Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Are you energized by never having done it before?

For example, questions such as How would you solve the problem of XY? Such questions are aimed at the ability to grasp facts and situations. These should be logically structured and used to derive solutions. It is checked, if you recognize connections, interpret situations correctly and present them in a comprehensible way. This gradual and structured approach to problems should be understood as analytical thinking. If analytical thinking is needed, then you need to be able to: Reflect situations comprehensibly It is not about the kind of job or business that gets you there, although it is important as well. Instead, we're trying to find the keys, the behavior and principles successful people use and apply that help them achieve their goals and become wealthy. When you know that, you can apply it to any job or business to reach your goal. Now would be a good time to keep your list of notes that you wrote down when you read the stories of Ford, Edison and Disney ready. Compare it to the summary below. Take note of the actions taken, characteristics adopted and attitudes displayed by people who succeeded in reaching their goals and became wealthy: Don't get distracted: Most of them did not have it easy all the time. A lot of the time authority figures made negative remarks about them and said they were not good enough, fast enough and had no imagination. It was degrading and it must have hurt, but they didn't allow it to distract or prevent them from pursuing and reaching their dreams. Start over: Although they failed a few times in different areas on their journey, they were willing to learn from it and start afresh. Those candy bars you keep in your desk aren't going to win you employee of the year, but chamomile tea could because it's known to calm you down and help you concentrate better. You can actually take a load off your work stress by eating right through the day. So remember to follow this simple step-by-step approach the next time you're in panic mode, and you will be prepared to face any challenge that comes your way during the course of the day.

STEP ONE: BREAKFAST Start your day with a healthy breakfast. It'll supply you with energy for a longer period of time. If you skip the first meal of the day, you don't jumpstart your metabolism. Your body will slow down on account of low fuel. Also, once you're at work you'll be too caught up to worry about eating, and your body will restore fat cells. So it's better to tank up before the official day starts. Contextualize issues and problems Logically divide tasks and situations into individual steps Tackle tasks in a structured way Logically understand and interpret relationships to find a solution. How analytic thinking expresses itself Above all, analytical or logical thinking also expresses itself in the ability to place individual factors in a superordinate context. Often many individual steps in a network of reciprocal and counteracting, dependencies and conditions form the way to the solution. In mathematics, logical thinking is presented in the form of numbers. The number and character sequences illustrate thinking processes in order to solve a task. Unlike in the strictly numerical mathematical world, in many other occupations the result is often more than the sum of all parts, and there are usually several paths to the goal. Quitting was not an option. A business owner once said: The world thinks I am a genius and a special person because of my success and riches, but they don't know I am actually an ordinary person like so many million others. The only extraordinary thing I did was starting again from scratch every time I failed, which few others are willing to do.

Valuable lessons: Successful people do not see failure as a reason to stop pursuing what they want to achieve, only as valuable lessons that showed them what did not bring the desired results. Failure is part of the process of learning. You don't know where you are vulnerable or have to adapt until you fail. Knowledge is crucial: They regarded the acquisition of knowledge of the inner workings of their creations and how to apply it, as crucial for success. They learned from articles, or tutors, or anyone that was willing to share the knowledge they had. They learned through mistakes, by solving problems and overcoming obstacles. They acquired the knowledge and experience about the businesses, products and actions they needed to take to become better than their competitors. Some options are Egg whites with multigrain or bran toast with a bowl of fruit or a fruit of the season. Homemade upma with a bowl of fruit and a slice of multigrain or bran toast. Oatmeal (provides long-lasting release of energy) with a bowl of fruit or vegetable juice. High fibre, multigrain, sugar-free cereal with non-fat milk with grapefruit or a fruit of the season. STEP TWO: THE 11 O' CLOCK SNACK After breakfast, aim for a mid-noon snack of nuts, low-fat yoghurt or fruit. So when lunch time rolls in, you're not tempted to binge. A heavy lunch will make you sluggish and unable to work. And without breakfast, you won't be able to concentrate properly. An indispensable part of analytical thinking is also the ability to imagine processes and situations (ability to associate). Because often problems are influenced by different factors from the environment. These influences are not always obvious.

Analytical thinking is also largely based on your experience. It provides a pool of memories and knowledge that can be used for problems and solutions. Your prospective employer will therefore always review what you have done next to your education or study to broaden your horizons or gain experience. Even highly skilled professionals with top ratings quickly reach limits when logical thinking or analytical thinking takes place outside of their immediate knowledge base. Therefore, it is worth not only to pay attention to good grades, but also to the development of your soft skills through stays abroad or social commitment. Often, through the knowledge of different perspectives and your experience, you can outperform the factually more highly qualified expert idiots. Because good analytical thinking requires an open and comprehensive perspective. Strong Motivation: Motivation kept them going despite all the setbacks they encountered as they pursued their goals. The reasons why they wanted to do it were so strong that it motivated them to be persistent to the end despite any setbacks. Determination: They were determined to reach their goals and become successful no matter what happened, no matter what it might cost, no matter how long it would take. Goals: Their goals were clear cut and they had a vision and a plan to reach them. Decision: Once they knew what they wanted to achieve, they made a decision to pursue it to the end and never turned back. Action: When they made the decision, they went in boots and all. They did not procrastinate. They took immediate action to realize their dreams. Diligence: While taking action, they worked diligently and with perseverance towards their goals until they reached them. Positive mindset: They enjoyed what they were doing and maintained a positive mental attitude towards themselves, others and everything else, which greatly improved their influence and boosted their success. Be a little creative with your food drawer stash. Instead of chivda and other fatty snacks, create your own mix with pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, and flax seeds. They are dense in minerals and packed with energy.

Or throw in some pistachios, walnuts, and a small fistful of peanuts. Nuts have been known to lower blood pressure, so you won't spend 20 minutes yelling at the fax machine again. You could also keep some granola bars on standby. If you can get your hands on natural peanut butter and spread some over whole grain crackers, it becomes the perfect snack. Or chop up some bell peppers, celery sticks, and carrots to munch on when you're hungry. STEP THREE: FORM A HEALTHY LUNCH TIFFIN COMMUNITY I believe that in India things always turn out better when they are done in groups or as part of a community effort. In which situations is analytical thinking required? Activities without room for maneuver, which allow little room for analytical thinking, are easier to do - you do not have to think logically anymore. A typical example of such tasks are routine tasks, such as toasting bread. But with every contact with people in your everyday environment, logical thinking is in demand again. Because the dialogue creates the requirement to understand a situation quickly and to classify it contextually correctly in order to correctly interpret the questions posed and to provide solutions in the form of answers. Logical thinking is demanded in the professional environment above all from management positions, because the leading person (that can be project and team leaders, department heads, executive boards, the highest bosses or also managers) embeds every decision in the overall concept of the enterprise. Analytical thinking is the foundation of strategic market, communications, human resources and resource planning. If you are looking for a leadership position, it is important to realize that analytical thinking will be one of the most important skills you should have. Logical thinking creates scope for decision-making, which must be properly prioritized. This core competency helps you to correctly gauge the importance of tasks under time pressure. It is also worth mentioning that they did not pursue money. They pursued their dreams and goals and reaching their goals brought them money. The goals they wanted to achieve were not only beneficial to themselves, but also to many other people in many ways.

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