Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Grounding several times throughout the day

I have clients who keep the drawing in their pocket 24/7 to remind them to fight for what they want. Some put it on the refrigerator or car dashboard; Many can describe their enemy as if it were a living thing. Overall, all clients feel empowered by this exercise when they choose to fully commit and give their all to making a change. Why not flaunt them for the world to see? Of course, the reason we don't do that is because we're ashamed of the way drinking affects us. Alcohol also has a serious effect on mental health, leading to conditions such as anxiety, depression, neurosis, paranoia, and dementia. We don't want everybody to know that we have lost control, that we've lost the ability to enjoy life, and that we're stuck in a trap from which we feel incapable of escape. There is nothing charming about being addicted to alcohol. Next time some incoherent drunken stranger starts blubbering embarrassingly in your face, or you're the target of unwanted drunken advances from the opposite sex, or you see a drunkard turning nasty or violent because of alcohol, ask yourself how attractive that is. Of course, the effects on your physical health are also devastating. Cirrhosis of the liver is the condition most commonly associated with excessive drinking, but alcohol can cause a number of other conditions that are anything but charming, including stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, and impotence, as well as high blood pressure, strokes, and cancer. So if you feel that you will be a less appealing character without alcohol in your life, think again! IN HIS OWN WORDS: SEAN Politicians know that it's hard to convince their subjects, however, once they believe that a specific politician will give them the change they have everything would be easy. This will change somebody's personality for a short time until they snap back to being themselves. However highly you regard yourself; Conditioning tends to vary your mind and you finish up hypnotized. Secret 18: Create False Memories Hypnotists create fake memories and cause you to see things which will not even be true in real world.

They will easily change your mind into thinking and seeing things which will not be true. An honest example would be when a hypnotist wants to show you against your family; This may cause you to hate your family, and you now start engaging them with a hateful heart. Assuming the hypnotist wanted to urge revenge from your family for something bad they did, he will successfully do so through you. Trouble often begins before a single word is spoken. Hesitancy and Evasiveness1. Avoid the tentative, hesitant, aw shucks entrance. When you enter a room, a meeting, or a conference, or simply approach someone with whom you want to speak, carry the action through smoothly and forthrightly. Know what you want, and make an effort to move as if you know what you want. Do not fail to establish eye contact quickly. Avoidance of eye contact will be interpreted as fear, indecisiveness, weakness, dishonesty, or any number of other negative things. Handshake Problems The limp, dead fish handshake is never welcome and always a disappointment. There is an anticipated pleasure in a warm, firm grip. Now you begin to become more worried. Did I tear something in my shoulder? Am I going to need surgery? So you begin to use your shoulder less and less because you don't want to do any further damage. At this point, several months have passed before talking to your physician. When you finally can't take it anymore, you set up an appointment, only to get a prescription for an anti-inflammatory and asked to return to the doctor's office in 6 weeks if the shoulder pain is still there.

This is a story I hear all the time from patients. It doesn't matter whether it's shoulder pain, back pain, or knee pain. When pain strikes, our brain goes into protection mode. Our parents always told us as little kids to stay off it or put some ice on it or rest. It serves hundreds of functions, including providing a supple, strong barrier between you and the outside world; Culturally, skin identifies our ethnic heritage, links us to our family, and is a blank canvas we sometimes color to express our individuality. Like it or not, our skin is a large part of what makes a first impression, and it's also what sets us apart as humans. Unlike our pooches, parakeets, or pet lizards, we're among the rare members of the animal kingdom whose skin is not protected by fur, feathers, or scales. We're born with skin that beams with light, what artist Vincent van Gogh characterized as fresh from God. At birth, our physical shell seems too delicate to do everything we ask of it, but it's more than up to the job. Here are some of the daily functions of our skin: Prevents our bodies from absorbing many toxins, including harmful chemicals and microorganisms in the environment Regulates our temperature by opening and closing blood vessels as needed, and by making perspiration that evaporates to cool us down Provides a waterproof shield so that our vital nutrients don't leak out of our body ON BEGINNINGS Beginnings, the most disorienting of them all. Almost everyone I work with is so afraid to begin, and once they do, the relief is so sweet. We all have the ability to explore what stops us from starting and examine why beginnings can be so disorienting (typically fear, past trauma, inability to focus, lack of clarity on the hope for the end result, too much attachment to the end result, assumptions around something being inadequate). Beginnings can sometimes be too exciting. Adrenaline hits the body, and we are distracted, the wildness of falling in love, the rush of starting something new.

It comes back to obsession again--how can we begin perfectly? Am I cool enough? Someone else starts to validate how cool you are, so you forget to access your inner cool/power/work because you are getting the high from somewhere else. Whether it is small or big, beginning something can often be the hardest thing. Maybe you were pleased or felt closer to me because you believe people who use bias-free language are friends, or trustworthy. Or did you feel manipulated, perhaps holding an attitude that men who bend over backward to use politically correct language are being manipulative? Could be you didn't even notice it. Different people looking at the same reality through different contexts perceive different things, leading to different feelings, choices, and results. None of these responses is correct, of course. But the point is, different people reading exactly the same sentence respond differently, and their response is determined by their context: the complete set of attitudes and beliefs they have at the moment they read the sentence. Your context changes constantly, whether you are trying to change it deliberately or not. If you don't believe me, go back and reread that sentence and notice what reaction you have to the word her this time. Try it now! If you had a different reaction this time, it's because you changed your context. To go full speed into an object at a standstill--it didn't take a lot of imagination to think, This is where I meet my end. I didn't feel angry at all. It was more a feeling of shock. This is happening. We slammed into the truck. They used the jaws of life to get us out.

Dom's injuries were more serious than mine: he had some internal bleeding. They were worried about his lung. He went to Sunnybrook Hospital. I went to Scarborough General. Where do you get the confidence to move ahead? Confidence comes from within, but it is also encouraged from the outside. You need some people in your life who will hold the dream for you, remind you of it, and push as needed when you get scared and discouraged. Find someone you instinctively know will tell you, You can do it! Ask that fortifying person if he or she would be willing to meet with you regularly and occasionally be available for phone calls to help you stay on track. Do not underestimate the need for support, encouragement, and community with like-minded people. We know that even geniuses need support, so don't deprive yourself of that kind of help. You are like a little child when you start out on the path of your dream - very vulnerable, very suggestible, and very open to negativity. Pick your companions extra carefully at this stage. Raise your awareness of who gives you energy and who brings you down. As you get in the habit of completing the depression questionnaire weekly, you might begin to notice that there are certain items that you always rate highly and others that you rate low or don't experience at all. The items on this questionnaire that you score higher on will help guide you toward the articles and strategies that will be most helpful to you. For instance, Pam noticed that she always scored the items about sleep (question 4) and fatigue (question 6) as fours or fives, even as her mood began to improve in other areas. She found her scores on these items improved once she worked through the strategy in article 9 to identify and eliminate activities that made her feel worse, and when she started using specific self-care strategies outlined in that article. Key Takeaways Identify Your Thoughts

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