Thursday, 29 October 2020

Use the Science of Deliberate Practice to Dominate

If you don't feel able to accept all four points, if you have doubts about what you're about to do, it means that you haven't understood something and you need to go back and re-read it until you do. Does that mean if you want an after-photo bathroom in your home, one of us is right and the other is wrong? Definitely not. It's easy to get sucked into what matters to someone else, but it has no bearing on what matters to you. Remember, choosing what matters to you doesn't make you better or worse than someone who chooses differently. Now let's look at some other examples of how essentializing works in real life. Essentializing Case Study #1: Getting Dressed Since I don't know you or your closet, I'll use my own as an example. First, I need to name what matters about getting dressed. That's easy--I want to easily choose clothes that make me feel like myself. It matters that the decision is effortless and that the first outfit I try is the one I end up wearing. They feel fear (or doubt, or self-pity) just like the next person. But they decide not to let it stop them. Another Coaching Moment I tried Amy Baltzell's steps in a small way one day when Elizabeth, who was six at the time, told me she was scared to go to soccer because she'd missed the previous week's practice. I immediately thought of Baltzell's advice and said, That's totally normal to feel nervous. Next, I reminded her that all of the running and playing she'd been doing during her time off would serve her well. Then I asked her what moves she remembered from last soccer practice, and she started listing them off. I didn't ask her what she's specifically nervous about because I could already hear the confidence rising in her voice. She ended up having a super practice!

A Third Coaching Moment Enhances the mood and overall well-being of the body The Influence of Meditation Many well-known celebrities in China like to meditate to calm their brains and infect positive emotions. As we all know, Chen Kuhn successfully got rid of depression by meditation. He said: If it weren't for meditation, meditating, I would have lost at Vanity Fair. Chen has been over 40 years old and still has an elegant posture and a moving temperament. She said: In recent years, I have been practicing meditation to help my mind recover and regulate the circulatory system of the body, and my temperament and posture have become better and better. In the United States, Google, Intel, Apple, and other companies also provide free meditation courses for employees, which regards as the key to successful innovation. More than 20 million people have regarded meditation as the most effective treatment to relieve stress and mental fatigue. Of the 200 world leaders, more than 80% have the habit of doing meditation exercises every day. People experiencing hypomania are able to carry on with their day-to-day lives and don't lose touch with reality. Keep in mind that hypomania can escalate to full-blown mania or be followed by a major depressive episode. Common Symptoms of Hypomania: Having a higher or happier mood than usual Higher sense of irritability or rude behavior Feeling overconfident Higher activity or energy levels than usual without a clear cause A powerful feeling of physical and mental well-being Being much more sociable and/or talkative than usual (Mayo Clinic, 2020)

When most people think of bipolar disorder, they think of the manic side. I don't know how it happened, but I have lost your request and documentation. Do you have any copies? TOM: Well . I have a copy of the expense form, but I didn't make copies of the documentation. Well, I really screwed up, and I'm sorry. This is what I propose to do. Give me the copy of the form. I will reimburse you out of petty cash immediately, and I'll submit the copy to accounting with an explanation that I have misplaced the documentation and have initiated a search. I'm really sorry to hang you up like this. TOM: I'll get that copy to you right away. Don't be downhearted. A lot of people get to this stage and feel unsure about something. It nearly always turns out to be just a small detail that they haven't quite grasped. All it takes is to go back and read it again, and you suddenly understand. To help you identify any gaps you feel need filling, we've supplied a prompt at the end of this article. Take a look at the code word, RATIONALIZED, on article 212. Go through each item and ask yourself: If you have any doubts, reread the relevant articles as listed. Stopping with the way is not difficult.

All you need to do is follow the instructions and you will succeed. Second, I need to remove what gets in the way. For me, this includes excess choice, clothes that don't fit well, and clothes that aren't exactly my style. Third, I need to keep only the essentials, which include all my favorite black, white, and denim clothing. I don't feel like myself when I wear color. Give me pre-Oz Kansas, please. Now my closet and the process of getting dressed are essentialized. I've identified what matters to me and have made my environment match that by keeping only what's essential and getting rid of everything else. Here's what's great. If having lots of clothing options matters to you because you love to creatively express yourself through what you wear, your essential closet will look different from mine, and it should. Don't assume essential means minimal, especially if you love a big closet filled with choices. When my girls were younger, they would see something in someone else that they too wanted to have or do--like the ability to ride bikes no-handed, move up a reading level in class, or even get a new haircut. Instead of feeling jealousy or casting negative energy upon that person, they quite surprisingly took it as the clear message that that thing, that achievement, or that quality was something they could and should have or do. They were able to honestly compliment that person and move on, as if to say, Thank you very much for inspiring me to go for it, too! Several years ago, Elizabeth finally learned a trick on the monkey bars that Margaret had been able to do but she couldn't. Since she was so used to hearing my confidence sound bites, she said to me, Look, Mom, I can finally do the monkey bars like Maggie. I was so jealous of her, but that's just because it was something I wanted to do, too! It becomes so much harder for us to do this as we grow up, but, if we can, we must remind ourselves that jealousy is just a signpost of what's next for us in life. FAIL FORWARD If parents want

Most folks have heard the term growth mindset, popularized by Stanford professor and researcher Carol Dweck. Meditation Will Have a Different World Scientists have revealed that the essence of all things in the universe is energy. We are all energy bodies composed of particles. Everything in the world is influencing and manipulating each other. Power is the cause of all things. All the material reality you see is just the concentrated state of cosmic energy. At low frequencies, it appears as a material form, at high frequencies, it seems like a light, or it is invisible. In this world, the visibility of our eyes is between 380-780. There are very many hidden things. The power of hidden things is far better than the things that can see. However, depression is the far more common and more damaging of the two poles. In the euphoria of mania, people rarely choose to intentionally harm themselves. In a deep depression, however, self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts and actions are far too common (Dome, 2020). Depression is a form of reversible brain failure. When someone is depressed, it's like their mental computer processing unit isn't working properly. As a result, focusing on a single idea or task is very difficult. Depression intrudes on their mind and fills it with negative thoughts. When depressed, individuals with bipolar illness may stay in bed all day, feeling that they cannot get going (Dome, 2020). Depressive symptoms may include dreariness, extreme pessimism, hopelessness, and lack of focus.

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