Monday, 19 October 2020

Start the day with a goal and a plan

Yet, you had to make tough expectations of your own. It was tough but I think you will take a step back to realize how far you have come on your path. You have, after all, come so amazingly fast. Love yourself. The first aim of this mission was to free myself from all negative energies, including ones I held due to enduring years of being bullied at school, so I could manifest and live out the best version of me, the one I had always dreamed of. This led me to read every self-help article, from authors like Louise Hay, to then finding practical teachers with a work hard ethic like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and Paul Mckenna who have given me the motivational pep talks I needed, and helped me gain the confidence to reach for my dreams. The second aim of my mission was to find spiritual truths that resonated with every part of me, one that would help and not limit this new confident mindset I was cultivating, and one that would agree with the intelligence inside my heart. Don't get me wrong, some parts of religion resonated, one being to live a good life and good will follow and the other that there's an omnipotent force out there that, if trusted, we can use to assist us in life. But I needed to eliminate the God fearing side of what religion had tried to instil into me and find a faith that rang true. This was when I found Buddhism, and then the Law of Attraction, both of which had terrific snippets of what I felt deep within. Because there's no savings aspect, monthly premiums for term life are a lot less expensive. Then they will usually advise you to take the money you save from a lower premium and invest it instead. The same planners will also point out the hefty sales commissions the whole life agent receives for selling you a policy. Ultimately, you should ask your agent to run a whole life versus term analysis so you can make an informed decision. Also, seek their assistance with determining how much insurance you need. The final dollar figure depends on things like your current savings, your living expenses, your children's age, a mortgage and any other outstanding debts you have. HEALTH INSURANCE Health care costs keep rising and we all know health insurance isn't much cheaper but it only takes one major injury or illness to leave your family in a financial mess. Studies have shown the number one reason for bankruptcy filings is unpaid medical bills, not unpaid mortgages or credit card debt. Securing health insurance for your family is the best way to keep a tough situation from getting tougher.

Why am I telling you this? Because the reason why you're not progressing at the rate that you'd like to is perhaps because you're not investing enough time into your education. You can't see what other skilled and experienced coaches can see. Later into my career, I was introduced to Resistance Training Specialist (RTS - founded by Tom Purvis) by my friend Ben Pakulski. The certification largely focuses on exercise mechanics, which, to quote from the RTS website is, `an application of engineering and physics to the understanding, implementation, and delivery of exercise'. There were many times when, despite my knowledge of biomechanics and movement, I couldn't get my clients (or myself, for that matter) to feel certain muscles. I couldn't understand why certain exercises would feel good and why there were others that I just couldn't connect with (I'm sure you can relate to this). I didn't want to accept this; I wanted to know why. Because the RTS certification looks at the role that physics and mechanics play in how we perform exercises (especially gym-based ones), it was able to give me the answers. Can we look at this thought--that you might make mistakes? What do you want to be able to tell yourself this week if you have the same thought? I then made suggestions to make his response more robust. Next, we agree that LENNY will spend 10 minutes filling out the application as soon as he gets home from his therapy appointment. Then we record the Action Plan, how he will accomplish it, and what he can say to himself if he has interfering thoughts. Clients can often test negative predictions (such as My roommate won't want to go to [that event] with me; I won't understand the instructions even if I ask for help; You can help clients evaluate other thoughts, such as It's not worth the effort or Doing this will make no difference with standard Socratic questioning. Overestimating the Demands of an Action Plan The negative predictions of some clients are overestimations of how inconvenient or difficult an Action Plan will be.

Sadly, even some parts of these teachings can hinder us. For example, I like that the Law of Attraction states that the more we believe, the more we can achieve, but I'm not happy nor resonant that it says that all people who are suffering have caused it themselves through their thoughts. I will elaborate on this misleading dimension of the Law of Attraction in this article. Stuff can simply happen as well, magnetised to us by a force or for reasons unknown. Also if you're disabled, it's not necessarily because you did something terrible in a past life! We should all know that the reasons for encountering life's challenges are as diverse and complex as the people that have them - yes, we are all interconnected and co-creating, but things unfold on a bigger scale than just the Law of Attractions version of a negative vibration or a Buddhists version of severe karmic consequence. This knowing didn't matter at that point; I was using the best aspects of Buddhism and the Law of Attraction to my advantage, learning how to manifest while being able to handle the things that started to fall apart around me because of it, like my car being stolen. I shrugged it off, as it was material, and realised I'd manifested the situation because I had wished I no longer had to pay car insurance. I instantly shared my mum's car, saving me lots of money. If your employer offers health insurance coverage then shopping for your policy just got easier. If you need to secure your own health care plan, there are a few things you need to know. In 2010, a new law, The Affordable Care Act was passed and changed health insurance, as we know it. Insurance companies can no longer cancel your policy if you get sick or set up lifetime limits, meaning your coverage can't run out. Also, they are required to offer free preventative screenings (think: mammograms) and must eliminate co-pays and deductibles for annual wellness checkups. Your children can now stay on your plan until they are 26 years old and if you have a pre-existing condition, you can't be denied coverage. Each plan must offer a minimum standard of care, called essential health benefits like maternity and newborn care, hospitalization, and prescription coverage. Those of us who aren't enrolled in programs like Medicaid or Medicare can compare and shop for plans online via the Health Insurance Marketplace at healthcare. There are five levels of plans: catastrophic, bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The major difference between them is the amount the plan pays toward your total care.

With what I learned, I was able to feel muscles like never before and I had a new set of coaching tools to help my clients make more progress, which transferred into the results that I was able to produce. Unlike a lot of courses that coaches take today, a large percentage of my education throughout my career has been practical. This meant that I was often sat with someone while I was being taught, and they were looking over my shoulder as I was applying what I was learning. The benefit of this was that I was able to ask for advice relating to the issues that I was facing with my own clients. With learning purely online, you're left to apply what you've learned on your own. How you have interpreted the material will determine how you apply it and whether it has a positive impact on your results and the progression of your coaching business. This is one of the main reasons why a large percentage of the education that my team and I provide through M10 is practical. Studying biomechanics and exercise mechanics is a complete game changer for any coach, and I'm grateful that I was introduced to it so early in my career. It doesn't matter if you work with athletes, weight-loss clients, physique development or injury prevention - when you understand and can apply biomechanics into your coaching, your results will go to the next level. Psychology and human behaviour Or they don't realize that doing an Action Plan will be time limited. It's a good idea to ask clients how long they think an Action Plan item will take. PAULINE: What could get in the way of your doing a Thought Record a few times this week? ELSIE: I'm not sure I'll find the time. PAULINE: How long do you think they would take? ELSIE: I don't know. Half an hour? I'm pretty rushed these days, you know. I have a million things to do. PAULINE: It's good you told me that.

I knew there were real magical gifts of this universe and that they were all around us, waiting for us to tap into their powers so we could make significant improvements in our lives. I also knew that us human beings could create alternate universes and paths in life for ourselves through our thoughts, actions, and beliefs. That there was a way to make everything we want work out for us, a way all possibilities we envision may be brought to us, and a way we can enhance our lives so much it seems like we do have magical powers. I knew I'd tapped into that something out there, an omnipotent nature. So I carried on with my journey, completed courses on Buddhism, achieved levels of Reiki, studied the Law of Attraction at large, and I was becoming great at manifesting. I then dove into more ancient spiritual texts from across the globe, including the Tao Te Ching, Mayan wisdom, the Upanishads, the Torah, and Pagan literature. I also listened to and took in knowledge from the minds of great philosophical thinkers, gurus, and modern day spiritual leaders and I found many who are great at guiding people into seeing what the ancient teachers have always known, and they're teaching us these things in ways we can resonate with and appreciate today, and best of all, most of these teaching are backed by science as well. The likes of Wallace Wattles, James Allen, Napoleon Hill, Claude M. Bristol, Carl Jung, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, and Wayne Dyer helped me push even further along my spiritual must find a way the universe works path. I was also into quantum physics around this time, finding out about the energies we have inside of us, and how we're really connected to all things. For example, on average a Bronze plan pays 60% of your health care costs (you would pay 40%) versus the Platinum plan that pays 90%, leaving you to pay 10%. The average cost of a mid-level plan is $328 per month, but premium tax credits and other financial assistance are available to help pay for the premiums. One of the biggest changes stemming from the Affordable Care Act and the most controversial is every American must have health insurance or pay a tax penalty. According to healthcare. DISABILITY INSURANCE Disability insurance is usually the last insurance on our minds. Mostly because we think we won't need it. Unfortunately, according to the Social Security Administration, there's a good chance we will. They estimate one in four 20-year olds today will become disabled before they retire. Disability insurance insures your income.

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