Monday, 19 October 2020

What is one goal you are going to achieve in the next seven days?

The only way you can truly Level Up the results that you achieve with your clients, your business and, ultimately, your career is by taking committed action each and every day. At every point in this article, I have provided you with challenging questions in the hope that you'll recognise the importance of progress, the importance of challenge, and the importance of having a clear vision of where you want to get to with your business and your life. There are some people who will always get to certain points in their career and complain that they're not where they want to be. They will look to blame others, and they refuse to take accountability for their lack of progress. Then, there are others who wake up every day with the intention of making progress at every opportunity. They know that their level of success is ultimately down to the sum of their actions. I'm sure you can think of someone you've observed professionally over the last few years who has progressed at a fast pace - someone who has produced result after result with their clients - and you can see their business and reputation growing week after week. I bet you've asked yourself time and again, `What are they doing that I'm not? These are professionals who apply a principle that I call purposeful coaching. A purposeful coach coaches with the intention of achieving results with every single one of their clients. As you and the client prioritize agenda items, ask yourself: Which agenda item is most important to discuss first? How much time will each agenda item take? How many items can we discuss? Are there any goals or issues the client could resolve alone or with someone else, or bring up at another session? As you and the client review the Action Plan, ask yourself: When was the client at his best in relation to his goal(s) in the past week? How much of the Action Plan did the client do? What obstacles or challenges, if any, got in the way? Was the Action Plan useful? If not, why not? What did the client learn from the Action Plan?

Remember the Buddha wanted us to be happy with what is! He didn't want us to crave. If you can feel the same with or without the things, or how good having your desire would make you feel now, then it will be yours. The Resonation Realm cannot help but get to work, finding you things that will match the frequency of what you're communicating, and there's no reason whatever that your desire shouldn't be yours. I doubt someone with bad intentions would be reading a spiritual article but, just in case you were wondering what happens to people who have wicked intentions towards others in their thoughtlings, making the Resonation Realm send them ways in which they can carry out those intentions, unpreferable things will happen to them too. You create the universe you want to live in. If you wish to create a world where you can cause harm to others, then that's the kind of world you will create for yourself. The fact is, for whatever it is we desire, we want the feeling the desired thing would give us. For example, we want to feel free, loved, liberated, happy, content and secure. Sometimes we think that by getting stuff, we will obtain these kinds of joys, but the Buddha knew that just getting `stuff', whatever that stuff may be, won't do that. Remind them regularly, it's important to obey their teacher in a crisis. Q: HOW DO I HELP MY KIDS BE READY FOR SCHOOL DRILLS WITHOUT SCARING THEM? A: Sometimes when you don't know what to say, it's tempting to say nothing. But not talking about potentially frightening topics won't relieve a child's anxiety. And be sure to check your own anxiety at the door before you have a discussion. Kids can sense how you feel and the vibe they get from you determines whether or not they believe your words. Be calm, confident and competent and you will teach your children to be calm, confident and competent. Talk with your kids about the types of drills they may have at school and why they have them. Be sure to select your words carefully. Don't be too vague but don't be overly dramatic either.

They are performing their coaching with the intention of developing a reputation for their craft. It doesn't matter who their clients are, what struggles they're facing, how complex their goal or how new they are to the coaching process - every part of the delivery of their coaching is centred around progress. The word `purpose' means `with a sense of determination'. Often the reason why your clients aren't making progress is because you're not acting out every part of your day and week with purpose, with the intention of progressing every part of your fitness business. If you applied everything that I have covered in this article so far, just think how much further you would be in your career and how much better your clients would be doing. Remember: this article isn't about standing still, it's about Levelling Up, and to achieve the level of progress that I know you want, you have to act out every day with purpose . My whole career has been purposeful, and that's linked to the vision that I created at the start of my career - the one in which I wanted to have a reputation in the fitness industry. I knew that to get there I had to commit to a lot of education, coach at the highest level at all times, and act out every day like I was heading in that direction. To get to where you want to be, you're going to have to do the same. I know what it's like to have your first client at 5. What did the client conclude about her experiences and about herself? How much does the client agree with the therapy notes from last week [and previous weeks, if still relevant]? Which Action Plan items [if any] would be beneficial for the client to continue in the coming week? How, if at all, should we modify the Action Plan we create today to make it more effective? As you and the client discuss the first agenda item, ask yourself questions in four areas: Defining the Issue or Goal What is the specific issue or goal the client wants to work on? How does this issue or goal fit into my overall conceptualization of the client? Devising a Strategy What has the client already done to try to resolve the issue or reach the goal? What would I do if I were in the client's position and had this issue or goal?

It may work for a while, sure, until it is taken or withers away, then we feel worse because of the loss. How comforting would it be if we could feel brilliant with or without the stuff? Much more than having the sofa or car you want since they are just material objects. Even the love you'd attract won't be repelled by your desperation and would, therefore, last longer. The best kind of love is the one where you still feel free. All the Buddha wanted was to point to the moon, the moon being the best way to live to cease suffering by seeing the real nature of things. His words were to enable people to see that happiness comes from within, first and always. If you were consistently happy, then how could things not fly to you? Even the things the Buddha didn't want himself (like notoriety and his Dharma to made into a religion) couldn't be kept away with a radiant mind such as his. He just wanted to make people feel content. Make sure they understand just because the school has a plan to handle an emergency scenario doesn't mean it definitely will happen. Point out the things your kids do to stay safe everyday, like wear seat belts in the car or helmets on a bike. Emphasize that like those safety precautions, the action they take during a drill is to keep them safe and practicing helps them to remember what to do just in case. Then, listen to your children. Find out what teachers and friends have told them about each drill. Clear up any misconceptions. Also, ask about what they are feeling. When they tell you about their fears, acknowledge them. Avoid saying things like you don't need to feel that way. Instead you might say something like, It's okay to feel this way.

I did it for over fifteen years. I know what it's like to feel tired at certain points of the day. But if you have somewhere that you want to get to, this is what it takes. You have to check in with yourself at every part of each day and ask yourself if you're delivering a high enough level of coaching. Has anything changed between your first session and your fifth? Is there anything that you can do to step your game up? If you are working with online clients, have you started to get lazy with your check ins and could you be delivering a higher level of service for your clients? A coach who is acting with purpose will have developed an internal check-in system. If you start to feel lost at any stage of your career, this is often where your motivation will waver, your standards will start to slip, and you'll feel the energy that you're putting into your coaching slowing down. You've lost your sense of direction, and this can have a negative impact on your business and your career. Do we need to do problem solving? What cognitions might interfere with problem solving, carrying out a solution, or making progress toward the goal? Choosing Techniques What specifically am I trying to accomplish as we discuss this agenda item? Which techniques have worked well for this client [or for similar clients] in the past? Which techniques have not worked well? Which technique should I try first? How will I evaluate its effectiveness? Will I employ the technique or employ it and teach it to the client? Monitoring the Process

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