Tuesday 27 October 2020

The brainy benefits of spending time in nature

Good friends respect our boundaries, our likes and dislikes. Friends admire our potential and want to see us grow and succeed. Praise, encouragement, and appreciation are given easily. They are able to give realistic guidance when you ask for it because they know you and have sensible ideas. How tiresome is it to check your phone 20 times a day while pouring your heart out to a friend over text? Relieve your thumbs, neck, and attention span and give that person a call! Make time for meaningful interactions with the people who make time for you. Pick one person you frequently text and give them a call to check in, catch up, and let them know you care. Be sure to set aside enough time for a meaningful conversation or offer to arrange a time that works for both of you. Your phone call might also be a great time to practice other exercises from this article. Who did you call today? How did this phone call benefit your relationship? If applicable: What other exercise did you practice during your phone call? What happened? Because the test is rapid, actually taking less than 10 seconds, it is possible to process an enormous amount of information about a variety of matters in a very short time. The numerical scale elicited spontaneously from test subjects ranges from the value of mere physical existence at 1; Responses in the form of simple yes-or-no answers determine the calibration of the subject. For example, If just being alive is one, then the power of Love is over 200? With repeated testing--using either individuals or groups--a consistent scale emerged, which correlates well with human experience, history, and common opinion, as well as the findings of psychology, sociology, psychoanalysis, philosophy, medicine, and the famous Great Chain of Being. It also correlates quite precisely with perennial philosophy's strata of consciousness.

The tester must be cautious, however, realizing that the answers to some questions may be quite disturbing to the subject. The technique must not be used irresponsibly, and the tester must always respect the subject's willingness to participate; In clinical situations, a personal question is never posed to the test subject unless it is pertinent to a therapeutic purpose. It is possible, though, to pose a question that precludes personal involvement on the part of the test subject, who then functions merely as an indicator for the purposes of calibration research. A person capable of being a good friend is essentially optimistic. To sum up, Ann, one of my clients, used the following question to evaluate potential new friends or groups she was considering joining. After spending some time with these individuals, she would mentally ask herself: Does this feel right to me? Is this where I am supposed to be? She always got her answer by the way she felt. Fake It Until You Make It If you are to become who you were meant to be, finding the right community is essential for another reason as well. The people we are around tend to rub off on us. You may have noticed this if you have had to spend a great deal of time around someone who is negative and complains a lot. Most of us do not have invincible armor that protects us from such negativity and hopelessness in the attitudes of others. Share in wonder The overwhelm of routine and responsibility can lead you to forget about or lose interest in the world around you. Acknowledging and appreciating the beauty in your surroundings gives you a fresh perspective of gratitude and wonder. This practice also plays a major role in cultivating personal fulfillment. Go on a local adventure with a friend and search for three things that bring you joy, wonder, or fulfillment. Look for cool events, natural wonders, local art, or something the two of you have in common.

You can even pretend that you're tourists who have just set foot in your city, town, or neighborhood. Check online reviews, ask locals what places are worth seeing, or simply walk around and create your own adventure. Have fun and make a day of it! Write your three wonders below. The test response is independent of the subject's actual physical strength. It is frequently dumbfounding to well-muscled athletes when they go just as weak as anyone else in response to a noxious stimulus. The tester may well be a frail woman who weighs less than 100 pounds, and the subject may be a professional football player who weighs more than 200, but the test results will be the same, as she puts down his powerful arm with a mere two fingers. Differing calibrations may be obtained over time or by different investigators for a variety of reasons: situations, people, politics, policies, and attitudes change over time. Unless a specific scale is used as reference, the numbers obtained will be arbitrary. All calibrations in this article were made in reference to the Map of Consciousness. For instance: On a scale of 1 to 1,000, where 700 represents Enlightenment, this _______ calibrates at _______. If a specific scale is not specified, testers may get astounding numbers over 1,000 and progressively higher numbers with subsequent tests. On this scale, no person who ever existed on this planet calibrated over 1,000, the calibration of all the great Avatars. People tend to use different sensory modalities when they hold something in mind--that is, visual, sensory, auditory, or feeling. It is nice to think that we could choose not to be affected by this kind of draining influence, but misery loves company and will keep on wearing you down until you provide it! Being the social beings we are, we form an emotional network with the people we spend the most time with and those bonds either lift us up or pull us down. By being with other people who want the same things you do or who can model what you want to become, you are giving yourself a head start toward getting there. Jennie, a group member, expressed her hopelessness about ever being able to be assertive in a committee meeting, something that was very necessary for her line of work. She had always been shy, and had no idea how to hold her own with more extroverted colleagues in her new job. I asked her a simple question: Have you ever known someone who seemed to find it easy to speak up in committee meetings?

Jennie did, of course, and I told her to secretly pretend she was that person next time she went into a meeting. My suggestion surprised Jennie because she viewed it as a kind of dishonesty or cheating. We had a very productive group session that evening talking about how we learn any new skill: usually it is in the form of copying someone else. The way we laugh, cut our meat, or make up our beds were all patterned after what we saw someone else do. How did this exercise help you connect to your surroundings? What was it like to share your joy or wonder with someone else? How does searching for what you want to see make you more ready to find it? Play your part Throughout this article, you've found and created multiple opportunities to make the world shine brighter through kindness and gratitude. Now it's time to scale your efforts and abilities by reaching even deeper into your powerful inner wisdom and potential. You have an important gift to share with the world that only you can give, and you share this gift by being aware of and aligned with your true self. Aligning with what makes you authentically you is how you improve the world inside you and around you. Make time to connect with your true self today. First, identify when or where you feel most open, aware, aligned, and/or peaceful. Your mother could therefore be how she looked, felt, sounded, and so on; One can specify context and stick to a prevailing modality. The same team using the same technique will get results that are internally consistent. Expertise develops with practice. The best attitude is one of clinical detachment, posing a statement with the prefix statement: In the name of the highest good, ______________ calibrates as true. The contextualization in the highest good increases accuracy, because it transcends self-serving personal interest and motives.

There are some people, however, who are incapable of a scientific, detached attitude and unable to be objective, and for whom the kinesiologic method will therefore not be accurate. Dedication and intention to the truth have to be given priority over personal opinions and trying to prove them as being right. Approximately 10 percent of the population is not able to use the kinesiologic testing technique for as-yet-unknown reasons. The test is accurate only if the test subjects themselves calibrate over 200 and the intention of the use of the test is integrous and also calibrates over 200. My dad walked onto the stage in the high-school gymnasium carrying a cut-out of a tombstone. A giant of a man in a grey suit, he looked out at the rows and rows of students assembled: his students, the young men and women at the school where he was principal, the adolescents he hoped to inspire and lead toward opportunity and success. My dad stood on that stage in his grey suit, looking for all the world like Morgan Freeman in the movie Lean on Me--I swear, looking back, I can almost hear Axl Rose belting out Welcome to the Jungle. Because that's how I still see him, my dad: staring down any rough elements, wanting to be everything he could be to those kids. He was up there, larger than life, showing no sign of the strain of running a large school. His face bore no hint of his worries for his students' prospects. He looked at those hundreds of young people with their whole lives stretched out before them, and he waved that tombstone, and he shouted out, in a voice that filled the gym: What's the most important part of this? I was in middle school, maybe twelve years old, hanging around at his high school for the day, as I often did when there was a PA day at my own school in Scarborough, Ontario. It wasn't unusual for me, on such a day, to find myself in a gym full of high schoolers. My dad was one of those principals who liked holding assemblies: he really liked bringing his kids together. There is no reason that we should stop copying who and what we admire just because we grew up. Mimic, borrow, pretend to be someone else, and add to your identity. This does not mean that you are being false or untrue to yourself. It only means that you are increasing your range of behaviors and adding to your effectiveness in dealing with the world and other people. Your core self, who you were meant to be, cannot be changed, but the accessories can. Adding necessary skills and bits of identity from others you admire adds to your basic self, giving it more polish and richness, and broadens your genius.

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