Monday, 19 October 2020

Define what each of these emotions truly means to you

You're only going to reach the new business vision that you have created for yourself if your professional standards match those of your vision. The subconscious standards that I have just mentioned certainly won't help you to reach your goals. I had developed some valuable business skills when I worked for my dad and for other companies in the property industry, but I had to layer on a whole new level of professional standards to complement the reputation that I wanted to create for myself in the fitness industry. As my career developed, I would watch coaches who were more experienced than me, and I would pay close attention to how they delivered their sessions, the level of detail that they went into and how they would communicate with their clients. When I hired my own coaches, I would look through the programmes that they would write for me, and I would take note of the differences between their levels of communication on a weekly basis. I even did something similar when I would visit hotels and restaurants. There were always clear differences in levels of professionalism and customer service . With each level of professional service that I experienced I would ask myself if there were particular professional standards that I valued. When there were, I would add them to my own list. I'm still extremely aware of professional standards and customer service, as they play an essential role in how a person and their brand are perceived. Once a specific situation has been identified, the automatic thoughts are more easily uncovered. PAULINE: [summarizing] So, it sounds as if you've been very upset for the past few days and you're not sure why, and you're having trouble identifying your thoughts--you just feel upset most of the time. Is that right? ELSIE: Yes. I just don't know why I feel so bad. PAULINE: What kinds of things have you been thinking about? ELSIE: Well, I'm still fighting with my mom. And my sister is mad at me too. I still can't find a job, my apartment is a mess, and, I don't know, everything. PAULINE: Anything else?

You only create unwanted things in your reality if you obsess over something or have focussed thoughts that cause you to have a feeling and an emotion in your heart. This makes your heart bubble expand and permeate that thought into the Resonation Realm. Whether you have attracted them, or whether they come due to outside circumstances, once they come, it doesn't matter why. The point then is to concentrate on what you would like instead-- but make sure you're ready to watch things fall out of your life because sometimes, inevitably, they will. The universe will always match your like feelings. Law of Attraction experts say we can create on purpose with our thoughts because they are like magnets; But this is not correct -- it's what we feel about, we bring about. Persistent thoughts will generally lead to feelings. It's this alchemical process that then acts as an attraction force. The Resonation Realm reflects back to us any similar frequencies we transmit from our thoughts, only as our electromagnetic hearts have pushed them out from us. Housekeeping may be trustworthy but when the door's open during room cleaning, it's too easy for a nicely dressed thief to enter the room and leave with your laptop without the maid noticing. Keep your keys wallet, and shoes next to the bed at night. Every night before bed, put your room key, car keys and wallet on the nightstand. Place your shoes on the floor next to the bed. If the fire alarm sounds in the middle of the night, everything you need will be within arm's reach. Don't rush out the door if you hear a fire alarm. You hear a fire alarm and your first instinct is to get out the door. Sometimes that door is the only protection you have against smoke and fire, and opening it could put you in more danger. Always feel the door before you open it. Use the back of your hand to keep from burning your palm, which will make your hand unusable.

Turn your list of professional standards into a letter for yourself; It's all very well having lists of action points, but what holds you accountable and creates a deep emotional connection that makes you follow through with them? I speak to a lot of coaches who have lists for everything, but they don't do anything with them. Create your professional promises letter and read it out loud to yourself at least once per week. I'm sure you're thinking that this is a little strange but trust me - it's extremely valuable. The letter acts like a code of best practice for you and your business, and it will hold you accountable to your new professional standards. The letter starts with the words, `I promise to'. Then you make solid commitments to yourself to deliver your coaching, run your business and achieve your goals according to your professional standards. Here's an example of a professional promises letter: I promise to sit down at the start of each week and review my professional standards. ELSIE: I haven't been feeling too well. I'm afraid I might be getting sick. PAULINE: Which of these situations bother you the most? Your mom, your sister, not having a job, your apartment, or feeling sick? ELSIE: Oh, I don't know. They're all pretty bad. PAULINE: Let's say hypothetically we could completely eliminate the feeling sick problem. Let's say you now feel physically fine, how upset are you now? ELSIE: About the same. PAULINE: Okay.

Don't let Law of Attraction experts frighten you into believing that the attractive force within you is at work just through your mindless thoughts. Yes, we can look around and see all those who've never even heard of the Law of Attraction reaping what they sow. Those who speak most of illness and hate have it, those who talk most of wellness and kindness are surrounded by it, but their thoughts have been laced with either pure feelings and emotions or constant fear as well. It's healthy to realise you may have created bad things through your chronic fearful thinking, causing unhealthy thoughtlings, and also good to know you've manifested your desires through pure appreciative thinking, causing healthy thoughtlings. This way, you understand whether you're reaping benefits or living with unfortunate circumstances because of your thoughtlings. But you must also realise that sometimes things also happen because of other conditions and circumstances in this life that are outside of our own doing. Like what, you ask? Well, we can also get dragged into other people's thoughtlings, their circumstances and events, and even caught up in the Earth's movements and shifts, all of which have nothing to do with our personal thoughts. Sometimes we create and sometimes we just go with the flow of what others have created. Don't be afraid of those random, odd thoughts you have that aren't attached to your true feelings and intentions, or those odd fleeting emotions you have that aren't in line with your true views; If the door is hot to touch, don't open it. Place wet towels on the floor against the door to prevent smoke from entering the room. Then call 911 and give the operator your room number. If necessary, don't hesitate to break the window. Also, before you leave, create an emergency communications plan. How will everyone find each another if Dad's on the 12th hole of the golf course and the kids are exploring the boardwalk when disaster strikes? Decide on a safe place to meet and make sure everyone knows how to get there. Also, make sure all responsible family members have the out-of-area contact's information with them. And yes, vacations are for getting away but let someone back home know of your trip itinerary, including an alternative way to contact you in case cell phone service is spotty at your destination. If your vacation includes a lengthy road trip, be sure your car is ready to roll.

When I have allowed my standards to slip, I will address each one prior to progressing with my week. I commit to surrounding myself with driven people and always striving to better myself. I commit to avoiding distractions by remaining focused on my professional standards, and I will create a daily list of priorities that are linked to the areas that I value most in my life. I promise that all of my clients will receive an attentive, professional and positive experience when they work with me. I promise to regularly question myself, and I will commit to my education and apply everything that I learn. I understand that education is essential to me achieving high-quality results, which will support the development of my reputation. I commit to taking action on all of my goals, because I acknowledge that I will not progress my business and achieve my vision of owning my own gym by [year] if I do not take all of the necessary action. I commit to reading this letter to my loved ones and two colleagues that I respect in the industry. This is my commitment to be the best coach and professional that I can possibly be. Can you see how powerful this type of letter is, especially if you read it to those who are closest to you? Say, hypothetically, your mom and your sister call and apologize and say they want to have a better relationship with you. How do you feel now? ELSIE: Somewhat better. PAULINE: Okay. Let's say you find out you got the job you interviewed for after all. Now how do you feel? ELSIE: Much better. That would be a great relief. PAULINE: So it sounds as if it's the job that's the most distressing situation. ELSIE: Yeah.

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