Thursday, 22 October 2020

Try not to rationalise or problem-solve it

Some people do give up altogether, while others manage to keep going. What is the difference between those who quit, and those who just won't? In the article, Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein, he explains: Your car goes where your eyes go. In other words, wherever you focus your attention is where you're headed, with related consequences. It takes the same energy to focus on positive outcomes as negative ones, with better results. A group of students were about to write a test. The teacher handed out the questionnaire, but when they looked at it, it seems to be blank! Surprised and a bit dumbfounded they looked again and then they saw it. There was a single black dot in the middle of the article. When they asked the teacher what was going on, he said: Write about whatever you see on the article, what it reminds you of or what you think it means. If the primary purpose of a home visit is a child welfare investigation, limited attention can be given to the reasons for saving in favor of attention to the risks to children caused by the clutter. The Hoarding Interview can be found on the Oxford University Press website (www. HOMES multidisciplinary risk assessment The HOMES assessment was developed by the Massachusetts Statewide Steering Committee on Hoarding and is intended to help users identify specific areas of risk in hoarded homes. The HOMES is a deliberately brief checklist that can be completed in 5 to 10 minutes by anyone entering the home, regardless of professional training. This includes repair people, mental health clinicians, housing managers, and family members. Community providers use this checklist to identify problem areas caused by accumulated objects and to develop intervention plans. The five domains are health-related household conditions (cannot use bathtub/shower, garbage overflow, presence of pests), obstacles to safe movement (unstable piles/avalanche risk), mental state of the person (confused, angry, anxious), endangerment of protected classes of people (children, elderly, disabled), and structural safety (caving walls, loose floorboards). The HOMES assessment deliberately avoids using a formal scoring system, though it has been modified by community services organizations to identify conditions that create high risk from their perspectives. This assessment also has questions to clarify the client's insight and their willingness and capacity to address their hoarding behavior.

Sudden energy, intense attention, absolute stillness, survival During an emergency: Just listen to your body. Fight, flee, or freeze. Your body is a survival expert, and it will keep you safe. For panic that relates to past difficulties or traumas: What has been frozen in time? What healing action must be taken? ANXIETY (or WORRY ) is focused on the future. It arises to help you look ahead and identify the tasks you need to complete or the deadlines you need to meet. Foresight, focus, task completion, procrastination alert! What brought this feeling forward? What truly needs to get done? It testifies to our humanity, especially in a world of closed doors, shuttered hearts, and raised walls. Belonging isn't defined by tradition, nativism, or roots. Traditions get reinterpreted as they're passed down. And roots can be dug up and replanted somewhere else. Yet it's nice to know that constant through all these vacillations and shifting sands is an astrological sign that keeps the light on for all of us trying to find our way home, a sign ready to provide a roof overhead and a bed to sleep in, a sign that knows that its nature is to nurture and that will never be an either/or choice. THE SUN IN LEO There's only one you. And you take being you very seriously. Now this doesn't mean you will supervise every facet of your life with the hyperfocus of a Hollywood celebrity. You're not going to monitor your body fat percentage on an hourly basis, keep spreadsheets of your followers on social media, or plunge your face into a bathroom sink full of ice every morning to freeze your pores.

Additionally, caffeine, even in low doses, decreases neurogenesis, so eliminating or reducing caffeine is advised. Curcumin provides the yellow color in the curry spice turmeric. It has strong neurogenic effects, as well as being a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. Aging populations who consume curcumin show better cognitive performance. It has also shown strong antidepressant effects, which naturally follow from decreasing inflammation and increasing neurogenesis. Here again, like so many things, more is not necessarily better. Too little and there is no effect, but extremely high doses, on the other hand, appear to be toxic to cells. Just the right, moderate amount bestows highly beneficial effects on the brain, BDNF levels, and neurogenesis. Typical amounts are 200-1,200 mg daily, so experiment to see what's right for you. Because it is poorly absorbed, there are several ways to enhance this. If you can see the correct dosage with the glasses, you're good. If you have difficulty, the magnification is too weak. If you feel dizzy, it's too strong. SUNGLASSES: INSTANT GLAMOUR An easy way to pump up your sexiness quotient is to slip on a pair of large shades whenever you step out of the house -- whether it's sunny or not. It's incredible how much glam you get from just a thin layer of plastic and a couple of pieces of hardware. You'll look mysterious and chic, plus it's a great way to shave time off your beauty regimen when you don't have a few extra minutes to put on eye makeup. Just remember not to take the sunglasses off when you meet someone you know (no matter how rude it may seem). Of course, there are important health reasons to slip on a pair of sexy shades. Sunglasses are sunblock for your eyes, shielding them from UV rays and warding off health issues such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

When sitting on the floor, cross your legs. Individuals who are unfit to do this should consider using a seat. If you choose to use a chair, make sure that feet touch the ground. Don't use a chair that will leave your feet hanging. Positioning Your Arms Your arms should be comfortably positioned on top of your legs. The point here is that there should be no stiffness in the sitting position that you choose. After assuming the right position, it is time to relax your body and mind. This is achieved by focusing on your breath. Pay attention to how you are breathing. Look in your mirror, take a deep breath, and blow a kiss to that beautiful person who is looking back at you. You are getting stronger each day. Thank your mirror for helping you release your past and reflect more positive thoughts your way. Life loves you, and so do I! Today your mirror work is on an emotion that can block you from loving yourself, forgiving others, and having the happy life you deserve. This emotion is fear. Fear is rampant on the planet today, in the form of war, murder, greed, and mistrust. Fear is a lack of trust in yourself. When you can overcome your fear, you will begin to trust life. You will begin to trust that life is taking care of you.

No matter what partners they have, they are always awful and inconsiderate. No matter what restaurant they go to, the service is always terrible. Or when the service is excellent, the food is horrible. There is always something wrong. They are resigned to that reality, and their existence has become a painful self-fulfilling prophecy. But there is good news: We can learn to become Benefit finders by training our brains to focus on the positive, by learning to interpret things optimistically - in a positive light. Some people accept the situation and then are able to make the best of it. The mentality of the benefit finder is: This too shall pass, Things are going to be okay again, Been there, done that. A Benefit finder permits himself to fail and as a result feels better, is happier on the long-term, experiences more positive moods, and is less likely to feel anxious. A great exercise for rewiring your brain to become a Benefit-Finder is to adopt an attitude of gratitude. Some of the most likely contenders are berries, apples, spinach, grapes, potatoes, celery, and bell peppers. If you're on a budget, use the Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists to help you prioritize (also available as an app from ewg. Shop at farmers' markets where you can learn which farms without organic certification follow safer, chemical-free practices--there are some--but be sure to quiz growers on what pesticides and herbicides they use (be skeptical if they claim not to use them but their produce is huge and abundant). Check out whatsonmyfood. Dried Goods: Grains, Beans, Legumes It's becoming common knowledge that conventional corn and soy products in the U. But the emerging issue of the antibiotic (and known carcinogenic) herbicide ingredient glyphosate has made a much bigger group of foods suspect, in particular crops like wheat, oats, beans, and lentils (see article 153). This is another very good reason to keep grain consumption low (or dialed down to zero! If you do use these foods, definitely make them organic. Another new and growing concern is arsenic found in rice.

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