Not only that, but they also fight inflammation at the cellular level, which is a significant factor in degenerative aging. High in fiber, they're also low on the glycemic index. One serving is about a half cup, and you can enjoy your berries on cereal or desserts or just eat them like candy. Try dried blueberries or blueberry juice, too. Part of our endless fear of endings is not knowing how they will end. Will the ending be painful? Will it be traumatizing? And most important, will I survive it? If I can access complete acceptance of the not knowing, I transition into ultimate joy. Into an ultimate state of being my full self, unattached to the outcome of the situation, or of my life, for that matter. A simple practice I use daily is turning it over. Turning the outcome over and handing it back to the universe. You might hand it to God, to god, to goddess, to trees, to water, to air. But try handing it over to SOMETHING. If that step is too hard, do a smaller one. If even the smallest step is too hard--add It's too hard to your list of excuses; It's always possible to break down any undone, When you've scheduled a time to do each undone, put a check mark next to it. Don't cross it off yet--save that pleasure for when you actually complete it. If you've only scheduled a next step for some of them, rather than all the way to completion, be honest with yourself: are you really making progress, or are you just putting it off?
Even the smallest step, such as the brainstorming session, is real progress--just don't cheat yourself. You know the difference. If you're resisting scheduling things because you're not 100 percent sure you can make the schedule--add I'm not 100 percent sure I can make the schedule to your list of excuses, and see the next article, on perfectionism. As long as you honestly intend to do the things as scheduled, it's fine to be flexible and reschedule (preferably for an earlier, not later, time). That I didn't go straight from writing news on the weekends to the press gallery at Queen's Park? Because I sure didn't. CHCH-TV, like many TV stations, was a union shop. Before I landed the job at Queen's Park, I was, for a time, a not-quite-full-time general assignment reporter. Being the newest hire, whenever there were cutbacks--and there were--I was the first person to be laid off. They always tried to bring me back as soon as possible, which was nice, but even when I had the job, I couldn't count on it. It wasn't stable. It was a hard time for me. During one of my layoffs, my dad began sharing his worries about the industry I'd chosen. Maybe it wasn't feasible to make a go of it in television. Certain foods*5 on the list often get turned down at the dinner table, but that surprises no one. As my kids broaden their palates and I find more margin in the kitchen and the budget, I'll expand the list. And remember, I'm not limiting my ingredient list because I hate food. I love it deeply, perhaps more than a human should love a collection of inanimate objects. And because I love it, I want my experience in the kitchen, especially in this Tiny Human Stage, to be as pleasant as possible. Limiting my ingredients does that for me.
Bonus: making my ingredient list a fixed decision has made other decisions easier too. Choosing new recipes is a breeze because I skip any that have ingredients not on my list. Shopping is a breeze because I buy the same things over and over. Putting away groceries is a breeze because I don't have to make room for unfamiliar items. Do this practice as many times as you like, for just a minute or for a more prolonged period. This practice can be done anytime, anywhere. Some people find it helpful in moments of stress or anxiety as a way to calm their system, while others find it helpful at bedtime or when they wake up in the night. It is something that is always available to us whenever we need to center and ground ourselves with our breath. Perhaps when you are sitting at your desk or in the car on the way to work. The technique of 4-7-8 breathing is something that you can practice and make a part of your mindfulness tool kit to help manage your emotions. This next strategy is a short meditation that can help you relax and reconnect with your body. You can read the script a few times and narrate for yourself, or listen to a similar guided meditation from one of the apps and websites listed in the resources section of this article. This body scan can be done any time, sitting or standing. Some people find it helpful before bed to wind down. Dr Lauren Streicher is on a mission to change sandpaper sex into slippery sex. You have to love a woman with that as her mission. More than 50 percent of postmenopausal women suffer from vaginal issues as a result of GSM, yet only 7 percent do anything about it. Most simply put up with the pain or give up on sex. Many women don't seek out treatment, suffering in silence, when this isn't necessary. This might be due to the delicate nature of the problem or they might think they'll be dismissed or misdiagnosed.
Adopting good hygiene and working with a medical provider are essential to treating GSM. Let's look at some of the options. Your doctor might suggest trying estrogen cream to restore some vitality to your vagina. Studies have shown improvement of GSM symptoms in menopausal women who use estrogen cream. Whereas my fat and blood sugar levels rose and fell quite quickly after the morning meal, in the evening they were both still rising well after midnight. Another reason to avoid a late-night snack or glass of milk is that any protein in the food will cause your stomach to release acid. If you suffer from acid reflux, stay away from anything but water in the two hours running up to bedtime. One of the other major benefits of TRE is that it gives the lining of your gut, which takes a fearful bashing during the day, more time to repair itself. It's a bit like trying to repair a motorway; If you don't give your gut time to repair, you may develop a condition called leaky gut syndrome, which occurs when bacteria that are living in your guts escape through the damaged stomach lining into your bloodstream, causing inflammation, bloating, and pain. But what if you feel hungry? Dr Panda told me that once you get used to his regimen you no longer get late-night munchies. In fact, you will find, after a couple of weeks, that if you do have a late-night snack it will leave you feeling uncomfortably bloated. Alcohol: A Mixed Blessing Throughout this exercise, your mind may begin to wander. It is usual for thoughts to make their way into your head. Remember to accept these feelings and distractions, and then return your attention to our meditation. You may now return to your regular breathing pattern. Allow all of your muscles to relax a little more with every exhale. You are getting rid of all of your stress and tension, is it just melting away.
There is nothing else that you need to be doing right now. Nowhere else that you need to be. You are entirely safe and free to use your imagination. I want you to imagine that you are in a beautiful magic forest, right around dusk. These natural remedies aren't great at treating a migraine immediately, but long-term usage of these supplements will greatly reduce the frequency and overall severity of any future migraines. Strong Brain Tip for Migraines #1: Journaling is the simplest way to listen to your body. Record every instance of migraines. Having a working catalog of every instance your migraines flare-up will make it easier to identify triggers and make changes accordingly. Strong Brain Tip for Migraines #2: If you experience a migraine, try dipping your hands in cold water for as long as your hands can take the temperature. This is an easy way to mitigate the factors that worsen migraines. A Personal Recommendation from a Patient Who used to suffer from Migraines I have employed alternative medicine techniques while treating patients over the years, and although they may take longer to work than traditional medications, they are still more effective in the long-run because of the overall benefits of employing these natural techniques and using natural remedies. Without seeing the written word, first listening to the audio allows you to gain comprehension. Since listening is often harder than reading, this approach is good for helping you train your ear and test your comprehension. After you have listened to the recording, reading helps you to see how much you have learned and to practice mimicking what you have heard. To strengthen your pronunciation, note that you can read aloud. Second, reading enables you to go at your own pace. For individuals who want to understand every word or phrase, this is a successful technique.
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