Thursday, 29 October 2020

May you strive for better commitment and bigger ones every year

Find a comfortable spot that's not your desk. What Happens to Your Body When You Relax? When relaxing, the body responds in many ways, for example: Breathing becomes deeper and slower. Your heart rate decreases and slows down. Increased blood flow to the limbs. Your hormones become more balanced. Your metabolism has slowed down. These relaxing elements are right for your physical and mental health. But what is the best way to experience deep relaxation? Well, I think there is no better way to achieve deep peace than self-hypnosis. Maintaining your weight is a lifestyle change. Once you reach your target weight, be mindful that gaining weight is much easier and takes a lot less time than losing weight. If you stop eating healthy and watching what you eat, you will gain the weight back, and the sacrifice, and extraordinary willpower you spent dieting will be for naught. Get Your Thyroid Checked Much of our day-to-day well-being - how energetic we feel, how clear our thinking is and how our body processes food is governed by the activity of the butterfly-shaped, thumb-sized thyroid gland at the base of the throat. When it is working as it should, life is good. However, keep in mind that more than 12 percent of the U. The good news is thyroid disease can be managed with medication. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.

If your thyroid hormone levels are too low, you may have fatigue, digestive problems, sensitivity to cold temperatures, and menstrual irregularities. Many direct marketers use this method. It is most practical for carrying out large-scale campaigns. Your phone notes should consist of fact sheets or cue cards listing the most important sales points of the merchandise or services you offer. Avoid overselling, boring the prospect with details he doesn't want to hear. TIP: To avoid falling into the detail trap, ask the customer for feedback: Do you want to hear more? Or offer: I can recite the whole spec sheet, if you like. Should You Sell Soft or Hard? Selling styles may be divided into two broad categories: soft sell and hard sell. Soft sell is more conversational in tone than hard sell. It is a style that pulls the customer, gently, toward a close. But the joy of a new relationship drove me (quite literally) to act without abandon and throw me off all the other commitments I'd made or things I had planned on working on. It was something to obsess over. It was something I chose to knock me off my center. THE OKAYNESS OF FLEETING JOY Many days I can access joy, but sometimes only for a few hours or even moments. For example, once, in a three-hour state of joy, I remembered that this WILL ALSO PASS, and this is not sad. It is to be celebrated, just as we apply the saying THIS TOO SHALL PASS to all the sad hard days, the good days will also pass. Right on by. Back to the big sad, the discomfort.

This realization also reminded me that I always reemerge--even if just for a moment. Make the same six recipes until you feel confident in them. Start Small Don't be embarrassed about starting with the basics of, say, cooking pasta. Ask the Magic Question Meal prep in the morning so you're not rushed in the evening and can focus on the process. Live in the Season Lean into your little kids being underfoot. Also, go for summer burgers and winter stews. Build the Right Routines Every morning while you're making coffee, remind yourself what you planned for dinner. Once you're settled, start by writing down anything that's currently on your mind. This will allow you to put your issues to one side and help you focus more clearly on the exercise (see `mental minimalism', shown here). Take ten minutes to relax and create some distance from your everyday stuff; Once you feel more relaxed, ask yourself three simple questions: Am I happy with what I have achieved this week? Did I take as many timeouts as I had planned to? What can I do in the upcoming week to make my timeouts happen? Your answers will reveal whether you've let your deadlines interfere with the time spent on nothing, and will help you set your intentions for the week ahead. Niksen Anytime

Some days it can be hard to find space for a quiet, gentle moment, because time is simply not on your side. Self-Hypnosis Deep Relaxation I forgot to tell me how much, once they know how to relax their lives properly, how easy their lives will become. Self-hypnosis includes teaching you how to reach a natural state of increased awareness so that your thoughts are open to suggestions and changes that are beneficial to you. Our wide variety of self-hypnosis recordings will take you on a deep, creative relaxation journey. They can help you set goals and personal improvement goals. They can use their resources to make positive and lasting changes to help improve your life. But most importantly, they can help you experience deep relaxation. Hypnosis is not about losing control. Hypnosis is a safe and natural position of mind that allows you to gain inner information, attitudes, and feelings about life so that you can enhance or change them as needed. Once you can relax comfortably, you can increase self-confidence, concentrate more efficiently, improve memory, sleep well, change eating habits, overcome fear, get rid of patterns, and usually be happier with yourself. If left untreated hypothyroidism can lead to many complications. These include heart problems, nerve injury, infertility and in severe cases, death (Madhusoodanan, 2019). Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) occurs when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism can accelerate your body's metabolism, causing unintentional weight loss and a rapid or irregular heartbeat (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Thyroid disease is associated with bipolar disorder and can actually cause bipolar symptoms as well as diabetes. Anyone who is bipolar should get his or her thyroid checked. There is a simple blood test that measures the amount of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in the body. Thyroid medicine can correct either a hypothyroid or hyperthyroid condition, both of which can mimic the symptoms of bipolar disorder (Chakrabarti, 2011), (Bocchetta, 2016), (Hage, 2011). Back in 2001, eight years after my first bipolar episode, my psychiatrist ordered a thyroid test as part of my regularly scheduled blood test to check my Lithium level.

The results of the test showed that I have a hypothyroid condition, and I have been taking Levothyroxine on a daily basis ever since. Hard sell, in contrast, pushes the prospect, headlong, to a close. Which approach is better? This depends on the nature of the four major variables of any sales situation:1. The perceived character of the seller The skill of the seller The needs and desires of the buyer The intrinsic desirability--quality and value--of the product or service In general, the more sophisticated these four variables are, the more appropriate is the soft sell approach. The simpler these variables, the more likely it is that a hard sell will produce results. YOUR SCRIPTS: MAKING COLD CALLS It wasn't to put a damper on my joy, but to just look it in the face and say, Yes: I see you, you have returned! I know you will leave me again, but if I study you and pay sweet attention, I'll know it's you again when you inevitably return. JOY AVOIDANCE I often say, I don't have writer's block, I have a SITTING-DOWN-to-write block. But I love to write. It's my second-favorite thing to do, right after teaching dance class. Which is another thing I do fewer than ten times a year. So take note of this pattern--find it within yourself. When I sit down to write, with my snacks and my spicy water, my ambient music blasting, spirit flows through me and the words get written.

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