Thursday, 22 October 2020

What does it say to you?

When he was done, his curiosity got the better of him and he cut the ribbon around the box to open it. As soon as the lid was off he looked inside and jumped back as he got the fright of his life. Inside there were disembodied limbs, a leg and arm of a person! Coming to his senses he realized that it can't be true and he took a second look into the box. Then he saw it was only the leg and arm of a mannequin, not real limbs. Picking it up in an effort to figure out what this was all about, a card fell out of the box. The CEO picked it up, reading the following words: Dear Sir, my name is Robert from this insurance company and I would give an arm and a leg just to meet with you. He sat for a moment and then started laughing. After a minute he called his secretary and told her: This is the most original way anyone has ever used to get my attention. Give Robert a call and schedule a meeting. Why do people hoard? In previous articles we've described the criteria for hoarding disorder (HD) and detailed the features of acquiring, saving, and clutter. We also discussed the common features associated with hoarding symptoms and HD, including demographic characteristics, as well as the beliefs, emotions, and behaviors, including brain activity and cognitive processes, that accompany these. How do we explain why these symptoms and features occur in combination? Acquiring behaviors are in fact necessary for the survival of humans and some animals. Humans and animals need to procure food and shelter, and humans require clothing and a few other basic necessities. Saving enables humans to have such necessities available when required by environmental circumstances. In addition, for humans, acquisition and ownership are important for social and psychological functioning, for example in reflecting social status and role definition. People also rely on acquisitive behaviors like shopping for food and clothing as part of routine social and leisure activities. Keeping sentimental items like letters, photos, and travel mementos facilitates our recall of past experiences, displays our interests, and connects us to each other.

Foresight, focus, task-completion, procrastination alert! What brought this feeling forward? What truly needs to get done? Panxiety is the state that many people misname as anxiety. Even our medical and mental health communities misname anxiety regularly. The terms anxiety attack and panic attack are used interchangeably, and many of the so-called anxiety disorders contain or primarily involve panic (such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety, phobias, and so on). Certainly, each of these conditions involve anxiety because anxiety will need to keep a close eye on any situation that your panic has identified as life-threatening (fear will need to be on-task as well because you'll need heightened instincts and intuition), but none of these conditions is caused by anxiety. Anxiety is surely present, but it's not the problem. Even panic isn't the problem; However, you do want to be able to soothe and down-regulate your panic and its Fear Family members if they're on guard and activated when no life-threatening situations are occurring. In many cases it's the female Leo who's the higher earner, is more successful, or has the name recognition. Yet interestingly enough you will downplay your accomplishments so as not to outshine your mate. You will stand behind him--just like the lioness stands behind hers. And not only will you stand behind him, you will also stand by him. Female Leos are fiercely loyal. Anyone who messes with a loved one better be ready to mess with you. Lions are the most social of all the big cats. Family is very important to you. You take pride in your pride. The Sun is in domicile in Leo.

It's sold most commonly under the brand name Origanox; A new source of rosmarinic acid has recently come on the market in the form of spearmint tea developed by Neumentix. Quercetin . This flavonoid is widely found in many fruits and vegetables. It increases neurogenesis and BDNF levels, and it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other beneficial health effects. Standard dose is 500 mg, 1-2 times daily. This is a little-known compound present in many fruits and vegetables such as grapefruit, celery, and parsley. It has been shown to induce neurogenesis. Vitamin E . In large doses vitamin E promotes neurogenesis. Instead, learn to artfully smudge a thin line of eyeliner pencil or apply a thin line of liquid liner, and stick with an understated wash of shadow in a flattering shade of beige, brown, khaki, or gray. Wild and crazy shades of pink, purple, green, turquoise, gold, bronze, and silver shadows are only going to magnify imperfections. Shiny, glittery shadows are for kids. Thick liner, a strip of false lashes, heavily pigmented shadow, and stark white shimmer on the brow bone is the makeup of drag queens. The makeup look of the moment is soft and pretty, not hard and severe. Soft and pretty will make you look Y&H; Beautiful makeup is about subtlety, says makeup artist Nick Barose, whose celebrity clients include Brooke Shields, Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Beyonce Knowles, among others, and who has made me look younger than I ever thought possible. When you're putting it on, step back from the mirror and make sure it looks not so noticeable. If trendy colors aren't universally wearable, why, you might ask, do cosmetic companies create them, and why are beauty articles filled with step-by-step instructions on how to wear the hot new shades? For starters, it's tough to get buzz for your product if you're trumpeting the same tasteful brown eye shadow year after year.

Below is a look at how you can apply mindfulness to your daily routine. Washing the Dishes Usually, most people will want to take advantage of the process of washing dishes to chat or watch a TV show. However, this alone time can be used to practice mindfulness. How do you do this? Immerse yourself in the process. Don't take anything for granted that is happening when you're cleaning the dishes. Notice the warm or cold water you are using. Pay attention to the sounds of the pans and other dishes that you are washing. Try your best to be present in the moment. Tell it: I know you want to protect me. I appreciate that you want to help me. I thank you. Now I let you go. I release you and I am safe. Then take the sticky note, rip it up, and toss it in the trash or flush it down the toilet. However you get rid of the fear, the point is to release it. Look in the mirror again and repeat these affirmations: I love and trust. Love and life take care of me. I am one with the Power that created me.

That's normal. Our mind is not used to this. It's used to us beating ourselves up all the time for one mistake we made instead of celebrating the five good things we did that day. It will get better. It will learn. So, if you feel stupid, see it as a good sign and do it anyway. Every action step completed is worth celebrating. For every exercise in this article that you complete, for every little improvement you make, reward yourself. You can go to the movies, or buy yourself something you always wanted. Do whatever feels good for you. The drinks that get you through the day also deserve scrutiny. Tea is a much greater carrier of pesticides than most people realize. Leaves are sprayed, not washed, and then infused directly into your boiling water. Plus many tea bags have plastics in them. Buy an organic brand like NuMi or Traditional Medicinals, or loose organic tea from Mountain Rose Herbs. Coffee is often grown in countries with few standards regulating chemicals, so the safest choice is to buy organic or from a small specialty roaster who deals directly with farmers and knows the story of their supply chain. Ask questions when you buy. When buying tea or coffee, choose organic. Adopt the Precautionary Principle: Boycott GMOs Why do most of the integrative-medicine doctors I know scrupulously avoid eating foods made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

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