Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Do you enjoy seeing the humor in situations?

We can grow smarter, wiser, more mindful; In other words, we can continually develop our psychological flexibility: the ability to take effective action, guided by values, with awareness, openness and focus. We can also develop more self-acceptance and compassion for ourselves, for all those times when we screw up, fail or get hurt. The memory of my kids laughing and giggling always puts me in a better mood and that enables better breathing. So think of whatever makes you smile, your pet trying to fetch your shoes, your recent holiday, or your newly bought six-inch stiletto heels. I met the Dalai Lama recently. While the experience of coming face to face with him was amazing, there was one particular incident that left me chuckling for days. There was a group of us sitting in an audience while the Dalai Lama answered questions. One lady stood up and very sincerely said, `I'm a very good person. I've never harmed anyone; I've never said anything bad about anyone. I've read every holy article and I pray every day. I'm always ready to help people and I genuinely care and look out for others. On the other hand, this high-level thinking requires the ability to think oneself thinking (do you still follow me? In short, critical thinking is the antidote to magical thinking. Critical judgment, or the search for objectivity Critical thinking leads to critical judgment, which is essentially a search for objectivity. This research is, in fact, a criterion-referenced evaluative activity: What will produce a good judgment will be the use of criteria, ie points of reference or reliable reasons, or in other words, the reasons for which the greater acceptance shared by Public opinion comes from a safe, objective and trusted character by subject matter experts. The criteria can be very varied in their forms, be formal or informal, but their primary function is to provide a basis for comparison.

To guarantee the value of judgment, they fulfill three conditions: adequacy to the problem, strength and reliability. The search for truth is accomplished in a process of objectification in which there is a certain consensus in knowledge and sets various scales distinguishing what is acceptable or plausible in a given community from what is not. The objectivation criteria are therefore shared and recognized within the said community. And no matter how many times we go off track . WE CAN ALWAYS START AGAIN (AND AGAIN) Although I've mentioned Lance Armstrong a lot in this article, I don't agree with everything he says. For example, one of his most famous quotes is this: `Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. Quitting lasts only until such time as we once again commit to acting on our values. That's why, in ACT, we don't spout perfectionist slogans like `never quit', `never give up', `always do your best'. They sound good in theory, but in reality, no human can possibly live up to these ideals. The philosopher Haridas Chaudhuri said it succinctly: `The greater the emphasis on perfection, the further it recedes. In ACT, we encourage acceptance of the reality that we're all imperfect - and yes, there will be times that we quit, give up, or get lost. But I just can't meditate. Will that hinder my path to salvation? The entire hall broke out into laughter, with the Dalai Lama laughing the loudest. When he recovered he told her, `You have to learn. Even if you can spend a few minutes after you wake up on your bed and count one to five slowly with your eyes shut and clear your mind, it will help you. There's no compromising on meditation. And if you're leading a busy and stressful life, you are the perfect candidate for its benefits.

The more you think, the more you stress. The more you stress. If only there was some magical way to turn off your brain for a glorious few minutes. If we recap . The critical judgment, thus the culmination of the spirit that initiates the critical thinking. When the mind triggers the critical thought and that it is translated into a thoughtful, objective, even perfect action (Aristotle speaks of entelechy), we go from the act which is essentially virtual to the action (what Aristotle calls power). The first act is the acquired skill. It's the potential and the ability to act, but without the action. It's the human potential of power. As for him, the second act is the competence in the action, the competence in exercise. It's human in power. The one is accomplished through his thoughtful actions. From the mind to the thought, to the judgment that determines the action, the critical approach aims to make the human an improved version of itself, which, in a way, reminds me of the concept of mentality of the growth of Carol Dweck (2006) stating, essentially, that the human is a lifelong learner and that, thanks to this, combined with a reflexive thought, he is in continuous improvement throughout his life. And at the same time we also encourage commitment: to get better at staying on track for longer periods, better at catching ourselves when we go off-course, and better at starting again from where we are. In other words, to practise ACT, we: A - Accept our thoughts and feelings. C - Choose a valued direction. T - Take action mindfully. EVERYTHING TAKES TIME Rome wasn't built in a day, and confidence doesn't develop overnight.

However, you now have everything you need for your ongoing journey. Genuine confidence is not some pleasant feeling that comes and goes, but a personal quality: the ability to rely on yourself, to trust yourself; Genuine confidence can't be gained through listening to a tape or CD; There is Meditation MIND OVER MATTER Meditation stimulates the front part of the left side of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, also the part that deals with concentration and positive thinking. According to experts, meditation can cure a host of ailments and problems. Some of them are: I've been meditating for fifteen years. Throughout the course of my ever demanding fitness career, my rocky 26-year-old relationship with my husband, in the raising my two children, or dealing with family (my own large one plus my in-laws), I've always been labelled the `strong' one. It's always been up to me to stand up and take charge. That is not an easy burden to bear. But what has kept me going and allowed me to make tough decisions is the fact that my mind always functions like a well-oiled machine. Exercising critical judgment: a key competence of the QEP to ensure the sustainability of democracy The critically-minded-judgment-judgment trio pioneered in our schools thanks to the competence of exercising critical judgment, the third cross-curricular competency resulting from the Quebec Education Program (QEP). If we rely on the ministerial document (2006), the development of critical thinking is essential because it is important to go beyond stereotypes, prejudices, preconceived ideas and intuitive evidences in order to avoid that the mere expression of 'an opinion is a place of judgment'. Indeed, we cannot say that our students are not critical. Criticism is easy: young and old have all understood this. However, to sit this criticism on an approach that aims towards the goal and from which one tries, by all means, to extract the emotional and the irrational, is another story. Clearly, it is easy to claim to be critical or claim to be critical!

High school students are at a time of development where they are particularly keen to assert themselves, to debate their convictions, and to have their legitimacy recognized. They are increasingly able to grasp the complexity of certain issues, to rely on facts, to focus on their own point of view and to separate the emotional and the rational. Ministry Of Education, 2006 But then, so does just about everything important in life. So if your mind starts doing its reason-giving routine, thank it for those thoughts and carry on. THE `RIGHT' RULES Below I've listed the ten `right rules' of the confidence game. However, before you read through them, I think a warning is due: rules become dangerous when we follow them rigidly. So please - hold all these rules very lightly! Be flexible with them: bend them, modify them or drop them as required. They are not the Ten Commandments! Everything in this article is nothing more nor less than a suggestion. I hope there'll be times you choose to apply what you've read, and I expect there'll be plenty of times that you choose to dismiss it. There's no cloudiness, no hesitation, no deliberation, and definitely no stress that interferes with what needs to be done. And it's all thanks to the power of meditation. If you haven't ever done it, meditation is not going to be easy as it needs practice. However, it is never too late to start, and once you do, you are likely to get addicted to it. A healthy addiction, in this case. I'm not asking you to take up meditation as a sport, or as something you have to do all the time. It's like clearing out your closet or your work desk.

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