Wednesday 7 October 2020

Earth is the right place for love

In short, entitlement has become a serious problem in our society, and it's not getting better. It is like a heavy invisible burden of connection that they didn't ask for necessarily. Claircognizant/Intuitive Empath Empaths are able to pick up details from other people by just being near them. By simply looking at you, an intuitive empath can discern your thoughts and emotions. This is called claircognizance or clear knowing. This type of empaths can tell whether a person is speaking the truth or not by simply sensing their motive behind their utterances. The intuitive empaths have close similarities with the telepathic empaths who can tell what is going on in a person's mind. As an intuitive empath, you are able to know exactly what another person is feeling, not because you have been through the same experience, but because you have this special ability of intuition. On top of that, you are also able to know why that person is feeling what they are feeling. Because of the initial role that women play of rearing children, most of them have a very strong intuition. It can be shattering. But there is always a way to come to know. We just must decide to choose if we are going to fear the uncertainties or embrace the now with curiosity, joy, and imagination. The power of choice allows you to pick faith over doubt, light over darkness, and that all things will right themselves. And in this, choice offers new perspective, vision, and an amazing amount of understanding. Despite the stirred-up feelings of self-doubt and confusion that can surface during uncertain times, you are born with purpose and to live a great life. There is promise in just living a life as you are created to be and HOPE is the first place to start in observing the unfolding of your plan. According to psychologist Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, it is during our adolescence that we begin to explore our autonomy and a sense of self as part of a series of stages of growth throughout our lifespan. Erikson's eight stages of development theory suggest that the personality develops in a predetermined order from infancy to adulthood.

During adolescence, healthy development requires a successful management of conflict and challenges to master social interactions and relationships and not lose self-awareness for the individual we are. Once you can walk for about an hour a day, then you can start slowly increasing the intensity of exercise. See article 18, Exercise Intensive Care. Severe insomnia. People with CFS/FMS are lucky to be able to sleep five hours a night despite being exhausted. Meanwhile, it's like an alarm clock goes off every night between two and four in the morning. Restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea are also much more common in people with CFS/FMS. Brain fog. People with CFS/FMS often suffer from poor short-term memory and difficulty with word finding and word substitution. Sometimes you may even have to think for a moment to remember your children's names. About one-third of people will also have rare, brief episodes of disorientation, lasting thirty seconds to two minutes. It is impossible to calculate its cost in lack of company productivity, family success, relational love, emotional health, and spiritual vibrancy. Our world suffers greatly from a culture that supports entitlement. The disease is not limited to any age or socioeconomic demographic. In my organizational consulting and in my psychological counseling, I have worked with seriously entitled people in their eighties and with highly responsible individuals in their teens. The disease cuts a wide swath. Nor does the word entitlement, as I'm using it in this article, have anything to do with politics or government programs. The word has, in some circles, become a shorthand for tax-funded benefits to those who may or may not deserve them. For the duration of this article, forget that use of the word entirely. I'm talking about something entirely different -- something that's as likely to affect the critic of government programs as it is the programs' beneficiaries.

The Challenge of Living with an Entitled Person This is why most people who are claircognizant empaths are women. But men too can have this ability from time to time. Geomantic Empath This type of empath is also known as environmental or place empaths. A geomantic empath will have the ability to tune in to the vibration of a physical landscape. They usually find that they are either very happy or very uncomfortable in certain places or environments for no particular reason. They will feel deeply drawn to particular places or be able to pick up on emotions that might have played out in the past in a certain place. They are strongly attuned to the natural environment and they will feel sad when the natural world is destroyed. They love spending most of their time in nature. Participating in a community activity or project that is steered towards the betterment of natural environment provides a kind of healing to them. This is the stage of life in which you first seek a sense of self, your I am. In your exploration of your identity, you decipher the values, beliefs, and goals that align with your I am. Hence, the main goal for what Erickson labels as Phase 5: identity versus confusion, is to obtain a solid personal identity in knowing exactly who you are by doing and be-ing. Therefore, if you received encouragement and positive reinforcement as you maneuvered through your exploration during your teen social experiences, you are likely to emerge with a strong sense of self. On the other hand, if your adolescence was filled with various struggles, unresolved discord, or confusion of beliefs and desires, you may feel a bit fractured with feelings of insecurity and confusion as you strive for your dream come true. Since life is messy, few people come out of their teens unscathed by some type of developmental trauma. The extreme cases of scarring can leave you feeling confused, disappointed in life, and lost in who you are, so by default, you take on roles, such as the charlatan, yet are still lost. Jordan was in his forties when he came to see me at the request of his partner. He shared that she felt he needed to work through his attachment to his long-term marriage that ended a few years prior.

He questioned this, as he shared that the only attachment he felt toward his ex-wife was the co-parenting responsibilities that had for their children. These most often happen when taking an exit ramp while driving or making a turn in a store aisle. It can feel frightening, but it is not dangerous and passes quickly. Brain fog is one of the most frustrating symptoms for some people and is often the scariest. Many people are afraid that they are developing Alzheimer's disease. A simple way to differentiate between brain fog and dementia is that with brain fog, you may constantly forget where you left the keys. With Alzheimer's, however, you may forget how to use your keys. They are not the same, and the brain fog also routinely improves, and often resolves, by using the SHINE protocol. Achiness and pain. Achiness in both muscles and joints is also common and may progress to nerve pain as well. Initially, it feels like you have achy muscles in many different parts of your body. I consistently encounter among those who have entitled people in their lives, three emotions. All three are difficult and negative: Alienation. Entitled people aren't easy to be around. Their attitude and their behavior produce consequences none of us wants to experience. People who live around an employee, a coworker, a spouse, or a child who feels above it all generally feel disconnected and alienated from the entitled individual. We all find it hard to relate to someone who thinks he or she is superior in some way to the rest of the human race and therefore shouldn't have to play by the rules. One father told me, I remember being full of myself in my twenties. But I did care about how I impacted my friends and family.

My daughter's level of entitlement is something else entirely, and I can't relate to it. Animal Empath Animal empaths develop a deep connection with animals and they choose to live their lives taking care of animals. They love spending time bonding with animals, taking care of them by making sure they're fed and watered from time to time etc For the love of animals, the animal empaths may end up studying a lot about animals (zoology) so that they can know more about animals and their needs. Plant Empath A plant empath has a strong intuition of what plants want. Many plant empaths become landscapers or choose to work in gardens or parks. They have a special connection with plants and they will know the right place to keep a certain plant in. Most of them feel inclined to take courses in plant care and so they end up becoming landscape professionals, environmental scientists, florists and may also dabble in other related careers. One of the most important things that you should know is that when you are a plant empath, well, you know that you only want to live in close proximity to plants. You are an ambassador for trees to an extent that you can be referred to as a tree hugger. As we worked weeding through the layers of pain, anger, and betrayal, it became apparent that the barriers he kept hitting against were in place before he hit adulthood and played a part in the chaos of his first marriage. He discovered that his childhood attachment to his mother was entangled with insecurities of never being good enough for her expectations of perfection. His bond to his father was aloof, as he expressed great admiration for his father yet wanted nothing to do with the traits his father emanated. Through our work, he learned how he integrated the perfectionism in his psyche as early as the age of five. This appeared to impact his development and showed up as being unable to discern appropriate boundaries, emotional neediness, inability to managing conflict, and never feeling good enough. Once he understood it was not a residual from his previous marriage, and what it was, he could get to work, healing from the root of the problem, shedding the charlatan costume, and working toward life-altering change at last. As Jordan's journey demonstrates, starting at the beginning and taking accountability in seeking to know you may be your first step. Hence, first things first: if you lack the sense of personal cohesiveness, do not hesitate to go back, review, and start fresh in the insight of knowing what was missed that now is found! Integrating Your Shadow and Your Highest Self

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