches your right shoulder, like this, you'll experience a feeling of being ready to do something. Whenever I touch your right shoulder, like this, or whenever [insert name] touches your right shoulder, like this, you'll experience a feeling of being ready to do something.Every morning, they rise from their graves like zombies, in massive swarms of barely conscious bodies. Numb and indifferent to everything but their own insatiable hunger, they mindlessly bump into each other - and into you. Drooling and moaning from behind their badly constructed masks of civilization and fake smiles, they corner and poke you. You can't reason with them. You can't explain anything to them that matters, because they can't understand. They don't care; And then more. Let it speak like a police report if you do use emotions. Patient seemed upset. It works better to sound like a police report if you talk in third person. However, don't take this habit into the real world. That's just confusing. Don't make a request or dry beg. Dry begging is saying obnoxiously passive-aggressive things like, I really need thirty bucks, or, Wow, that cake looks good.

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