Monday, 19 October 2020

What are you going to achieve in the next 14 days?

If having desired things would make you feel content, as long as while not having them you still felt content, then how can that not be part of the Dharma? Some people think if they don't complain, or don't state out loud what they're not happy with, that the universe will believe they are satisfied with what they've got and not send them any more. They don't appreciate what they've got, in case that's all they'll ever get. They think if they are content, then that will be it forever. This is craving in disguise and inherently wrong-- the more content and happy you are, the more you will have to be content and happy about. We have all come here with unique gifts, talents, and qualities, and we are growth seeking beings, interconnected, working together and bouncing off of one another. We make the world go round through our interdependence and connection with one another. Recognise the feeling of pure desire. It's that fresh, eager, delicious feeling-- the one filled with excitement at its prospect. Craving has a sense of lack attached to it. Then remind your children of the safety measures the school has in place. And since you can't be there, always let the teachers know about your children's anxiety, so they can coach your kids through the drill experience. Be Ready on Vacation Unfortunately, emergencies don't take vacations. They can happen any time any where, even during your fun-filled holiday. Whether you are taking a short day-trip or a week long tour, the right supplies and a little planning could make a huge difference in how your family fares if your getaway goes bad. PACK A TRAVEL SIZE EMERGENCY KIT No matter where you are going or how you'll get there, never leave for a trip without a travel size emergency kit. Your kit should include the basic emergency essentials, extra supplies, copies of important documents and for peace of mind, consider adding a hotel security gadget. BASIC EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS

This is why I place such a strong focus on the Personal sections of Level Up ; When you go back over the `Creating a clear vision' section in the Personal part of this article, look at every part of your day from now on. Are you acting with purpose? Do your daily actions, your level of effort and the level of detail that you put into coaching each of your clients match the vision that you have for yourself and for your business? In the majority of cases, when you check back in with yourself and realign yourself with your vision and mission, you'll find a whole new level of energy. It's only at this point that you will be able to deliver a high level of purposeful coaching. Take time right now to do a 360 degrees of excellence check in. Ask yourself: Am I growing as a person? Am I developing a better reputation? To what degree are we working together as a team? Is the client having interfering automatic thoughts about himself, this intervention, our therapy, me, the future? Is the client's mood improving? How well is this technique working? Should I try something else? Will we finish discussion of this agenda item in time? If not, should I suggest continuing this item and curtailing or eliminating discussion of another item? What Action Plan might be beneficial? What should we record for the client to review at home? Following discussion of the first agenda item, ask yourself: How is the client feeling now?

It often comes with a timestamp too. Also, when people are envious of other people getting what they want, it means they are craving those things (or sometimes unconsciously feel unworthy of receiving them) and don't purely desire them. The Buddha wanted us not to suffer, but he also wanted all beings to be happy, joyful and content. The fact is, he was the one who realised the concept of our thoughts creating things, long before the Law of Attraction made an appearance. This concept and the tools he gave us to create the perfect feelings in our hearts and hence radiate thoughtlings into the cosmos, is more logical than the Law of Attraction, and is so brilliant that he even tells us not to believe his Dharma if it doesn't agree with our own logic! The Buddha taught that every action by way of body, speech, and mind has karmic results or reactions. He explained that wholesome and unwholesome actions will produce results and effects that correspond with the nature of that action, logically. Here's some more logic he delved into: All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded in our thoughts; If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage. If you're traveling by car, your Get- Home Bag will have your basic emergency supplies covered. Depending on travel distance and number of people, you may need to pack more supplies. For other methods of travel be sure to pack a flashlight, a mini first aid kit, a solar or battery powered cell phone charger, a list of emergency contact phone numbers, meal replacement bars, water, water purification tablets and a portable water filter. EXTRA SUPPLIES If someone in your family takes prescription medicine bring extra medication. And if you're traveling with a baby, pack extra baby formula and supplies. Be sure to keep prescription medicine on you and not in your luggage, especially if traveling by air. COPIES OF IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Make a copy of your driver's license, the front and back of credit cards and health insurance cards. If you're traveling out of the country, make a copy of your passport.

Are my results where I want them to be? Is my business growing ? This is your opportunity to start creating an action plan for your education, your physical development and the progression of your coaching. From this part of the article, what areas have you identified that need the most work? Create a list and get ready to start taking action. In the Physical sections of this article, I have covered anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and human behaviour, nutrition, and hormones. These are five areas that I see as crucial for any coach when it comes to developing your education and progressing your career. I could have gone into more detail about weight-loss principles, body building, strength training or cardiovascular fitness, but these are more specialist areas. Some coaches focus on what they're passionate about (such as bodybuilding) and don't study the areas that will help all their clients. As a coach, you need to understand anatomy and biomechanics, as you're working with the human body and delivering exercise programming. Do I need to do anything to reestablish rapport? How much time is left in the session? Do we have time for another agenda item? What should we do next? Before closing the session, ask yourself: Did we make progress? Is the client feeling better? Is the client committed and highly likely to do the Action Plan we agreed on? In addition to asking for feedback, do I need to probe for any negative reactions [that the client hasn't expressed]? If there is negative feedback, how should I address it? After the session, you ask yourself: How should I refine my conceptualization?

All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded in our thoughts; If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. One who delights in earnestness, who looks with fear on thoughtlessness, moves about like fire, burning all fetters, small or large. He is able who thinks he is able! The mind is everything. What you think you become. Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace. You are your own master; Heck, Tony Robins could have written that last one! Sometimes I think some of these quotes would have been helped if they said thoughtlings instead of just thought. If your wallet gets stolen, it will be easier to cancel credit cards and issue replacements of your identification if you have the information. Unless you're vacationing at a remote location, scan the copies and email the files to yourself so you don't have to carry the confidential paperwork around with you. If you needed access to the files, you can get on the internet and retrieve them. For extra backup, it's also not a bad idea to leave paper copies behind with a friend or family member. HOTEL SECURITY GADGETS If you plan on staying in a hotel, you can beef up the security in your room with a variety of gadgets, such as portable alarms and door locks, personal safes and laptop locks. I'm a fan of door wedge alarms, like SABRE's Gatekeeper Door Stop Alarm (www. The wedge slides under the door, making it more difficult to open from the outside. It also has an 120 decibel alarm that sounds when it's moved to alert you of a possible intruder. BEFORE YOU LEAVE

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