Friday, 23 October 2020

Stop telling yourself fake stories

Consequently, by living mindfully, one can reduce stress and increase their sense of optimism towards life. I breathe in and out slowly, relaxing more and more with each breath. I am a capable person, and I can handle anything that comes my way. I am centered and focused, and I feel more secure with each day. It is safe to express how I feel. I can remain serene in any situation. I trust myself to deal with any problems that arise during the day. I realize that stress is only fear. I now release all fears. Receiving Your Prosperity Are you a magnet for miracles, money, prosperity, and abundance? It's an absolute must to take a me-time every single day. Isn't it ironic? If you ask people what is the most important thing in their life the answer, mostly, will be my health; A healthier life is only a decision away. Decide NOW to live healthier. Follow a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and stay or get in physical shape so that your brain has all the nutrition it needs to produce a positive lifestyle. Take care of your body, because if the body is not well, the mind doesn't work well either. Here are some examples: Eat more fruit and vegetables.

Reduce your intake of red meat. While the benefits of technology are real and plentiful--increased productivity, access to vast amounts of information, support in achieving and maintaining our goals--we are now experiencing the harmful side effects of our near-ceaseless techno-binging. At the top of the list is hyperconnectivity. Gone is the time when workdays had finite beginnings and endings. It's now possible, sometimes even expected, to bring your work to the dinner table and your kids' soccer matches, all at the expense of necessary downtime, real-life connections with family and friends, and your natural biorhythms. And it's become a norm to live in a cascade of interruption, as notifications ping us and push information into our mental space, hijacking our attention. Nonstop access to social media, news feeds, and constant streams of information dissolves the boundaries that keep us balanced and healthy. Being incessantly clicked-in disrupts our ability to make and maintain genuine human connections, get deep and adequate sleep each night, and feel content with our own lives. We feel obligated to keep up, to show up, and to check in, voraciously consuming photos and videos of the perfectly curated lives of others instead of living fully in our own realities. The more we gaze longingly at our colleague's dreamy-looking Caribbean vacation, the more we feed a cycle of unmet desires powered by a super-savvy algorithm. My in-house psychiatrist, Dr Ellen Vora, calls this the evil genius of social media. For example, it may be hard to recall a number with 7 digits, but it is much easier to commit to memory in the rhythm of a phone number. Strategies like mnemonics and chunking can help you with explicit processes but how well you retain your data can depend on how deep you dig through the different levels of processing. Shallow processing Shallow processing lets you encode information on basic auditory or visual levels based on the sound, structure, or appearance of a word. Deep processing To really retain information, you must activate your deep processing, which allows you to encode semantically based on actual meanings associated with the word. If you really want to make information stick in your mind, you will want to connect it to something meaningful or related to your own personal emotional experience. How much information you encode and remember depends on both the time you took to learn it and how you made it personally relevant to you. Memory is extremely powerful.

It's constantly shaping and reshaping your brain, your life, and your identity. Another tip Mom had for helping medications work better is to avoid sitting in one place for long periods of time. If you have to sit anywhere for more than an hour, encourage your loved one to get up every hour and do some stretching or moving around to keep their muscles from stiffening up too much. Mom said that regardless of when she last took her medications, sitting in one spot for a long time made it hard to get moving again. Though you may not always be able to achieve it, you should be aiming for as little off time (the time when your loved one basically has to stay put because your medications have worn off) as possible. Most people with Parkinson's find that after they take their meds, there is a wait time before they kick in. Wait times are commonly 20 to 30 minutes, but because everyone is different this can vary, and it can depend on everything from how long a person has had the disease to what they last ate. In Mom's case, she had to wait for up to 45 minutes (often less than this) after she took her medications for them to start working and for her to have on time (or in her words, for her to have wheels). My mom's way of telling whether she was getting the most out of her meds was to see how much time each day she spent in off mode. If she had to wait more than an hour for her meds to kick in or had more than four hours in one day in off time, she knew she needed to talk to her doctor about possibly changing the dosage and/or timing of her medications. I've included a PD ON/OFF Diary in the free resources section of AllAboutParkinsons. Marvin answered, Most times it's, 'Who is to blame? Sure, agreed Elizabeth. Now, what is continuous improvement but innovation? And blaming kills the spirit of innovation. People can't innovate while they're busy protecting themselves. On the other hand, permission to take risks, make mistakes, and challenge the way things have been done in the past opens up people's ability to learn and use their talents. That's why Sandy wanted associates here to see mistakes as okayto be lighthearted about themto celebrate them, even. Interesting, Marvin said. It reminds me of an article I read about encouraging innovation.

I couldn't understand when it mentioned that one company shoots off a cannon every time there's a goof. It is not the key to everyone's salvation. If someone feels powerful, if someone takes more inspiration and reassurance from the idea of willpower than from powerlessness, it doesn't mean she's deluded. Remember that the change process is different for different people, at different times. There are as many legitimate, promising first steps in change as there are people trying to change. We suggest awareness and acceptance, but we don't force them on anyone. People change on their own terms, in their own words. Exercises: You Are Here Awareness is the you are here on the map of your life. You're reading this article because you're worried about someone else, and because you want things to be different, but these exercises will help you realize that helping starts here, with you, just as you are. First, they will help you to develop a habit of awareness, the starting point of acceptance and change, by prompting you to pause and check in with reality in specific ways. Workers' attitudes are influenced positively and customers experience a warm and friendly atmosphere which they come back to again and again. Think about it from a customer's perspective. How do you feel when you go to a shop assistant for help and they are not interested in you? They're unfriendly and give you the impression that it is almost too much effort the help you? You might go and complain about the bad service to the manager or you might just walk out and never come back. People with a positive attitude are not only sincere and honest when doing business. They are also sincere and caring towards family and friends. They don't cheat on them or neglect them, but rather go the extra mile to help where they can. In their relationships with other people they are sincere in what they say and do.

They don't hide their feelings, thoughts or desires but discuss it openly and honestly. Both of these organizations maintain geographically identified referral listings through their websites. The latter group represents a specialization within professional organizing that addresses aspects of HD. ICD has established a formal training program for assisting people in organizing their homes and businesses. Some professional organizers have obtained specialized training to learn skills to work with hoarding-related problems such as attention deficit, difficulty with decision making, excessive acquiring, and strong attachment to possessions that interferes with discarding. Engaging a professional organizer may carry less stigma for some people with HD than seeking mental health treatment and therefore may be an important opportunity to work on hoarding symptoms. In her article on professional organizing and hoarding, Judith Kolberg writes that those with hoarding share common ground with people who are chronically disorganized, as attention-deficit disorder and physical challenges can contribute to hoarding behavior. However, important differences include the stronger emotional attachment to possessions of people with HD that extends to a wide range of items, as well as intense feelings of shame about clutter. Those who hoard often have an excessive number of items that others consider useless or of little value, whereas those with chronic disorganization may have many objects that most people view as useful or valuable. However, research on specific distinctions between chronic disorganization and HD is lacking. Professional organizers often work collaboratively with other professionals (eg, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, family member, home health aide, housing coordinator) to provide services to clients with serious hoarding behaviors. In the past few articles, we've explored the gifts and genius that live in seven allegedly negative emotions (anxiety, fear, confusion, panic, anger, shame, and depression). In the next article, we'll look at the many difficulties that can occur when the allegedly positive emotions (happiness, contentment, and joy) are not well-balanced within your emotional realm. Balancing the Happiness Family and Anxiety The three emotions in the Happiness Family are marvelous, each in its own way, but all emotions are marvelous in their own ways. As we explore happiness, contentment, and joy, it's important to return to the subject of valencing because valencing causes many problems for these three emotions -- and for all of us. Emotion Gifts and Skills Internal Statements HAPPINESS arises to help you look around you and toward the future with hope and enjoyment. Amusement, hope, delight, playfulness Thank you for this lively celebration! CONTENTMENT arises after you've accomplished a task, and it helps you look toward yourself with pride and satisfaction.

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