Monday, 19 October 2020

What am I going to do about it?

Reflect on where you are going and why that matters to you. It's about the end goal though, not the difficult parts of the process. Tap Into The Root Problem Often negative thinking arises from a problem not seen clearly on the table. I call it the source question. Sometimes these destructive habits of thought are rooted in us from an early age and have become part of our culture. To transcend these destructive patterns of thought, you have to recognize the deeper-seeded explanation why these trends continue to show up. Then and only then can you tackle the problem. Make A Conscious Choice Unless you can expose what they are you can't get rid of negative thought patterns. It will take commitment and some sacrifice but don't give up. You will get out from under the pile of debt eventually. And in the meantime, if an emergency comes up, you have that $1000 emergency fund you can pull from. It took us three years to pay off our debt. Each bill we paid off gave us the motivation we needed to tackle the next one, and believe me it felt good! It also feels really good to live free of debt. We have lived without credit cards and car payments for more than 10 years and there's a reason why it's called debt-free. Free for freedom. It's so freeing you will physically feel lighter. Spend Less, Save More

This might sound like I'm being patronising - I assure you that I'm not; The beginning of the coaching process should involve an assessment. This will include a visual assessment of your client's posture, some form of flexibility assessment and a movement-based assessment. When you look at your clients, do you honestly know what you're looking at? When you see internally rotated shoulders or an excessive anterior tilted pelvis, do you know which muscles could be tight, strong or weak? If you do, do you know where they originate and insert? Understanding the origin and insertion of muscles allows you to understand which direction muscles and their associated fibres run in (more of this in the `Biomechanics' section). This, in turn, allows you to understand which direction certain muscles could be pulling the associated joints in. Knowing this information will provide you with a certain pool of exercises to begin using with your clients, and also a pool of exercises that you would avoid until later into your client's journey. When you are speaking to your clients about their assessments, a solid understanding of A&P will allow you to clearly explain what you have seen, which educates them and fills them with confidence in themselves. Doing so gives clients the idea that Action Plans are important. Even if a client is in crisis, it's still useful to spend a few minutes discussing Action Plans later in the session or, in a different case, to collaboratively agree that the Action Plan from the previous session doesn't apply at the moment. Deciding how much time to spend reviewing Action Plans and discussing whether clients want to continue any given Action Plan is part of the art of therapy. You will spend more time on Action Plans when You will often ask clients to read their therapy notes aloud (or you can read them if they're reluctant). Then ask, How much do you believe that? If they don't endorse their therapy notes strongly, ask, What part don't you believe? When clients have successfully completed an activity or task on their Action Plan, there are several questions you can ask to help them derive positive meanings and strengthen positive beliefs about themselves (Beck et al. Were you able to give yourself credit for doing that? What was good about the experience [eg, `I helped other people';

Get to know the negative thoughts and how they get activated. Only with that self-awareness can you begin to identify when it occurs, and make a choice in the moment to change your focus. WHAT IS EMPATHY HEALING? Empathy heals. Have you ever been so tired, you could hardly get out of bed, but then someone got it right? It was your mate who brought broth. Her husband was making tea. Your mother called. They gave you drugs not. You have not even met you personally, but their compassion and empathy made you realize that you are not alone. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, 75% of us rank money as the leading cause of our stress. The best way to reduce that stress is to have a savings account. More money in your emergency fund to deal with the unexpected bills, money to pay for larger purchases like a car and money to live off of after you retire. Sounds good, right? The only way to build a savings account is to follow the old adage - Live below your means. In order to do that you have to adopt a lifestyle that you can realistically afford. The first step is to find out what your means are. Track your income and expenses for two or three months to see where your money goes. Ask yourself some tough questions. Should you be buying Starbucks lattes on your way to work every morning?

This is why displaying high levels of confidence in your own knowledge and coaching ability is a powerful professional attribute. As a coach, you will place your hands on your clients with the intention of guiding them to perform each exercise in the correct fashion, and also to ensure that they are using the right muscles. It's clear to see in many cases that coaches don't know which muscles are being used, as their hands are often in the wrong places. As I explained in the `Hire a coach' section, this is where practical experience of working with a skilled coach or attending practical courses is crucial. It's one thing seeing A&P in articles, but it's completely different when someone shows it to you in a practical situation. If you're training someone who is looking to develop their physique, it is essential for you to know your A&P as your primary goal is muscular development. When looking at a physique, you will see a variance in muscle belly insertion points - some will attach very low and some will attach very high onto the tendon. When you are able to look at muscle belly insertion points, you will have a clearer understanding of someone's genetic ability to develop muscle tissue in that area. The difference between having short and long insertion points mostly impacts the presentation of the muscle when developed. Your clients will often be inspired by their favourite physique athletes; What emotions did you experience [eg, `I felt good'; What did the experience mean to you [eg, `This shows ___________'; What did the experience show about you [eg, `I can do hard things'; You can positively reinforce the client yourself, by saying something such as It's great that you ___________. This shows ___________ [about you]. When relevant, ask if clients want to continue this Action Plan item in the coming week. CONCEPTUALIZING DIFFICULTIES When clients have difficulty doing their Action Plan, conceptualize why the problem arose. Was the obstacle related to Practical Problems

It can be a long and tough journey when you are recovering from something more than a cough. For the faint-hearted, detoxification is not. Mega successes (a month free of migraines! It is difficult to move about through fear and uncertainty. You can't eat what you used to want or maybe even do stuff that you used to love. Sitting alone with those defeats seems more like being robbed than advancing. It's easier to keep your eyes on the road ahead, with a traveling companion. Faith and hope can be harder to have. Partners don't just let partners withdraw by themselves. Neither parents nor kids do. Can you cut back on technology, like smartphones, cable, or internet? How much less can you spend on groceries? Do you really need two cars or can you get by with one? And yes, the big one: Can you really afford the house you're living in? After you take a good hard look at ways to reduce your expenses, make a budget. Be sure to include a small amount of play money because it will be difficult to stick to the budget if you feel completely deprived. Then determine how much money you will set aside for savings. A common goal is 10% to 15% of your income. Every payday put that amount of money into a savings account first, before you pay the rest of your bills. Once you have a plan in place, make a commitment to stop the impulse buying.

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