Wednesday, 7 October 2020

What Is Your Emotional Type?

In the corporate world, a person may act in ways that are consistent with his or her values. You will want to find bins that come with lids, and ones that fit easily into a closet or articleshelf. Then, you can go about getting creative with what to put in each box. Sensory and reminiscing box options: sand, seashells, dried flowers, buttons, photos, etc There are a ton of examples of great activity boxes, and I am sure that you can think of many that are not on this list. The activities in each box are easy to explain to someone with dementia: they require almost no instruction. Most of these things, like folding, sorting, and matching, come naturally to us--we've been doing them our whole lives, and they're firmly planted in our long-term memories. People living with dementia do not quickly lose their ability to do these simple tasks, but you may need to modify the task slightly. For some individuals, giving them one hand towel at a time is perfect. For others, you can dump the whole basket on the table and they are able to fold all of them without difficulty. The best thing about these activity boxes is that they are so simple to use. And when faced with a decision, you act on what you know, hear from above, and what is in the highest and best interest of those you serve. Lastly, you will know what you ought to do and you will do it. This ownership gives you a pride of clarity versus boasting. You appreciate the power of self-reliance, personal growth, and hard work. Another gift of self-accountability is it opens the way to being accountable to your clients. As you work from integrity and discernment, you can more easily be openly vulnerable to others' feedback. This can assist you in becoming aware of your blind spots and challenge you to grow. This, in turn, will empower your responsibility to your clients. As you openly share, together you can process choices and actions, explaining your perspective, vision, and insights more freely and clearly.

This offers a positive platform to spring from toward healing as you combine personal and other-oriented accountability with significant and lasting, life-altering healing. If this happens, take it in the morning and begin with lower dosing and work up instead. The benefits can be marked over time and usually begin after about two to three months, with side effects disappearing. LDN cannot be taken if one is on narcotics. In that situation, taking 100 milligrams of doxycycline twice a day can help with the central sensitization, but it can cause candida/yeast overgrowth. The next two treatments also help with central sensitization, though I find the LDN to be the most effective and safe of these, and usually just use LDN for central sensitization unless I am not able to. See this article on central sensitization. Quinapril (Accupril). I give 10 milligrams of this blood pressure-lowering medicine that also blocks microglial activation and central sensitization. Pentoxifylline or metformin. These can also help central sensitization. Since people have different values, conflict may arise in the workplace. However, companies try to instill common core values that will guide every person's behavior. For example, when hiring, a company may not control what shapes different people's values and ethics. However, the company may try to influence its employees through training programs and codes of conduct to get the employees to behave in ways that are acceptable to the company. Core values are thereby very crucial in determining and guiding behavior. Core values make people see how unique and special each person is. Some people value adventure, while others value safety. Also, some people may value solitude, while others may value publicity. For example, a person who values solitude may feel smothered if he or she allows his or her friend to influence them to go out for a party.

The person may agree to go along, but they will not be having a great time. Staff or families are able to pull out the box, ask the person with dementia for help with the activity, and then move on about their day. While most of these items will only keep people with dementia engaged for a maximum of thirty minutes, that's thirty minutes that they are active and interested in something other than watching television or napping. HOW DO YOU INTRODUCE AN ACTIVITY BOX? One of the main points I make in this article is that if you ask someone with a cognitive impairment if they want to do something, you are approaching them the wrong way. Instead, you need to ask that person for help or if they can come with you to do something. Many of the activity boxes have the person with dementia performing tasks that recall daily chores around the house. These chores work well because everyone is familiar with them, and because once the chores are completed, most people feel good about themselves. We want to ensure that we set people with dementia up for success! A fantastic way to do that is to provide them with things that we know they can do with very little outside help. There are a number of ways to get the person interested in the activity boxes. Truth versus Illusion? Why do I address this? Well these two words - truth and illusion - are a perfect and concise description of the IS and pseudo-self. A great definition of truth that I favor is it is a perception of depth, where you perceive more than what is presented. Illusion is the superficial, what is presented to be seen reality. As these definitions imply, what people show is not necessarily their truth. When the heart wants what the heart wants, people will oft times focus on the immediate relief and get distracted by the illusion of getting better. It is here we can introduce the power of Self real-I-zation to assist you in remembering who you are so you can know where to start being and becoming your Ideal Self. Real-I-zation, invites you to choose to be Self-aware versus defaulting to auto-pilot and coasting through a life of illusion.

We are God's creation, and we are not left alone to our own devices in seeking our purpose and walking the mission we came to the earth to do. IV ketamine protocols. These can be very helpful. Physicians who use these protocols will usually know the dosing, but it should be at least 1 milligram per kilogram of body weight. Some physicians who give IV ketamine will also give intravenous lidocaine. Both of these increase in effectiveness over time. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Topical 50 percent DMSO (available from compounding pharmacies) applied three times a day has been shown to significantly diminish CRPS symptoms over several months. This is low cost with the only real side effect being a garlic smell. Gabapentin (Neurontin). I give 100 to 900 milligrams three to four times a day as needed for pain. For the friend, people, drinks, and endless conversations may be their lifeline. Everyone is different, and what makes one-person ecstatic may leave the other person feeling disconnected and uneasy. Consequently, a person has to know their values and live by them without fear of the unknown. A meaningful conversation is one where the parties involved are present in the moment and not distracted by thoughts or by other people's activities. Also, a meaningful discussion includes people being open, transparent, and willing to share their honest thoughts and feelings. When a person is not open to say what he or she thinks or feels, they are most likely not having a candid conversation. Values of transparency, honesty, openness, and genuineness help people to communicate meaningfully. Meaningful conversations also value sensitivity. Sensitivity means that a person can sense people's needs to talk about painful experiences, and he or she is asking them about it.

When a person opens up about an awkward situation, the listening party should sit quietly, listen keenly, and offer a piece of wisdom when necessary. You can start by asking, Can you help me? If your person with dementia is occupied doing something else, like watching TV, extend a hand and say, I really need your help. Can you come help me? Most protests like Oh, I don't think so or I don't know come from a place of insecurity. The person may be very aware of the fact that they haven't been able to accomplish tasks in the past and may be concerned that they will fail again. You can say things like I heard you're really quick and good at folding towels or I'm so busy; I think you're the only person who can help me finish this to get them involved. The goal is to make that person feel as important and necessary as possible by getting them invested in the task. Most people are very unlikely to turn down a chance to help another, especially if they are made feel they are the most appropriate person to assist. Silvester sat watching TV, although his head nodded slightly up and down as though he was beginning to drift off to sleep. I am reminded of this as I repeatedly recite the mantra God's will be done and step on this path calling to me to be a healer. I have found much of the second-guessing of this calling is more about the unknown ahead of me and the lack of familiarity of the landscape I am asked to trek. Again, my basic instincts start searching for the least resistance and that is staying put and living in status quo. This call for comfort is the resistance to growth. It is also the security blanket of not having to feel the insecurities that come with metamorphosing into this calling to be a healer. The more conditioned we are to keep status quo, the more resistance to self-discovery, self-reflection, and self-love we tend to experience. By staying put, we not only stay safe from discomfort, so does the world in which we live: our family, friends, community, etc There is a domino effect and, again, unexpected change stirs instinctual resistance. Unfortunately, the misstep is to freeze to please and the steps in this article encourage the complete opposite. Here you learn how staying in the state of certainty leads to no growth and no growth leads to the death of your call to rise.

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