In many situations, your anxiety needs assistance from its fellow emotions. When you're focused on a job or a deadline is looming, your anxiety may need the support of other emotions to help you do your best work. We'll explore these emotional pairings throughout this article, and as you learn to identify and befriend your emotions, you won't be thrown when they show up together. When your emotions are your friends, they won't feel like a pile-up. In fact, you may welcome them all because they each contain a unique form of genius. The more the merrier! Learn how to channel your emotions skillfully and appropriately. Many of us have only two options when an emotion (or a group of emotions) arises: we can express them outwardly or repress them inwardly. Expression and repression can take many forms, but they have one thing in common: both responses tend to throw the energy of emotions away. Let's look at the expression and repression of anger, which helps you set boundaries around what's important to you and relay that information to others. When I first found out that caregiver weight gain was a thing, I was quite relieved. Maybe then I could blame the extra 10 to 15 pounds I'd been carrying around on my caring for my mom. Gaining 10 or even 20 pounds is very common for people while they're on a caregiving journey. The stress of it all can lead to emotional eating and poor food choices. I know I've been guilty of stress and emotional eating in general, and more so when I was caring for Mom. Sometimes I'd grab junk food or overeat without thinking about it. Even though I knew better, unless it was convenient and tasty (no offense to the tofu lovers out there, but sometimes I need a bit more zing to my food) I often cut corners in the nutritional eating department. One thing that helped me get better at this was simply paying more attention to my food choices. I also paid closer attention to portion size, especially on days when I wasn't able to get in my swim workout. Another step I took to ensure that I got all the nutrients I needed was to start taking a multivitamin every day.
Poor diet, antibiotics, glyphosate, and other pesticides all damage the microbiome and create health and brain problems that will be detailed later. Brain injuries such as concussions, hits to the head from car accidents, bike accidents, and athletic injuries not only jar the delicate tissues of the brain but can kill neurons. The brain has the consistency of uncooked tofu or soft butter. When an accident throws this delicate structure against the sharp, bony interior of the skull, the result can be brain damage. A single concussion doubles the chance of Alzheimer's. Recent research into chronic traumatic encephalitis (CTE) in football players shows that continual hits to the head are even more likely than concussion to produce brain damage and dementia. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) produced by cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi are damaging to mitochondria by activating voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) within the cell. The brain and nervous system are the most vulnerable to EMF exposure with the highest density of VGCCs in the human body. When VGCCs are exposed to EMFs, these channels open up so that about a million calcium ions per second flow through each channel, flooding the cell with calcium, draining magnesium, damaging free radicals, and producing high levels of inflammation. The mitochondria of the brain, heart, and testes are the most vulnerable to EMFs. Sift through hundreds of pictures culled from the decades, and you, too, may uncover an enlightening hairstyle retrospective. Yes, I found photos with criminally bad haircuts that I wanted to rip up. But the process was incredibly valuable, because there was one constant in all the good haircuts, and it was -- you guessed it -- bangs. After discussing this aha moment with Chris Cusano, who cuts my hair at the Red Door Spa at Elizabeth Arden NYC, he confirmed that once you reach a certain age, you look better with bangs. Almost everybody does. TOO OLD: Jillian with no bangs (left) JUST RIGHT: she cut back the years with a quick snip (right) Bangs are a cheap and easy way to chic up your look. They also accentuate the positive and camouflage the negative (a common theme that cuts across many categories). This haircut cure-all hides a large forehead, a wrinkled forehead, or a receding hairline.
Inhale deeply and, as you exhale slowly, smile. Serene Mind Practice This is a great meditation tool for when you or a client is in a stressful state where the mind has got a grip on you and is on repeat. It only takes about three minutes, once you get more comfortable doing it. Close your eyes. Practice conscious breathing for three cycles. Let your exhalation be longer than your inhalation. Recognize the exact emotion that is arising in you (for one minute). Observe the direction of your thinking. Are you obsessed with the past, worried about the future, or grounded in the present? When I first got into empowerment I was also fearful of losing my job, until I realized that you don't lose your job from empowering people; Rather than directing, controlling, and supervising your people like in the old days, you serve as a linking pin between your people and the rest of the organization. What do you mean by linking pin? Sandy explained, Your new role as an empowering manager is coordinating efforts, acquiring resources, strategic planning, working with customers, coaching people, and the like. Everything you do is to help your people be more effective. Now you work for them rather than them working for you. The two leaders sat quietly deep in thought. This was obviously an important issue. Finally, Sandy broke the silence. This new role will become clear to you as you learn more about empowerment.
Then continue what you are doing no matter what the inner critic says and keep diving in. The more aware you are of your inner critic, the less he or she can hurt you. Identify the judge. Once you identified him or her, you will also know what you have to do to get it out of your head. The good news is that the more you work on your self-esteem with affirmations, celebrating your past successes, meditation and other techniques, the lower the voice gets. Lasting self-esteem comes from knowing yourself. Knowing who you really are and accepting it. Don't let your inner Gremlin rob you of your intrinsic goodness, doubt your worth, or your talent. Don't let him sow doubts and chaos in your mind. Don't buy his lies that nobody loves and cares about you. However, when you are ready to let something go, it is amazing how easy it is to release it. Your Day 4 Meditation: A New Decade See a new door opening to a decade of great healing--healing that we have not understood in the past. We are in the process of learning about all the incredible abilities that we have within ourselves. And we are learning to get in touch with those parts of ourselves that have the answers and are there to lead us and guide us in ways that are for our highest good. See this new door opening wide and imagine stepping through it to find healing in many, many different forms, for healing means different things to different people. Some of us have bodies that need healing; So we are open and receptive to the healing that each person needs. We open the door wide for personal growth, and we move through this doorway knowing we are safe. And so it is.
This is influenced by the fact that you are just worried things might not work out as expected. Signs You Are an Overthinker The following are clear indications that you think too much. You might try to deny it, but consider these signs and question yourself whether these are some of the things that you might have experienced. You Overanalyze Everything If you notice that you overanalyze everything around you, then you are certainly an overthinker. This means that you may try to find a deeper meaning in all the experiences that you go through. When meeting new people, instead of engaging in productive communication, you may focus instead on how other people perceive you. Someone could be giving you a particular look and you may make several assumptions just based on that look. Overthinking consumes you. The merit goes to the architects who designed it. If you say look what a beautiful car I have, you are taking credit for an incidental, and certainly not for something that makes you a better human being. What is actually yours, then? The proper use, through your considerate judgment, of what life loans to you. You have a nice car. What are you going to do with it that is helpful to the human cosmopolis? You have a nice house. Are you going to open it up to friends and neighbors, are you going to make it the nest of a thriving family? Those and only those are the sorts of things that make you a good human being, and of which you should be proud. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON a cruise?
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