Thursday, 22 October 2020

Better be yourself

As such, it makes no sense that you should waste your energy ruminating over them. Mindfulness will, therefore, encourage your mind to live in the present which will have a lasting impact on your sleep patterns. When preparing yourself to sleep, there are several tips you should bear in mind to mindfully prepare your mind to rest. Adjusting Your Lighting You can prepare yourself to go to bed by adjusting the lighting of your bedroom an hour before sleeping. If the room is bright, you should adjust the lighting to allow for a more sleep-friendly environment. It is easier to sleep when the lights are dim. If you don't have lighting appliances to dim, consider using candles. The significance of doing this is that it soothes your mind to sleep. Write a To-Do List See us all becoming one--truly brothers and sisters who care about one another. See the planet, our Mother Earth, healed and whole, natural disasters dissipating as the earth breathes a sigh of relief and peace reigns. Think about other positive things you would like to see happening on this planet. As you continue to hold these ideas in your mind and envision them, you are helping to create this new safe and loving world. Starting Your Day with Love Today you discover that how you start your morning can determine your experiences for the day. You learn how the power of positivity can change everything for the better. Congratulations! You have made it through the first 12 lessons of this course. You have learned how to use the tool of mirror work to change your belief patterns and release unhealthy emotions.

What you see - and also what you don't see consciously even if it's there - has a profound impact on your moods, attitudes, and behavior. Among other things you can program yourself to see yourself as someone who is very successful in life. Scientists call it priming or conditioning. This is when somebody - or yourself - consciously or subconsciously plants a seed, belief or a picture in your mind and how this then influences your behavior. You can use the power of words and the power of your beliefs to maximize your self-esteem by creating a positive environment, which brings out the best in you. Here are some examples of how to do that: Create a special place at home or in your office where you display things and objects that remind you of your successes and motivate you. Surround yourself with awards you won, with photos of your loved ones and photos of places you love. Put your favorite objects on your office table like for example, your favorite souvenirs from your favorite vacations, or your favorite articles. Listen to your favorite music as often as you can, and watch motivational videos that inspire you. Studies show it kills the benevolent bacteria in your microbiome, and among the many side effects of ingesting it are reproductive problems; It's shown to be an endocrine disruptor (even at the low levels permitted in tap water) and to kill beneficial gut bacteria. It also damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental, and umbilical cord cells and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals. Not surprisingly, one study showed chronically ill humans had higher glyphosate residues in their urine than healthy humans. Despite this, the EPA has for years failed to measure the levels of glyphosate on our foods like it does with other herbicides and pesticides (though this may now be changing due to consumer demand). Unfortunately, because Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, it pervades the entire food chain. It is in drinking water and even rainwater, in plants, animals, and the blood of every human tested so far! The devastating effects of glyphosate use will become a very big story in the next few years, but don't wait to clean up your diet (especially if you are already suffering from a chronic condition, planning to conceive a child, or have young children in your home). And be proactive about investigating whether herbicides are used by landscapers where you live and play. Learn more about glyphosate at detoxproject.

Here's why. I had worked myself up into a frenzy and I remember parking outside my new home and crying while simultaneously hitting my head on the steering wheel for what felt like an eternity. My body felt encased in a vice while the jaws were being drawn tighter and tighter. All my worries and fears felt very real at the time, but looking back, they were all illusions that I had created. My brain was over-thinking everything that could possibly go wrong. I've since created strategies, discussed below, that support me when any worries or fear feel like they are taking control of my body or mind. Socrates says, `know thyself', and one of the greatest gifts that I will be forever grateful for is my ability to see things before they actually happen in the context of my own life. I trained myself in this ability when I played top-level sports, when I travelled the world as a professional fitness model and when I left the teaching profession to start my own business that served people better and on a much larger scale. My own philosophy in life that has supported me greatly over the years is, `Become the person you want to be and then wait for reality to catch up with that version of you'. I wanted to be a professional fitness model who travelled the world, so I acted, lived and became that person until reality caught up to me. Look at your `Chain' How many uninterrupted sessions has your chain been building for now? And you really want to break it today? Lay on the Guilt Trip If you are procrastinating about starting your training session for the day, take your training shoes and leave them right inside your front door. Make sure you see them every time you pass your front door, reminding yourself what you should be doing right now if you are truly committed to your `Why'. If you run first thing in the morning, but are having trouble getting out of bed, lay your running clothes out either right next to the bed, or in the area where you make coffee or breakfast in the morning. Some runners have been known to take this to the extreme and actually wear their running kit to bed! Become your own Coach This is an imaginary role play situation, where you stop being YOU - the procrastinating, demotivated runner, and you become COACH - someone responsible for helping you to overcome your procrastination and increase your motivation.

The second form of intelligence is when you are able to stay in a state of emotional equilibrium. This is when you are no longer swayed by your emotions. You no longer run toward happy, pleasant excited emotions that feel good, nor do you run away from those emotions that are painful or feel like they hurt you but instead, you are centered and calm. You are unable to be present because you are moving from one emotion to another. You get caught by emotions and your thinking becomes repetitive and narrow. Think of a person standing on a riverbank who is carried away by a flood versus a person who stands on the banks and watches the flow. Which one are you? We are humans, beings hardwired by emotions. When you learn the art of being the observer, you can be present to life and all of its ebbs and flows. When you are able to stay in a state of equilibrium, you are in constant harmony and flow. Can you imagine how the knowledge that he drinks to forget his problems at work, to elevate life to something more than ordinary, to connect with people, and to feel more confident in social situations could help Janie feel like she understands her husband better? Can you see how the facts might inform strategies to help Oscar learn other ways to get these benefits? And how Janie might play a role in these strategies? She might think of friends he likes whom they haven't seen in a while, who are fun without getting intoxicated, and have them over for dinner. She might learn communication skills to help her broach the painful issue of not wanting to bring children into their situation, in a way that would minimize the chances that her husband would take it as an attack. She might suggest a pact that they go to the gym together, knowing that this would encourage earlier, healthier nights. Behavior analysis helps you identify the specifics of the problem so you can begin to customize realistic solutions. Exercise: Behavior Analysis of Your Loved One's Substance Use or Other Compulsive Behavior Use the chart below to map out the whens, wheres, whys, and with whoms of your loved one's substance use and its short- and long-term consequences, including the oft-neglected positive consequences (for your loved one and for you) that need to be addressed for lasting change. If you find you're getting bogged down, reread the benefits, above, of doing this exercise to remind yourself why you're doing it.

Maybe you are convinced that you're not in the same league because you don't think like them, your attitude is too negative and you have no chance of ever becoming like one of them. But don't go there! Remember, most successful people are self-made. Many started out with no knowledge and very little money. They had no backup or help, they were seen as stupid and crazy, they had to go at it on their own because no one else would help; No one knew them, initially no one believed in them, but they desperately wanted to succeed, no matter what. Along the way someone or something might have motivated them, given them a reason to succeed and it became the driving force that gave them the energy to keep going until they reached their goals. WORTHWHILE LIVING You also have the potential of realizing your dreams of becoming very successful, wealthy and even stinking rich. As you have realized by now, it does not take rocket science to do it. Scatter hoarding is evident when the person fears that items will be taken and hides them in special locations. However, if this instinctive behavior is applied too often, scatter hoards are difficult to remember and retrieve, even when needed. Another possible motivation for both normal and unhealthy hoarding behavior is the nesting instinct. Perhaps the collected goods of those with severe hoarding behaviors represent material protection from the outside world, representing nesting material that provides warmth and safety from predators. This fits the contents of many cluttered homes that include packing materials and even trash that has little future use but might be considered useful protective material. People with HD often report feeling safe with their items and vulnerable without them. Accordingly, the need to replenish lost stores could represent a nesting instinct more than protection of valued items. In such cases, internal emotional cues like anxious feelings would be expected to determine when a person acquired new materials if safety was the main concern. This motivation to acquire might explain the low insight of people with HD and also why individuals would persist in hoarding because their chronic insecurity would interfere with their ability to suppress the drive to hoard more items. It seems likely that at least some cases of human hoarding reflect basic primal animal hoarding and nesting instincts, with different proportions evident across individuals.

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