Monday, 19 October 2020

Determine what you want to achieve in the next five years

I wouldn't say events we don't prefer are random because we are still interconnected and therefore we are part of a co-creation; The sun will still rise in the East, whether we vibrate in particular ways or not. There will still be evil in the world, whether we're good or not. We came here to create, to live, to choose, but we also came to experience it all, including the serendipity, pain, old age, and death. We came for the lot, the pleasure and the pain, the good and the bad because we knew we would learn, experience, grow and understand. Experiencing bad isn't a condition of our coming here, we don't HAVE to go through a certain amount of crap to justify our stay, we just came for it all. So, even though it's good to know we can create, it's also liberating to know that sometimes stuff just happens. When we figure out how to get through what this life can throw at us, we feel proud. When we can help others get through it, help them shine their light in spite of it, we will have truly come here to help others. We came here to create and experience all life has to offer. Can't remember the last time you had your car serviced? Take it in for a tune up before you hit the road. If you've been following the manufacturer's recommended service schedule, your car should be fine but it still doesn't hurt to have a qualified mechanic check the tires, fluid levels, battery, belts, lights, and air conditioning. On the day of the trip, empty your wallet of all non-essentials except for identification, medical information and the credit cards you plan to use on the trip. Remove any spare keys from their hiding spots outside, be sure you stopped the newspaper and mail delivery, set a few lights on timers and lock all windows and doors. Lastly, turn on the alarm system as you head out the door. DURING YOUR TRIP Last summer, my husband and I spent a week at a California hotel. It turns out our hotel was in a tsunami hazard zone, evident by the number of tsunami evacuation route signs we saw. If you're staying in an area known for a specific natural disaster risk, take a minute to formulate a disaster plan.

I'd like to think that you keep your promises, which is why letters like this carry so much more power than standard lists . Reverse engineering If you want to grow your business, your reputation and ultimately your income, you must have a strategy of how you're going to get there. It's all well and good having a vision, but the only way you're going to achieve it is if you break it down into actionable steps. Often, you'll get overwhelmed because you create an inspiring vision and then panic because you have no idea how you're going to realise it. Creating your vision is the first part; If your vision is five years in the future, you firstly have to break it down into yearly goals, and then into monthly goals. After you have your monthly goals written down, you need to work backwards to create weekly and then daily goals. It's the same if you can only see one year away (in the early stages of personal development, seeing five years ahead can be quite hard) - break down the year into monthly and then weekly goals. One of the main advantages of using this process is that you will be able to create a vision map. I think so. PAULINE: In a moment, we'll talk more about getting a job, but first I'd like to go over how we figured it out, so you can do it yourself in the future. ELSIE: Well, you had me list all the things I was worried about and pretend to solve them one by one. PAULINE: And then you were able to see which one would give you the most relief if it had been resolved. ELSIE: Yeah. The same process can be used to help the client determine which part of a seemingly overwhelming problem is most distressing. CLINICAL TIPS Sometimes you can't easily assess how difficult a goal will be to reach or how likely it is that a particular discussion will trigger a painful core belief. In these cases, you may initially focus on a goal but collaboratively decide to switch to another goal when you realize your interventions aren't successful and/or the client is experiencing greater (unintended) distress, as you'll see in the following interchange I had in an early therapy session with ELSIE. PAULINE: Okay, next on the agenda.

If going with the flow has presented you with something you don't prefer, then you can create something you do prefer. To attract whatever it is you want, think about it with nothing but pure love, in a relaxed and serene manner, as if you have it already. Act like you're already content with whatever it is you desire, like it doesn't even matter if it comes or not. Feel how you would feel if you had what you wanted, as excited as you would feel, and don't let any conflicting thoughts or feelings of lack enter your state, no worries about not having it. And so it will be! The Liberation Once we have eliminated religious repression, we need a second investigation into our system to search for other hindering factors in our manifesting efforts, namely, our fears. Let's start with the easiest; Fear of failure 1 What if I'm laughed at, seen as a fake, not good enough, not attractive enough, and criticised anyway - even if I was successful. In our case, we followed the signs to get a better idea of our escape route then grabbed some lunch and did a little sightseeing in the safe zone. Unfortunately, tourists are often targets for criminals. Do your best to blend in with the locals, including your style of dress and behavior. Ask the front desk staff at your hotel if there are any areas of town you should avoid. Leave valuables like cash or jewelry in the hotel safe. And when you do go sightseeing, don't wander aimlessly. Always have a destination in mind before you head out the door. As tempting as it is to unplug from the world on your vacation, keep on top of the news to stay informed of any situations brewing that could affect your trip. Turn on the news channel for 15 minutes each day or catch a glimpse of the morning paper during the breakfast buffet. GOING INTERNATIONAL?

I create a document where I can see my big vision clearly, and then I set out all of the action steps that I have to take if I want to get there. A fitness business professional will start every week with goals. They're not winging it; As you're starting to notice, developing yourself professionally is all about strategy. Think about how you help your clients to achieve their results. You break down their main goals into small manageable tasks. If they tick every box each week, it's likely that they'll reach their goals. You do this with your clients every week, but do you do it for yourself? If you skipped over the `Creating a clear vision' section early on in the Personal part of the article, go back to it now and decide on the direction that you want to take your business in. Without your vision in front of you, all you'll be reading in this section is individual strategies, and you won't be able to relate to where each one could fit into your business. You said you'd like to meet more people. ELSIE: (in a meek voice) I could talk to people in my building, I guess. PAULINE: (noticing that ELSIE suddenly looks downcast) What's going through your mind right now? ELSIE: It's hopeless. I'll never be able to do it. I've tried this before. But I'm telling you, I just can't do it! It won't work! I hypothesize from ELSIE's sudden negative affect shift that a core belief has been activated. I recognize that continuing in the same vein at this time will likely be counterproductive.

When I was a little girl, I used to say I wanted to be in the TV! I wanted to make people smile in all the ways the `TV people' made me smile. I used to get my best friends to sit in my garden and watch me perform to them, and make some of them join my pop group, even the ones who said `But, Rinzen, I don't want to sing! As lonely as it was, I went to acting school, dreaming of becoming an actress. During my time there, I was okay acting in front of people who were there, for the same reason, but I never had the confidence to audition for parts. This was because I was bullied all through school, and believed I was ugly, scruffy, not important, and a person whom people don't choose to be friends with. It didn't matter that Kathy Burke was an idol, I was told I looked like a witch and hated the fact that this may be all I'd be typecast for. I look back at this idiocy now and wish I had the experience in me for when they carried out the casting for the Harry Potter films! If I could go back in time and command that I take myself lightly and play to my strengths instead of living in fear of what people would think, I would certainly do so. In an alternate universe, I'm in the Harry Potter films, I just know it! If you're traveling abroad, there are few extra steps you'll want to take to prepare for a safe trip. Start by enrolling in the State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at step. This free services lets you register information about your overseas trip, including your contact information and travel itinerary. In the event of an emergency, the US Embassy will be able to contact you. You will also receive travel alerts and warnings for all the countries on your itinerary. Also visit USEmbassy. You'll find country specific information on local laws, types of crime you need to be aware of and the 911 equivalent for calling for emergency help. Most health insurance providers don't cover medical emergencies overseas so consider buying travel insurance. Not only does it cover medical expenses if you get sick or injured on vacation, it also covers lost or stolen items. If your flight gets cancelled or an international crisis forces you to leave early, the policy reimburses you.

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